All vaccines are POISONS. There was NO Pandemic

" Put simply, there has been no pandemic. There was the normal range of illnesses in the early part of 2020 as in any other year. What was different about 2020 was that all governments, lead by the WHO, engaged in coordinated lying to their citizens...The materials that are being called “covid19 vaccines” are obviously not vaccines. Note, there has been no pandemic."

Dr. Mike Yeadon: Introductory Statement About Serious Crimes


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Kuldorff is a good man, although as you say, misguided. There are NO safe vaccines, especially the childhood ones he still believes in. Vaccine safety and effectiveness is one of the major lies taught in medical school.

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Do you know who is the most famous Hillsdale College alum?? Bill Priestep—the FBI agent who initiated Crossfire Hurricane. Make sure you keep sending those donations.

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The difference between the U.S. Government and the Mafia is that the Mafia is not woke.

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Endgame: GMO HUMANS. Plus depopulation.

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The Real Fascists.

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Pig pharma and the truth are always at opposite ends of the spectrum. It can be no other way. If Pig pharma ever told the truth, even one time, they would go out of business in a flash. That's how dangerous all their drugs are.

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Thank you, Jordan, for writing another excellent comment. Post it on Twitter and the Brownstone Institute's portal for greater coverage.

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He calls for an end to Harvard’s C19 vaccine mandates in his piece but they ended on March 5th. He must have missed that in my feed @NCM4Ever for our group. No College Mandate.

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Not content to be besmirched by rampant plagiarism, Harvard decides to further erode its crumbling reputation by firing a rare specimen: a scientist with integrity.


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Awake O sleeper and smell…

LuciPfizer's Venomous Turbo Cancer & Lesser Magic Cast from the Altar of NFL Stupor Baal LVIII


What’s not to believe? https://peter70x7.substack.com/p/whats-not-to-believe

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will link to this in my next academic scandal roundup

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"Misguided" by his own hubris. I saw a fascinating article by an Aussie Pathophysiologist in early 2020 explaining very eloquently the way respiratory viruses invade the human body. He even detailed the most prevalent pathway via the eyes. He then concluded that we should all wear face diapers. Proud to be part of the problem, I guess.

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Face diapers.....over our eyes, since that is the most prevalent pathway into the body for the infection.

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Stop calling them vaccines; they’re transfections that are wholly inappropriate for use in humans or other organisms that will not be sacrificed for experimental purposes.

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I have listened to him explain his reaction in 2020 to the initial “pandemic” noise, and, unfortunately it didn’t set off the same response in him that I had. He, like most of the medical community, was too thoroughly groomed by big harma to recall basic biology regarding “spread,” and he certainly should have pushed back on transfecting the world. The fight for the right must be mounted early, and it’s getting late.

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There was a study out of Denmark I believe, which showed the J&J shots as having a mortality BENEFIT. Those rotten injections simply had to be stopped.

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