Give Biden your guns? the perils of a state monopoly on violence
COVID Mania exposed the dangers of government power.
Joe Biden will reportedly address the nation tonight as part of his administration’s continuing assault on Americans’ Second Amendment rights.
[I’ll be discussing this issue on my free Callin podcast today at 3pm ET, 12PT!]

According to reports, the president intends on leveraging the horrific tragedies in Uvalde, Texas and elsewhere in order to convince you that it’s a good idea to allow for the government to obtain a monopoly on violence.
History tells us that it’s never a good time to give up your right to defend yourself against hostile individuals and rogue regimes.
All of the worst genocides in modern history were committed by governments with a monopoly on violence. See, for example, Nazi Germany, and the communist regimes of the 20th century, with the Soviet Union and Communist China racking up a citizen body count in the tens of millions.

In my view, this is largely a political stunt by the people in charge at 1600 Penn who order around our President Biden. They know there will be no successful gun grab legislation because tens of millions of Americans aren’t going to put up with their authoritarian nonsense.
Following the authoritarian insanity that was COVID Mania, more and more Americans have become aware of the reality that few if any of our federal legislators care much for the Constitution. The Second Amendment is there to protect all of our other rights and to give the government an incentive to stay out of our pockets and off of our property. Without it, we are Aussies, Kiwis, and the Chinese civilians of the last two years, who, without notice, can be hauled away to COVID camps based on nothing but the whims of rabid bureaucrats. All humans possess *unalienable* rights, and the The Second Amendment protects our unalienable rights
In my view, Team Biden’s idea here is to offer some kind of “common sense” gun grab proposal, have Republicans reject such a proposal, and then hold that rejection up as evidence that right wing extremists and the NRA control an entire political party, yada yada yada. And it will all be perfectly timed to make a last ditch effort to boost turnout and manifest a political rebound before November.
I’ll be discussing this issue on my free Callin podcast today at 3pm ET, 12PT!
Also, the Biden regime would rather have you stop talking about the ongoing economic crisis in America, featuring inflation, monetary debasement, and the continually declining standard of living. Americans, however, aren’t going to be bamboozled so easily once more. COVID Mania was one thing, but the inflation bomb is becoming too big to miss.
I saw a great tweet, maybe Jordan retweeted, I can't remember, but the person said before Covid they were open to logical gun reform. Now they believe we should all be able to own an A-10. An A-10 is pretty much a jet wrapped around a giant gatling gun. I could not agree more. Covid showed all of us just how important the 2nd Amendment really is. Thank you Jordan!
“Worlds so-called leaders are actors performing in One Giant Scripted PSYOP " We are NOW 2 years into a 5-year plan for the TOTAL DESTRUCTION of the SOCIETY using Global Plandemics, Wars, Economic Collapse, and FOOD SHORTAGES."