This is the podcast election. The best candidates will have long form conversations on podcasts. Cable news debates are dumb food fights.

Insane how Republicans are not speaking up about a Christian Armenian genocide that the Biden administration is complicit in: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/artsakh-christian-armenian-genocide-azerbaijan

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The latest Trump-slayer Nimarata Randhawa, aka, Nikki Haley, is a ghoulish Dr. Strangelove figure. Who imagines the Cold War 'Mutually Assured Destruction' (MAD) strategy not as deterrence, but as a working goal. She believes a nuclear war can be started and won. The deaths of millions as collateral damage being necessary to achieve her idea of a greater good.

She is an evil, demonic figure. Who must never come anywhere near the nuclear codes. She'll be the death of us all. Nimarata Randhawa is a Kamsa, an asura, a danava. The curious can look up what those are. Not good. Her lineage.

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I got a text on my phone today from Nikki Haley. I'm not registered repulican so what is THAT about? The BORG Collective is overextending themselves or is it Self? Anyway, I wrote a choice comment and added STOP. Gak! She's the absolute worst.

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Nimarata Randhawa. Nimarata Randhawa. Nimarata Randhawa. Nimarata Randhawa. Nimarata Randhawa. Nimarata Randhawa. Nimarata Randhawa. Nimarata Randhawa.

It takes practice to get it to roll off the tongue. But once you get it it's easy. Retraining the mind to know her real name first, have to translate to know her fake, assumed name. I want to know the real Nimarata Randhawa. The Kamsa. The Asura. The Danava. No phony non-threatening name for her. I won't give the power of my words to her.

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Sep 30, 2023
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PS - reading some of your stack, I know you fancy yourself a good writer, but it's quite pathetic and idiotic. There's a reason nobody likes, reads and responds to it, much less subscribes to you. Crawl back under your rock and marinate in more wasted human joy goo.

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Hi Sweetheart. Little Miss Nimarata, you precocious little thing, Yours truly, The Captain, slept with your mommy before she had you. Yes, I used her birth canal before you did. But I'm sure you met some of my DNA on the way out, took a bath in it. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to protect you from the stupid DNA your mommy slept with after me that made you as dumb as you are. But I just thought I'd remind you that bathed in the remnants of my joyful explosion. So close to being smart you were. But your mommy was too promiscuous for my liking, one and done, like the many there before and after me. Nice try, Nimarata Randhawa. Once a Kamsa, an asura, a danava always a Kamsa, an asura, a danava. Oh, your face is still kinda sticky. A little bit of me goes a long way! Yes, your whole life has been an accident, including your conception.

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Agree. The obamaites don’t care about Muslim crimes!

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Yep. The debate was ruined in the first 60 seconds. "Candidates will have one minute to answer."

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Thank you for bringing that up. America ignored the first Armenian genocide in early 20th century, and we are ignoring the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict now. Most of Azerbaijan used to be Armenian until the filthy ottoman Turks came along. So was most of turkey for that matter. I pray for the Armenians every night. Christian’s since 301AD, and they’ve been persecuted for most of their 1800 years as Christian’s.

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I haven’t watched a debate in over a decade. I only saw the highlights of 2016. The yelling over each other, makes it completely unwatchable

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Sep 28, 2023
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Christian genocide is virtually ignored by the West.

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Sep 28, 2023
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This comment section is for folks who have more than two digit IQs. Go back to mommy’s basement.

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I thought you were just rude, but, in fact, you are evil.

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Yes fool. Read the history of the Armenian genocide and the Armenian people. You are probably clutching your pearls over that demon Zelensky and his Ukrainian/Russian war and I bet you wring your hands over the muslim Uighurs in china but no one gives a rats caboose about Christian’s being persecuted. Get lost.

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Does anyone know what "non-sectarian " means? All SCA said was that they are against genocide of any kind, anyway, that's how I read it.

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it matters because Christian genocides are approved by the lizards. Lip service to other genocides but never a mention about Christian genocide.

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Sep 29, 2023
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If only your detractors here would take a trip through the dictionary rather than trip over one, they might find themselves agreeing with you. Word-play is a challenge for some.

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Sep 30, 2023
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Not me! I'm a Catholic convert...and no, not the voodoo kind of Catholic either. LOL

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It was terrible moderating. I didn’t think it was possible to make Bret Bair look good, but they succeeded in this. Who came up with their horrible questions? A lot of them felt like gotcha questions... designed to cause conflict versus bringing any clarity on issues. Just another sign of how far Fox News has fallen. Lastly, how on earth were there zero questions about election security and integrity????

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Probably has something to do with fox ‘s bizarre settlement with dominion

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I figured but why didn’t candidates bring it up?!?

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Sep 28, 2023
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Nothing they say on that stage matters if election fraud is allowed to happen again.

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I didn't watch it all, but the part I did see wasn't any better than the first food fight. The entire lot of them are inconsequential also-rans. Not one could stand the pressures of the presidency. They don't appear to be any better than Biden.

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Follow the money... Larry Fink is behind the questions and FNC motivation in general. What have you done to raise your ESG Score today?

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Dana worked for a globalist in the White House. This is just another day at the Met.

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GOP Speaker Kevin McCarthy's BFF and roommate GOP messaging consultant and pollster Frank Luntz. On Chelsea Clinton's podcast. With the Obama administration's Behavioral Science (psychological mind-farkery propagandist) Team Director, Maya Shankar, who's been Google's Chief Global Behavioral Scientist (algorithms to censor and propagandize for desired effect) since Obama left office, a Council on Foreign Relations member and behavioral science panelist, co-author of the UN's Behavioural Insights in Achieving Agenda 2030 (be happy owning nothing eating bugs).

Behavioural Science being The Science (TM) of masking and the pandemic mandates, The Science of Totalitarianism as described by the UK Guardian in 2021, practiced by the WHO's Chief Scientist Jeremy Farrar and Chief Behavioural Scientist Susan Mitchie, both avid, rigid proud totalitarian self-proclaimed Marxists.


Marxists, Communists, Fascists. Totalitarians. Who have more hatred for individual liberty and freedom the US Constitution enshrines, American Patriots than they do for dictators and tyrants, across the world and in their opposing party leadership. Hitler and Stalin had a Pact with Secret Protocols. Both declaring individual liberty and freedom, true capitalism (not the crony variety) their mutual enemy. Only broken because of greed, ego and distrust, not disagreement on the philosophies of the governance (rule) of man.

Changing Minds (with Maya Shankar and Frank Luntz)

In Fact with Chelsea Clinton


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The cockroaches are coming out in “the dark”. Turn on the LIGHT ✝️🌞!

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Fox is no different than any other “news” site. They all get the same talking points from the 3 or 4 news aggregators but with slight variations. Just slight enough to appease their specific audiences. Don’t believe any of them. As for the political class, they will be no hope. If anything will change it will have to be local, starting with each individual. They are bought or compromised in one form or another. Probably should get real prayed up.

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Wow. Fantastic find!! Not too surprised though. She will defend the Bush’s and the Iraq War until her last dying breath. Saw her true colors over the years on Fox.

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The illusion of choice...

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And the Soros owned Univision plant, Calderon. I’ve never seen anything remotely so dystopian . Bizarre. Surreal. Hideous.

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Dana perino is dead to me. Hillary Clinton? Seriously?

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Great find Jordan. UniParty and Trump is smart to not show up for the race for 2nd place.

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Thanks for doing the sleuthing for us Jordan.

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How Trump Filled the Swamp: The Corbett Report


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I have given up on Fox News but still held out high regards for some of the individuals there. Dana Perino was one of those but sounds like she is another sell out. Disappointing but not surprising.

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The nerve of these maniacs to even discuss journalism and its role.

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Interesting; CGI also means computer generated imagery. Which is what I would hope the Clinton Global Initiative turns into. Or maybe I should refer to it by what its name SHOULD be: Clinton Crime Family Foundation Forum.

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