He should be given the Presidential Medal of Freedom

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Three cheers!

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Unfortunately, those medals don’t seem to exist anymore. Maybe in ‘24

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Let’s hope .

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Unfortunately, that will never happen under Sleazy Joe's regime.

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Funny how we make movies like Schindler's List to commemorate going against the powerful and immoral, yet when push comes to shove we charge people who do it in real life.

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It’s because we are still in the Nazi regime. History will remember him well,

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The jews=bolshevik=communist they're all the same. The communist won WWll. Hitler was a anti- communist, anti-freemason, anti-globalist. Hitler was the biggest threat to the international jewish banking cartel since (at least 200 years)it began. Hitler and the national socialist developed an economic system that literally shut out the jew based usery system. This was their sin. This system based the currency on human labor. That put power back in the hands of the common man! The Hitler myth programed into the public's mind doesn't exist. I'm happy to say that myth is crumbling.

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I agree the Communists won World War II. I don't think Hitler was a populist hero, but I do agree Stalin made him look like a boy scout. Truth is the first and final casualty in any war.

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It's difficult for most people to understand who Hitler was because what is protrayed is a different Hitler than the facts. Most Americans have a very shallow view of history and world events and that is to some extent the failure of the communist education system. He was the biggest threat to those who control the world today and then.

His government created an economic system based on human labor as the currency. That would have toppled the ruling class of at least the last 200 years. They never talk about that. You do the work you'll find the truth.

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Jan 27, 2023
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yes, i agree. john is very, very smart.

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‘Nazi’ is a Jewish term fabricated by Jewish American Konrad Heiden as WWII war propaganda, derived from Ashkenazi Jew. language; Yiddish the jew konrad heiden, in relation to national socialism, has invented and created the anti-german slur "nazi" out of the words national socialists. it is a german play of words. NA for NAtional, ZI for soZI which is german slang for socialist/socialists. he also invented the term "nazi-germany" to stir up the american people against the german empire, after he fled to america in the early 1930s and again, worked for the jew-press just like he did in the weimarer republik in the 1920s

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We most certainly aren’t in a “Nazi regime”. If “Nazis” had any institutional power, we wouldn’t be allowed to criticize them.

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Try getting a job after criticizing the woke Nazis in public.

And you are definitely not allowed to criticize them on Twitter, even after Elon bought it. I just got banned from Twitter for stating this fact: "Trans is mental illness."

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Jan 27, 2023
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I lived in USSR...this is not a "Bolshevik" regime...this is satanism...and dude...stop your nonsense about big bad "Jews"...there are as many bad goyims as jews pushing the agenda...

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You not expert.

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I agree. Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are not Jewish, but super-evil globalists.

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Jan 27, 2023Edited
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Fuck you goim

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Jan 27, 2023
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Jan 27, 2023
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let us suppose that is true: they were atheistic, non-observant Jews doing their best to please their goy masters. These are your favorite kind of Jews! As if you'd actually support a noble hero like Meir Kahane!

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Jan 27, 2023
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You're a creep! Everyone here can see it!

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Jan 27, 2023
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Wow. Keep posting your love letters to Hitler. I'm sure people will love it!

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patently idiotic. For one, the reich and allies killed plenty of poor Jews that owned little. For two, numerous countries cleansed and killed their Jews and it doesn't result in wealth or power. It results in fascism and a general dearth of creative thought. They killed Jews for the same reason the ancient Greeks and Romans did so--because Mosaic law is all about liberating regular people from the lying fascist elites that you worship.

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Jan 27, 2023
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except that the Torah is about the liberated slave movement of the Jews, and the laws that protect workers. You're a lickspittle for all fascist nazi leaders at all points in time, be they ancient Greece, WWII Reich, or CIA nazi shill whores.

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Jan 27, 2023
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Operation paperclip

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You are brave!

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shindlers list is pure fiction.

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I made that same point on Twitter and got absolutely reamed for it, with people going,

"Haha, look at these nutty anti-vaxxers comparing themselves to Holocaust victims."

These people don't understand nuance. I stand by what I said.

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it was part of their textbook of government-backed slanders to use against us. The psychological trauma is the same. For many people, and particularly many institutions, that I know (the ones that demanded 'to see papers'), I want little to do with any of them ever again.

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Schindler's List helps the modern day nazis gloat and bloviate as though they would not have supported the nazis of the 40s, even though they would have done NOTHING to help Jews or anyone else.

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The best thing about covid is figuring out that a bunch of what I thought were decent people would have turned in Anne Frank and then bragged about it on social media.

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exactly. I'll forever live out my days with a (milder) form of the same sort of apathetic disconnect that many holocaust survivors had. How am I supposed to rejoice at my local synagogue when it was asking for 'vaccine papers' and demanding that the uninjected wear masks? Screw them. But I will say that in every major city, the truly observant synagogues (orthodox/chabad) put their trust in God and did not care about vaccine status. Zev Zelenko was representative of this group.

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I remember when the mayor (or governor? maybe both) of NY was literally accusing Jews of spreading disease around the city.............

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ann frank is fiction. written by her father in ball point pen which didn't exist at the time.

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shindler's list is pure fiction and is all the other hollowcaust stories.

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Personally, I think it’s because the majority would rather just hide their heads in the sand. Go along to get along. Only brave in their heart of hearts. Admiring him for what they are not.

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I had that exact same thought.

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and the good Doctor didn't rape any of the Mom's...like Shindler did...

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Jan 27, 2023
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oiy vey, they jood me.

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my thoughts exactly :)

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Jan 26, 2023
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True, but Schindler didn't exactly tell the Nazis what he was up to, either.

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that would have been suicide commander, and not helped any of the people whose lives he saved.

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* checks in on thread…

“Wow. This became a dumpster fire.”

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A real headline

Dr didn’t break his oath of Office.

Kept integrity and saved children.

Feds prosecute a Dr for saving lives .

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Agree completely. This Dr can explain why he did exactly what and whenz. completely according all a doctor swore to do and nothing more nothing less.

Like to know how the FED is going to explain what they were doing, on which grounds and to whose sake they acted....

I hope when the feds loose, they are the ones who go to jail inherently

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All the murderers must be charged. Feds too.

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the courtroom proceedings must be nationally televised...I hope he gets a great lawyer...

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Ouch, that was painful!

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May God Bless this man and surround him and his team with angels every step of the way.

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Feds always go for the good guys because the Feds are the bad guys.

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It is really some kind of shoking event every time you thougt way too

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A true Doctor who lives up to the Hippocratic Oath "FIRST DO NO HARM". God bless him. I wish I as on that Jury.

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Why don't we just get together and call ourselves an institute (Paul Simon) and give the man the medal he deserves?

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Ideally they could get some of the big name attorneys that have been working in this sphere (Thomas Renz, Aaron Siri, etc.) and they could use this to gain discovery evidence of the government conspiracy and real facts around the harms and risks of these products. As much as these prosecutions (persecutions?) are egregious they could be a net benefit for the cause if leveraged correctly.

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Like one of the good German’s who hid and helped Jews escape. History will remember him well.

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It is constitutional to resist tyranny!

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Hero. How did the Feds find out? Undercover or somebody snitched?

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I would bet on the snitch option.

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Have the same question - how did they find out?

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A Parent?

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Most likely a parent told a “friend” of this opportunity, and that “friend” snitched.

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Her name is ‘Karen’

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Would be a hell of thing if jury nullification happens.

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"What's that?" -- Me playing dumb to try to get onto the jury

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The guy is a hero. Let’s do crowdfunding to give him the best legal support money can buy.

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I’d pitch in for sure!

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If the Feds were good guys Fauci, Collins,..., would be under arrest. Because they are the bad guys they are prosecuting people like this doctor.

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I wish more doctors had been courageous like Dr Moore

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Dr. Michael Kirk Moore Jr Is a hero. He stood up against tyranny. Follow suit dear reader.

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"You're undermining public trust in the health system," says special agent responsible for lying about everything.

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