Move your assets to strive asset management, they are taking on th ESG behemoth

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If the ESG bosses get what they want, the currency of choice in 20 years will probably be ammo.

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 29, 2022

Sadly, bullets may be of little good against the invisible weapons.

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The energy weapons? Or starvation and freezing?

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All of the above but I was thinking energy + nano + 5G and up.

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I suspect a underground 4GW movement exploding in their faces.

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we'll find ways around that by burning wood and we'll stop them with bullets

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IF ESG gets what they want, buying guns and ammo will immediately be the problem. Biden's pushing for a digital currency that is not anonymous - that means no buying anything for an ailing Grandma for her. No buying guns, ammo. No donating to Republican causes. How about this - no buying soda or junk food or booze? Australia is already "there." Canada now has Chinese police stations....WTF?

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New York City has chinese police stations too....

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Oct 2, 2022·edited Oct 2, 2022

the digital dollar wont get far and wouldnt work if theres no power due to renewables. and we can get around ESG by either using gold as currency, stealing or bartering. and that digital dollar would become worthless too

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It won't take nearly that long

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Better be sooner than that.

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Thank you. I’ve contacted them already. ESG is criminal

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I went to DRLL. Will consider other ETF's

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Does my unsecured debt count as assets?

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Don't know, but Biden wants taxes on unrealized income. Have stock? Didn't sell any? - well too bad - you pay taxes on it all anyway. BIG GUY wants that.

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Absolutely not going to comply! This is COMMUNISM!

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Stakeholder capitalism. It's basically the worst parts of capitalism and communism all in one.

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Private companies protecting themselves from possible financial risk is “communism” now? Nut case.

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A political pollster called me last night. After a few introductory questions, he asked me if I would be voting for the Democratic or Republican candidate in a particular race. I told him, "I'll never vote for another Democrat as long as I live." He then told me he had enough information and would not need to continue the survey.

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This is totally expected. Tyranny knows no bounds. Until we destroy them. Patriots know what to do.

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It’s called treason. The fed reserve has no right to do this. These actions bypass law and the constitution. Wake up America

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So they can't predict inflation 6 months out, but climate expertise is within their wheelhouse?

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Do you not understand the concept of scenario planning? Get off the computer and work for any company and you would understand how important it is to attempt to see how different possible futures would effect your business.

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I have my own company. Macroeconomic conditions are infinitely more relevant than vague notions about the weather.

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Yeah they’re modelling if the stock market will crash because of an excessively rainy year... use your brain.

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Uh, "James"; these tools are already available; they're called "consultants." We also have "futures" markets where you can hedge; just use your money to take a position, based on "modelling." It's quite a different thing when they're "testing" something to put it into a forcing function, regardless of whether it's wanted. Do you think, the "government" or a panel of "experts" should make the decision from an ivory tower, then dictate it for everyone else? Do you understand the meaning of "dictator"? Do you think that the FED has a great history of being correct? If you do, you are the "outlier." Have you ever heard of the "Black/Scholes model? They were a couple of beauties....

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Are you having a stroke? What’s with all the quotes?

The fact that you think that the Federal Reserve is the “government [...] in an ivory tower” tells me exactly how much you know about this topic.

Let’s just keep pretending there aren’t further risks that we haven’t yet quantified, who cares if the economy tanks anyway, right?

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Sep 30, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

Yay, more GIGO models steering the economy.

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“Writes about data”.

Oh, the irony.

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Scenario planning top down is sinister.

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The King's new clothing, a total load of imaginary nonsensical insane idiocy, that completely ignores all objective factual arguments that totally refute every idiotic claim and prediction that these ludicrous woke clowns put forward.

Global warming was clearly disproved, so let's change the name to Climate change, how convenient. Covers everything but again it's based on highly flawed, selectively choice data, that all ignore opposing facts and data that make the WEF claims just a load of ideological nonsense, perfect for the closed minded Leftist woke mob.

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I am 68 years old and the climate has been changing every day for the last 68 years. These people are lunatics.

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Yes you are right, but they are dangerous lunatics with a mission and using climate change to help them achieve their goals...

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I'm in the UK where the ESG has already put gas heating and electricity costs up 4x and people can't afford warm homes, while small businesses are going under. Even major chains of pubs are closing premises. Investment in gas and oil has more than halved and now that Biden has ended any possible settlement allowing more cheaper Siberian gas, we're stuffed. Our new King Charlie has collaborated with ESG and said we must have s military campaign to save the planet. He's as mad as that Swedish brat.

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Sorry to hear such disturbing developemnts, many of which I see mirrored in the German situation, which is projected to have dire results in the next few years.

Has the new little King's acceptance of the ESG IDIOCY made this a policy that will become the norm and accepted or will the New politocal Leader be able to or have the will to oppose this leftist woke insanity?

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Very well articulated. Thank you.

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Followed by Fedcoin or some such lunacy. My social credit score will be in negative numbers, forever.

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Maybe we can be neighbors and have double or triple additive negative scores. 😉😊😋

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I've got a feeling after this winter, the tired, frozen, broke Europeans, of all people, may lead us out of this mess....

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With what? Pocket knives?

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Hahahahahahahaha! If they’re angry enough, mass strikes might get things going. Hell, we’re very well armed here in the US, but we’re sitting on our @sses. We’re comfortable and lazy. We used to lead, now our institutions are so corrupt, wer’re leading in one thing…the race down the drain. Europe is in for an interesting winter. I suspect, in many ways, they’ll blame their leaders and the US…. And they’ll be right. We shall see!

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I think they have 3D printers in the EU. Ghost Guns, all the way...

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Yeah…. But they’ve probably banned all FCGs, etc. necessary for the guts.

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Sep 29, 2022·edited Sep 30, 2022

They Fed has "lagged behind its peers", because the US is one of the most environmentally clean countries in the world.

These tyrants should go talk to India (where they burn cow patties as fuel for their fires EVERYWHERE), or coal, or wood, and have almost NO environmental protections, same as China.

Just take a look online at Beijing on a regular day, everyone wears masks because the air is abominably polluted.

So go talk to them first, and when they catch up to.our level of cleanliness, THEN we can talk.

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🙌 I've said this for years, because I'm a terrible person, "How come our country has to be punished, because other countries won't try and clean themselves up?"

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It’s called ‘redistribution of wealth’... nothing like other countries trying to imitate what is good 😑...but that would mean there would not be these corrupt leaders, etc....so guess that’s never gonna happen.

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Oct 1, 2022·edited Oct 1, 2022

Plus all these so-called "renewables" we're transitioning to would not even exist or be possible if it weren't for the stinky industrial factory that is China where of course they're predominantly made, using... you guessed it - hydrocarbons. Once they 'catch up' to our environmental level who's going to manufacturer the greenie's goods? (whilst claiming our supposed 'net zero' status simply by off-setting the fossil fuel use overseas). If renewables were a legitimate alternative wouldn't China already be using them (to create more)? Granted they've a few token installations to virtue signal but nothing to run the capacity of a country's energy infrastructure. The whole green energy grift is absurd, not to mention the damage we're doing to other countries such as raping Africa of its resources in a futile attempt at reducing consumption (by massively increasing it - and we haven't really got started yet in the whole).

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In other words, no participating major bank will, in this moot trial, agree to finance any energy project that includes oil, coal, or natural gas. Of course, this is just for "play".

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The sad part is many of our democrats in DC want this…it’s not just the FED who want this, our own “elected” officials are traitors too…..show them the door in November or anyone who votes for them are complicit in treason.

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Bank CEOs support investments in US oil and gas theyll oppose that ESG

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No, that’s not what this is about at all. It’s an investigation into how financial instruments would react to different external factors. Try having another read of the statement.

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We get it, James. You're down for the cause.

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We get it Lulu, you can’t read and need to get your opinions from sensationalist dipshits on sub stack.

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I just called the BECU which is a local credit union bank in WA to see if they had any inkling of such a system - as I'd love to ditch Chase, which hoovered up for peanuts my original bank during the credit crisis. But no chance of speaking to anyone such as a manager who might know about these things, especially working in a bank, why would they???? The person I was put thru to hadn't of course heard anything. I suggested it might be useful for her to gen up..

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Yes, chase is one of those on the list

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I know, that's why I want to ditch them - they're one of the worst, if one can differentiate between any of them in terms of evil.

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"enviro statist technocratic tyranny"

Say no more

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My bank is 'helping me keep track of where I spend my money' by accumulating my spends under generic headers such as 'Groceries'. That, of course, lends itself to further levels of splitting down totals according to 'climate affecting' items...

I retaliate by using cash wherever possible and using more than one bank. The credit card comes out only when there is no other way.

What happens in Europe? UK, Germany, France etc. They are pretty well ahead on WEFfer path.

Reserve Bank of Australia has gone bankrupt, they may have other issues at the moment...

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SO depressing. Man, how does the average person stand a chance? Going to vote? Ahahahahahahahahahah!

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Vote Maga or we are doomed...after we take control we blow these people up......forever🇺🇸

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