At the SF Chronicle someone casually commented "at least we are not like Florida with 4x the death rate". I replied in the comments with the exact deaths / 1M numbers from worldometers, and further pointed out that this is before stratifying by age and Florida has many more old people. My comment was censored by the Chronicle. There are a huge number of people in blue states whose mental wellbeing depends on believing lies about Florida.

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The problem is that they are not mentally well. Had someone claim that quoting an article from the magazine Science talking about a peer-reviewed published study was "misinformation". Merely quoting science is misinformation. They ain't well in the head, to say the least.

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Oct 18, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Spent four months in Sarasota County last winter. Unless one believed the media, life was splendidly normal. Most folks we met supported Ron. There were others but most supported him. I credit him with many things but perhaps most continuing civility. No one was vaxxed vs. unvaxxed or masked vs. unmasked. Businesses were open and free to request masks or not. Customers were then free to go in or not. Do need to say, though, that the Newsbreak I receive from Forida is one DiSantis hit piece after another.

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Oct 18, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Living in Florida I see first hand the disdain some of the lunatics have for the governor and puzzled as to why they just don't relocate to a blue state. Why? I ask myself over and over. My answer is they are banking on Ron to lose next year and sadly it's a safe bet.

2019 was no slam dunk for Ron, in fact one car load of illegal ballots would've resulted in mass hysteria here due to the senior population. The anti Ron crowd having a vast superiority vocally because of... you guessed it! The media. Us good ole boys may have some serious business to tend to if we wish to remain free.

Hey! New Yorker! You made your bed, don't mess up mine. Stay put in the shithole you created, we don't want or need your delusional politics!

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All I have to say about that is, after all he's done, if he does not win in an absolute landslide, if he actually loses, Floridians will deserve what they get. But I refuse to believe that to be impossible.

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I'm just pointing out how narrow the margin actually is here. Non residents constantly refer to Florida as Red, it's purple. Also consider a couple of months before the last election the opponent was caught with Crack, hookers and stoned on a dirty ass motel room floor. It was broadcasting 24/7 and yet the margin was as small as I ever saw here.

To add, who knows how many illegals were placed here.

DeSantis did immediately Crack down in palm beach county regarding the voting fiasco, so that will help his run I'm sure.

Time will tell.

Ty for the article.

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Oct 18, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

I'm in one of the 28 states that banned vaxx passes. Caught Covid and got better. I have a sense of satisfaction that it's over and wasn't that bad. (No worse than pneumonia.)

My friend caught it and recovered physically. But not psychologically. Been a year. Double vaxxed, double masked. Not catching Covid is the center of her life now. She is frightened and furious that she even caught it. It just shows how different interpretations on life events can effect our response.

She needs to ditch her idiot box.

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Oct 18, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Best Governor in America hands down.

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Great article. Thank you for including the examples of presstitute hypocrisy. It needs to be continually pointed out.

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