You can do all the hearings and showmanship under the sun.....but if Republicans don't start getting asset forfeitures and jail sentences for these parasitic swamp scum.....there will always be a long line of replacements for evil like fauci...

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I still can’t believe Trump just allowed the Chinese to unleash a bioweapon into America and took it like the big flappy pussy he is!?!

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Donald is simply “one of them”. Come on, there is no difference in any politician. Its one big club and we ain’t in it!!

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Not a surprise. When the same group is still in control, the replacement is usually WORSE than the one being replaced.

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

A very informative article thank you. Like people have stated, there will be no justice until the emperor is back. All the hearings are theater with no teeth...never vote blue

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That means you voted for Bush/Cheney!! You are a fucking moron!! Lololol!!

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Those are traitorous, anti-American RINOS of the uni-party moron.

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Republicans in Congress voted Lizard Cheney into leadership in January 2021!?! Wtf are you talking about??

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No one that loves their country, likes Liz Cheney or her pos father. My buddy lives in WY…they despise her. And I think the majority that vote Republican despise many that are turncoats in the Republican Party. Both parties are traitors as far as I’m concerned. The freedom to choose and vote is a pile of shit…the uni-party.

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I'm shocked. SHOCKED, I tell you.

Of course our medical system should be controlled by politicians, unaccountable bureaucrats, and foreign interests.

What could possibly go wrong? Go wrong.... GO WRONG!!!

It is past time for Nuremberg 2.0.

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You stole my comment! 😂🤣

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Etienne de La Boetie says we are ruled by intergenerational organized crime. Can’t disagree. Certain families have figured out how to steal the public largesse legally. Someone should make a chart. It’s sheer size might wake people up.

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Read Whitney Webb’s books. She explains it all. And it’s DEEP!

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Bush at the top of the list. Fauci is apparently even in exhibits at his dumbass library.

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Wow! Thanks for the info 🙏🏼

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Follow the money

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Mar 9, 2023·edited Mar 9, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

I call first dibs on this nickname for him: Who Anschluss

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GoF is another tweedle dum fake out term. 20 years ago, they invented SARS CoV-1 that turned out to be next to nothing. About 16-17 years later they invent SARS CoV-2 which has turned out to be just as much of a dud. So where is the gain of function?

It looks to me that all these research labs are just a waste of time. After all that $billions spent, where is the positive outcome that benefits society? These lab clowns can never invent some deadly virus because they would be in its clutches also. They pitter-patter around pretending to be intelligent and important when in reality they are dumber than donuts.

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Ahem. Moderna owns the patent on the nucleotide sequence for the so-said gain of function - the Furin Cleavage Site. And guess who got paid undisclosed royalties from said patents. NIH employees including FlipFlopFraudFauci™️

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In fact GOF experiments have been carried on for years, both in Wuhan and at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; the inescapable evidence is out there to show that an infectious respiratory pathogen(WIV1-COV) was engineered in labs at the UNC in conjunction with pathogenic material from China(Wuhan); the RELEASE was intentional and planned years before as clearly stated in the article, "Sars-like WIV1-COV poised for human emergence" from Sept. 2015!

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Thanks for this good info Jordan.

Meet the new boss, he's the same as the old boss.

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Yeah, but we won’t get fooled again…..

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Hang em high as far as I am concerned. Wearing useless masks? Outside to boot! Disqualifying stupidity. I'd say EVERY tweet post and news story claiming a MAGA participant insurrection now has to be marked fake with actual fact checks.

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You need to ditch the Pangolin troll. He just spreads negativity and wastes your time and ours.

It is past time for Nuremberg 2.0! Covid was genocide.

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Where are all the excess deaths in low natural immunity states like Hawaii and Maine?? And Florida and Arizona continue to have excess deaths even with high natural immunity.

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Garbage out, garbage in. Always the same corrupt types, just switching out names and faces. It's like an endless game of whackamole

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With the threat of our current Weimar economy coming to an ignominious end, it gave me a chuckle to think of all these million/billionaire royal class groveling for food, or better yet a cyanide pill when their vast ill gotten fortunes vaporize, and they are left with nothing and no one to grift from.

Machiavellian thought maybe, but it still made me chuckle.

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Wait a second—do you believe the Chinese bioweapon was dangerous??? Lolololololol!!

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There goes the house.

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