Feb 9, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

As a lifelong Florida resident, I continue to look back at what could have been if Andrew Gillum and his crack and male prostitute addiction was elected. I still can't believe it was as close as it was, and we would be locked down right now. Thank you Governor Desantis for keeping Florida open. Desantis 2024!

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Your state makes the lockdown/mask zealots furious. I was poking fun at one saying how we need to hide home or everyone will die. Told her everyone in Georgia and Florida was already dead from Covid and offered to sell her real estate jokingly.

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I live in Lakeland (Central Florida) and I have yet to wear a mask in Publix, Walmart, Lowe's, Home Depot, etc. I wear one when I see my doctor because he requires it and, out of respect for my pastor, I wear one to church (which, btw, has been in-person since before Thanksgiving). No one has bothered me about not wearing a mask or asked me why I choose not to. Tomorrow my wife and I are meeting friends at a restaurant for some BBQ. We have America's Sheriff, Grady Judd, America's Governor, Ron DeSantis, no state income tax, the Lightning, Rays, and Bucs, and it was 81 outside today. Florida is open, but if you come, leave your stupid and foolish California/New York values there. We like here. If we wanted to be there, we wouldn't be here.

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"Florida is open, but if you come, leave your stupid and foolish California/New York values there. We like here. If we wanted to be there, we wouldn't be here." - Hear, hear! Please check your progressive values at the door - or better yet, stay in your crappy tyrannical blue state and leave us Floridians the hell alone!

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Well said! Our Lowe's here in Northwest Florida does not require a mask and our Winn-Dixie ask you to wear one but if you don't it's okay. I belong to a gym that does not require a mask and we haven't had one break out in our gym since last June when it opened up. I am a huge fan of your sheriff and I watch him often online at his press conferences.

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Thanks, Jordan, for offering some good news.

Not to be a total Debby Downer, however, I can't really see Florida as a "beacon of liberty" if businesses are still allowed to enforce mask wearing, etc. Of course, I don't know the state's constitution as well as I know California's constitution, but here in Cali, it is against the law for businesses to enforce these measures (even though most businesses ARE doing so). I have been fighting this since last spring and will continue to defend our inalienable rights that are upheld in written man-made laws.

I am appalled that formerly friendly, cool shops like Trader Joe's are acting like the mask Stasi. Their latest BS sign outside the store says their reason for enforcing mask wearing is "due to limited capacity.” Capacity of what? Brain space? My God. Every building on the planet has “limited capacity”: it’s called four walls, a ceiling, and a floor. Sure, here in the US, OSHA and the Fire Marshal set limits on the number of people that can safely be in one building at any given time. Seems like a reasonable law to me. But please tell me WTF does “limited capacity” have to do with making people (unlawfully) wear face masks? Come on, TJ’s, your legal team is out on a long, weak limb here.

We all need to stand up to this "apparent" lack of logic and reason, which isn't lacking at all: It actually stems from the century-long, sick & twisted agenda of a bunch of psychopathic criminals and their puppets in "public" office. They've extorted our time and money to pay for this perverted plan, and now they're coming for our souls.

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I live north of Tampa, and back on June 23 our county commissioner put a mask "Order" in place. I have yet to wear a mask. Nobody gives me a second take anymore. Even Trader Joe's, the only one in Tampa, let's me in without a mask. Coscto changed their policy, so now we're members at Sam's club, and we don't wear masks there, and it's not an issue. The real problem is Americans wearing useless masks when they don't have to. Our liberty can be taken only if we give it away.

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Mike, that's fabulous that you haven't yet worn the identity-concealing, self-suffocating Satanic ritual humiliation/conversion muzzle! Same here (but I did stop shopping at stores that are posing as [non-law] enforcement). My husband and I were able to shop bare-faced at TJ's here in north San Luis Obispo county until December, when the "captain," manager, and a crew member stood in front of me, blocking my free movement, and put their hands on my shopping cart to immobilize it. These are egregious violations of the law. I have sent letters to TJ's store "captain" and managers who continue to violate my inalienable rights, and even sent copies of the same letter to the regional VP and the legal counsel, to no avail. Governor Nuisance in Sacramento is obviously one of the dark occultists' favorite puppets (and he can't hide his "duper's delight" whenever cracking down on us Californians). I will continue to do what I can to defend our Creator-given rights, whether or not some fearful, compliant, mind-controlled people refuse to claim them!

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Because private property, the basis for our individuality, still means something in this country, if a private business owner wants to restrict his business based on almost any reason, can do so. You can then choose not to enter their private property again if you wish.

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Jay, I agree that businesses are considered privately owned. However, when any business gets a license from the state to operate, it is considered a "public accommodation" which must, based on Civil Rights law, provide "free and equal access" to the public. The owners may restrict entry to someone they deem an imminent threat to safety—for example, a person threateningly brandishing a weapon, behavior which is against the law. But in order to restrict entry to someone because they are feared "dangerous to health" due to an illness (in this case, we are assuming COVID), the owners would have to attain a legal restraining order, which means going before a judge and making the case that the person in question is indeed an imminent threat. This would likely result in the judge 1) throwing out the case because there has been no precedent set regarding the restriction of entry due to a flu-like illness, or 2) ordering the person to be medically cleared (or not, as the case may be) by a doctor. The second option is highly unlikely.

Either way, so-called "private" businesses must follow their states' laws, which are clearly defined in each constitution. I have done my research and find that every one of these "mandates" is UNLAWFUL and therefore cruel, regardless of whether or not businesses and individual people are stupidly adhering to them.

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Must get businesses to stop the unconstitutional mask orders...but also get people to stop taking the injurious and deadly vax that is not a vax but rather permanently damaging mRNA genetic chemotherapy.

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Veritas: I say Yes! to stopping the unconstitutional mask order and other unlawful mandates! This is within our rights as individuals and well-organized groups. Unfortunately, we cannot force others to refuse the horrible mRNA vaxxes because they have free will, just as we have the choice to not subject our Divine body/mind/spirit beings to such a horror.

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If people are restricted from using any pharmaceutical without a prescription, they can and should be legally restrained, at last, from receiving harmful mRNA genetic chemotherapy injections at will. Hold it as a vision against all odds ! :-)

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Good analogy! I bet one of the thousands of lawsuits going on behind the scenes is dealing with this legal ramification!

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My Trader Joe's in SW Florida lets me pass freely sans mask after I explain that I will not mask up.

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Priscilla, I am happy for you! I have not been that fortunate, as my local TJ's store continues to joyfully REFUSE my free and equal access to their goods and services, even though my husband and I went bare-faced into the store until early December when some kind of MACHINE MIND got installed there.

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I am not hesitant to complain to store general managers or corporate regarding manners toward patrons. One boorish TJs employee raised his hand to my face ordering me to halt--rather militaristically--as I entered the store a week ago. His manager got an earful of recitation of normal business protocols for communication--like hands in face not OK :)

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Priscilla, You've apparently got some inner power that I haven't mastered. Also, Florida's governor has lifted the "mandates" and it is widely known, whereas here in Commiefornia, the Nuisance is doubling down whenever he can and people and businesses are freaking the F**K out. Meanwhile, I'll keep working on my spiritual warrior skills.

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I can't even imagine what it's like. What county?

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San Luis Obispo (SLO) county. It's small and very rural except for the city of SLO which has a state university. Total pop ~284,000. The county is divided geographically into North (mostly rural/wine country with two 30K cities) and South (SLO, Cal State Univ, beach towns) by what we call "The Grade," a mountain pass. Gov Nuisance lumped us in with Southern Cali, which means Los Angeles and their 15 million people. You can feel the dark occult vibes.

I will say, however, that there are a few businesses defying the "mandates," and we patronize them frequently (although I heard Alcohol Beverage Control is starting to crack down on local bars/restaurants, but how they are getting away with that, I have no flipping idea). So far, no one has mask-harassed us at our local farmers market, a couple of health food stores, and our favorite coffee shop.

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I am sorry to post this off topic but this may be the most eye opening 21 minutes of your life! Capitol hill video babbit fake fake fake. They all actors


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Spoken like a true RINO. Congrats. Steadfast in what? Florida is still packed with costly and dangerous illegals, and still relies on red flag laws and Common Core in all but name. So, this is what you have planned for the nation sometime? Another Jeb!

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A governor doesn't control our international border. Common core is a federal requirement.

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A beacon of sanity and common sense. Refuse to live in fear, or you will be easily controlled and subjugated.

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I was born in Florida in 1939. Last time there was decades ago since most of my life was probably in California. Good state to avoid in 2021.

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I meant that California is a good state to avoid in 2021. Florida sounds promising.

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We relocated from Michigan last June. COVID restrictions played the largest part in that. Best decision ever. Never thought I’d live it Florida. Couldn’t not be happier I am!

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Good move, Beth. I left Michigan for the Southeast years ago. Love the entire region. Have been in Florida for a few years now and absolutely love living here. Our Guv is great.

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Biden and his illegitimate government can do anything it wants, we are now simply going to nullify anything he does in red states. We are nullifying their BS covid scamdemic restrictions, their gun laws and anything else they come up with.

We outnumber you lefties. We outgun you lefties. If you want to fight about it, bring it. Otherwise cry all you want but we are just ignoring your illegitimate government and its illegitimate laws.

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Wearing a mask is as effective as putting up a chain fence to keep mosquitoes out. Too bad we don’t insist on wearing a mask to cover the unsightly bare a$$ we are subjected to out in public!! Governor DeSantis has done a phenomenal job... proud to have him as our governor!! I think we should post a billboard at the state line though... Go Red or Go Back Home... we have enough swamp already!!

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😂 amen!

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Please don't attempt to drag in more northerners to our fine state. We are still cleaning up after the 3 carpet bagger governors who got into office via those kind of transient homeowners/visitors. We each only have one go 'round on this planet. Why make it miserable for we southerners? Northerners.....go elsewhere.

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Ron DeSantis — my early choice for President 2024.

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I'm not a lifelong Florida resident but moved here 14 years ago and made it my home. Best decision I made. I have friends and relatives in lockdown states. I can hardly believe the hardships they are enduring, not over safety precautions over the so called pandemic, but over draconian and unreasonable measures enacted by their power hungry elected officials supposedly for their safety but in reality so the officials can take more power and control over a population with no end in sight. Mainstream news services are puppets who just follow the script they are given for that news cycle. I stopped listening to them some time ago, another best decision. I applaud Gov. DeSantis for having the courage to stand up to those who would cause more harm by shutting down than staying open, (do the research this has been proven), and encourage him to stay the course. He is a truly great governor.

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Gov. DeSantis = the best governor in the US...the world! CV19 is a curable-overnight flu with a 99.9+% recovery rate. Thousands of MDs have 100% cure rates. No vax needed, even per Pfizer CEO and WHO. PCR Test cannot diagnose anything per its inventor, Nobel Prize-winning biochemist Kary Mullis PhD, who says Fauci is a fraud. WHO's Dr. Briand admits the seasonal flus, pneumonias & heart-disease deaths that mysteriously didn't occur in 2020 were replaced with the moniker "covid". CDC overall mortality stats show no excess death in 2020 in the US, relative to 2016-2019, so there exists no epidemic. Some areas of the world and the US had almost zero covid, so there exists no pandemic. TV/Radio liars must go before a tribunal for treason and grave injury to the US public!

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Weird how many people WANT to spend the rest of their lives in isolation. Apparently Science has proven that you don't need human contact or food to live. (The latter is coming. Soon.)

Pretty lonely myself. But I'd say the majority prefers permanent semi isolation.

The Left loves misery. They hate human smiles and contact. Man have they gotten weird.

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Me and my family (spouse and 4 kids) are looking into permanently moving to Florida. The scariest part is the fact that it is all down to one person to “allow” millions their natural rights. What if he loses the next time?

The FL legislature really needs to work fast to ensure no governor has that power.

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He'll win...except if he runs for President in 2024 and wins...

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