Hospitals got a bonus for using remdesivir af several thousand dollars per patient, so of course it was widely used. Tested next to 3-4 other drugs for Ebola in Kivu, Congo remdesivir had the highest mortalities while it supposedly did better in animals.
I am afraid it is worse than that. The bonus is based on the overall bill at 20% of that figure. So it is important that the hospital keep the patient alive until insurance benefits are almost completely drained, to maximize that bonus.
Well at least you know why she got the job, and it wasn't just for fucking people like kamel-toe
The big-pharma owes her big for pushing remdesivir
Not only did it make big-pharma money but everybody on remdesivir the hospital got a $100K, bonus and a death $1 Mil USD Lotto ticket, so yes remdesivir was the queen of the COVID fuck, and I guess we have found the gal who fits the magic slipper.
When I asked the head nurse of a local hospital how they "handled" Covid, she said, "couldn't have done it without remdesivir". I am very curious how many kidneys were blown out by this worthless, dangerous drug. If I wrote the state asking for the stats on kidney disease occurrence thanks to remdesivir, I am assured they would say "no way". Just another covert scandal well covered up.
Probably if you dug deeper it would be not that the patients were helped by remdesivir, but that her and her hospital hit the lotto jackpot
Now that they're all rich & retired dead are done gone and buried its easy for those covid warriors to say "We would not have done it with the ventilators", done what you might ask,?
To kill all those people" and get the COVID cause of death, death certificates. Worth $100K each or more, ... Imagine the money rolling through the hospitals, must have been an orgy of loot
The article is about Remdesivir and its chief peddler. Why not adapt your poetry to the subject? Then make it rhyme with Rem-des-i-vir or Mar-raz-zo. Btw, Marrazzo = "Italian: probably from a pejorative form of Marra . from the Calabrian dialect word marrazzu ‘butcher's knife’ presumably a metonymic occupational name for a butcher."
Some familiar names, Anthony Fauci and Peter Duesberg. Didn't do a deep dive on others mentioned in it, but there might be more contemporary connections. Marrazzo's focus on AIDS drugs, many other similarities between the toxicological effects of Remdesivir and AZT, just a whole lot of this story rings familiar from the story in the 1980's-1990's to the stories in the 2020's. If history doesn't repeat, it sure does echo. I offer that these stories are not unconnected.
Remdesivir's only claim to fame was that it reduced length of hospital stay which probably means the patients passed away earlier. What a despicable woman. Still pushing the poison in Dec21 when everyone knew how harmful it was.
The greatest horror for Fauci, Marrazzo et al. would be for mainstream doctors and the public to wake up to the fact that without at least 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D, their immune systems cannot work properly. Most people have half or less than this, unless they have recently had a lot of UV-B exposure of ideally white skin and/or have been supplementing vitamin D3 properly for a few months.
"Properly", for 70 kg 154 lb body weight, means about 0.125 mg (5000 IU) vitamin D3 cholecalciferol per day. About 1/4 of the ingested amount is hydroxylated in the liver, in a process which takes, very approximately, 4 days, to become circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D, which is what is measured in "vitamin D" blood tests. This is needed by the kidneys, at a level of at least 20 ng/mL 50 nmol/L, but it is also needed at the higher level by multiple types of immune cells as a compound they need to run their intracrine (inside each cell) and paracrine (to nearby cells) signaling systems. These signaling systems play a crucial role in the ability of each cell to respond to its individual circumstances.
The most direct indication of immune system dysfunction increasing with lower levels of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D - at least regarding bacterial pathogens - is this research from 2013/14 by doctors at a Massachusetts General Hospital which shows the rates of post-operative infections, both hospital acquired and at the surgical site, increasing dramatically the further the pre-operative 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels were below 50 ng/mL. The 770 patients were all morbidly obese and had the same Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery for weight loss.
This is the graph which is at the start of my big vitamin D and the immune system article: where you can links to and discussion of numerous important research articles.
"5000 International Units" sounds like a lot - and it is about 8 times what governments recommend. However, their recommended vitamin D3 intakes are only to support the kidneys' function of maintaining a very low level of calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) in the bloodstream, where it functions as a hormone to regulate calcium-phosphate-bone metabolism. The level of this is ca 0.05 to 0.1 ng/mL. The immune system does not use hormonal signaling and is not substantially affected by this very low, generally stable, level of calcitriol.
Multiple types of immune cell detect a particular, cell-type-specific, external condition and activate their 25-hydroxyvitamin D based intracrine signaling system by generating both "vitamin D receptor" (really calcitriol receptor) molecules in their cytosol, along with the 1-hydroxylase enzyme. The enzyme finds 25-hydroxyvitamin D molecules in the cytosol (assuming there are enough of them, diffused from the bloodstream) and adds a second OH hydroxyl group at the number 1 carbon. The result is calcitriol, which binds to and so activates the "vitamin D receptor" molecule. The bound complex diffuses to the nucleus where it binds to a third molecule and the triple complex than up- and down-regulates the transcriptions of dozens to hundreds of genes. The resulting changes in mRNA molecules going to the cytosol alters the protein production of the cell in ways which change its behaviour. Each type of cell has its own external conditions which activate this intracrine signaling system. Each type has its own specific patterns of which genes are copied to mRNA more or less in the presence of the triple complex.
Paracrine signaling involves the intracellularly generated calcitriol (only in response to the cell having detected a particular condition) diffusing to nearby cells, usually of different types, where it alters their behaviour.
25-hydroxyvitamin D based intracrine and paracrine signaling are crucial to the operation of the immune system. However, most immunologists don't think about these vitamin D3 based compounds from one month to the next. I have two recent release immunology textbooks totaling 1500 densely detailed pages. Neither mention vitamin D3 or the other compounds in their indexes.
"5000 International Units" of vitamin D3 is 1/8 of a milligram. Per day, this is a gram every 22 years. The ex-factory cost of pharma-grade vitamin D3 is about USD$2.50 per gram.
The horror for Fauci - and all the other people in medicine, virology, vaccinology, the pharmaceutical industry etc. - is that the expensive, risky, not very expensive products they are so enthusiastic about are absolutely not the most important thing the public, or most individuals, need to improve their health and protect against numerous acute and chronic diseases. The most important thing is vitamin D3 supplementation to enable everyone to attain at least 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
There is very little vitamin D3 in food or multivitamins. It can be made in the skin, from UV-B exposure to ca. 297 nm light, but this always damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer. Far from the equator, sufficient UV-B is only naturally available on summer days with the Sun high in the sky, with no clothing, glass or sunscreen to block it. Those with black or brown skin need very extensive UV-B exposure to generate sufficient vitamin D3 to meet the needs of their immune system.
Vaccines are widely accorded far too much hope and faith. Likewise highly promoted, patented, supposedly "wonder" drugs and monoclonal antibodies.
It is a scandal that the whole of mainstream medicine proceeds, year after year, to administer these overrated or largely or entirely bogus treatments to a population suffering from profound immune system dysfunction, which could very easily be fixed - at the cost of recognising that these high priests and their special expensive sacraments (especially the penetrative, sacrificial little wound inducing, purifying ritual of taking a *vaccine*) are not what they seem to be.
Multiple companies make 1.25 mg (50,000 IU) vitamin D3 capsules. For children you may want 0.25 mg (10,000 IU) capsules and for infants, vitamin D3 liquid drops. A week or ten days is the maximum time to allow between supplemental intakes (not a "dose" - this is nutrition, not medicine.)
25-hydroxyvitamin D in the bloodstream has a reasonably long half life, once the level is established for a few months so it is equilibrium with some of it being diffused into fatty tissue. The half life is a few weeks at healthy 50 ng/mL levels, and less at higher levels, since there is a self-limiting system which reduces its level the higher the level is.
It is important not to follow the government's low intakes, or their system of recommending amounts based on age group. it is best to decide vitamin D3 supplemental intake quantities as a ratio of body weight. In our Brownstone article we have a table of ranges of ratios, which is simplified from and article by Prof. Sunil Wimalawansa (University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston and Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Jersey) "Rapidly Increasing Serum 25(OH)D Boosts the Immune System, against Infections – Sepsis and COVID-19”:
These ranges of ratios are 70 to 90 IU per day / kilogram bodyweight for those not suffering from obesity, 90 to 130 IU/day per kg BW for those suffering from obesity I or II (BMI 30 to 39) and 140 to 180 IU/day per kg BW for those suffering from obesity III, which means BMI of 40 or above.
I am trying to summarize what I believe you will understand from reading the research I cite. Please read the research and evaluate it yourself - I am an electronic technician and computer programmer.
My wife and I use 50,000 IU capsules from this Arkansas company, who fund long time vitamin D researchers, including two I know: . The large supplement company Now also makes 50,000 IU capsules, along with many other companies who, I think, are not so well known. I suggest keeping them in the fridge, since a bottle of 100 will last you a while.
In Australia, the largest capacity vitamin D capsule which can be sold at ordinary retailers is 0.025 mg 1000 IU. So people here can be surprised if I suggest that Five Thousand International Units is a healthy intake, especially if they have heard and believed the completely false notion that "vitamin D is a hormone". Fortunately, some Australian eBay sellers either don't know, or ignore, the regulations and 50,000 IU capsules can be bought there, as well as via Amazon.
On eBay I just found 100 Bio-Tech Pharmacal 50,000 capsules with free shipping to the USA for USD$24.95. I am 70 kg (154 lb) and take one a week. There is also a little vitamin D3 in multivitamins and 0.025 mg 1000 IU in the 180 microgram vitamin K2 capsules I take one of a day. So I get about 8500 IU a day, which is somewhat above the 4900 to 6300 IU range in Prof. Wimalawansa's recommendations.
0.125 mg (5000 IU) vitamin D3 a day for 70 kg 154 lb body weight, to attain, at least, for the great majority of people, after several months, 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D is not megadosing.
There is very limited space and attention available in a comment such as this. My purpose is to encourage people to read the research themselves, by directing them to the first two items I mentioned. Also, most comprehensively, the research I link to and discuss at: .
Vitamin K2 is well worth taking. I don't have the space to discuss it properly in the first comment or here. I don't yet know one or more articles which I can refer to which I think are the best research to indicate why vitamin K2 MK-7 is the best form, and why compared to MK-4 or other forms and how K2 differs form K1. Then there is the question of how much to take as ratio of body weight. This is a good article but there are many other questions, such as how much K2 MK-7 is in food. Can you suggest any good journal articles regarding all this, the mechanisms of action and what health concerns it is relevant to? Here is one regarding vitamin D, vitamin K2 and COVID-19: . Does vitamin K2 need to be taken every day? Vitamin D3 can be taken once a week or once every 10 days.
As best I understand it vitamin K2 increases the ability of bone to retain calcium, which is helpful in general but also especially with higher 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels which may cause some calcium to be taken from the bone and go into the circulation. The calcium ion level in the bloodstream needs to be very tightly controlled. Searching for "vitamin K2" turns up 1,960 pages. Ideally I would go through these, find the best research articles and make a page which links to and discusses them.
There's a metadata site that has over 3000 studies and 50 treatments. Most treatments have their own page and then links to the individual studies. Remdesivir is 11% overall effective with a cost saved per life of $363,922. Ivermectin is 62% overall effective with a cost saved per life of $24.
The only early treatment allowed, Tylenol (acetaminophen), has an extremely negative effect at MINUS 28%. In other words, if you took Tylenol with Covid, it likely made you much sicker.
In the CRIMINALLY DEPRAVED 🥷🏼SSingle SSolution Global-Profit-Monopoly🥷🏼 Era where “Go Home Til You’re Dying!” was declared “Medical Treatment” by CORPORATE FASCIST 🥷🏼“Profits-Health Security” CEOs🥷🏼 NOT long time, Top Performing and Nobel Prize Winning, NON-Profit Public Health BioMedical Professionals, still targeted today by the InsiderTraders-CorporateFascist Profits Monopoly Racketeers.
Uh, Florida allowed ivermectin to be prescribed and so prescriptions spiked during the Delta death surge in which Florida’s median age of Covid death actually declined!?!
I like to believe in the power of positive thinking. Let’s all wish Dr. Marrazzo a speedy death before we turn in tonight. Say a little prayer. You never know ...
Every day, the roster of people leading U.S. Government agencies becomes increasingly indistinguishable -- from a personality perspective if not appearance-wise -- from the passenger manifest in the 1990s Academy Award-snubbed film "Con Air." Or better yet, the extended Bluth family with none of its bumblefuck charm.
Excellent work. This drug should have been shitcanned after killing more people in an Ebola virus trial than Ebola did. You don't have to be an infectious-disease expert to see the problem here.
Well, at least they got a lot of useless elderly eaters off the Medicare and Social Security rolls to free up more resources for the cash-poor Wall Street-warfare buzz-saw duopoly.
Kaiser of Northern CA gave me Remdesivir just this past December as part of their protocol since I tested positive for COVID upon admittance to the ICU for dehydration which is not a symptom of COVID. I was in no position to ask what they were giving me and had they told me before the fact I would’ve have said no. So much for informed consent.
This demonic imbecile should put her organs where her mouth and wallet are. She can easily shut down all of us mouth breathers. Let’s inject her with a cocktail of the original strain and Delta. Then we can feed her a ten times the recommended dose of RunDeathIsNear since more is always better and that’s how Hydroxy was “proven” to be ineffective. Then we can watch her kidneys explode on an ultrasound. Must see TV. And progtards like my mom and sis adore these people and think I’m insane.
Whatever happened to First Do No Harm?
I just wrote about Dr. Marrazzo and mentioned her silence on Remdesivir in this article ("Always follow the ... incentives").
It became "Harm Do First."
They removed the "no".
The Hippocratic Oath is no longer a standard part of a medical school graduation.
Huh, do not believe they've heard of it!!
Hospitals got a bonus for using remdesivir af several thousand dollars per patient, so of course it was widely used. Tested next to 3-4 other drugs for Ebola in Kivu, Congo remdesivir had the highest mortalities while it supposedly did better in animals.
Many nurses started referring to it as "Run-Death-Is-Near"
Easy to see why!!
I think the animal studies were a stacked deck though. #oldtricks #same dog
I am afraid it is worse than that. The bonus is based on the overall bill at 20% of that figure. So it is important that the hospital keep the patient alive until insurance benefits are almost completely drained, to maximize that bonus.
Well at least you know why she got the job, and it wasn't just for fucking people like kamel-toe
The big-pharma owes her big for pushing remdesivir
Not only did it make big-pharma money but everybody on remdesivir the hospital got a $100K, bonus and a death $1 Mil USD Lotto ticket, so yes remdesivir was the queen of the COVID fuck, and I guess we have found the gal who fits the magic slipper.
When I asked the head nurse of a local hospital how they "handled" Covid, she said, "couldn't have done it without remdesivir". I am very curious how many kidneys were blown out by this worthless, dangerous drug. If I wrote the state asking for the stats on kidney disease occurrence thanks to remdesivir, I am assured they would say "no way". Just another covert scandal well covered up.
Probably if you dug deeper it would be not that the patients were helped by remdesivir, but that her and her hospital hit the lotto jackpot
Now that they're all rich & retired dead are done gone and buried its easy for those covid warriors to say "We would not have done it with the ventilators", done what you might ask,?
To kill all those people" and get the COVID cause of death, death certificates. Worth $100K each or more, ... Imagine the money rolling through the hospitals, must have been an orgy of loot
Could not have gotten RICH without, Remdesivir
Sad, however, I believe you have nailed it.
Seriously, why so sad? To quote the Joker?
These fucking assholes killed your children murdered your parents, and destroyed your lives and your country, who should be sad??
The guillotines are sharpened
If You Took
Your Covid Vaccine Shot ( .5 cc )
You Would Have Been Better Of
Injecting 1/2 Of A Cubic Centimeter
Of Anything That You Can Buy
In A Paint Store
Into Your Human Body.
The article is about Remdesivir and its chief peddler. Why not adapt your poetry to the subject? Then make it rhyme with Rem-des-i-vir or Mar-raz-zo. Btw, Marrazzo = "Italian: probably from a pejorative form of Marra . from the Calabrian dialect word marrazzu ‘butcher's knife’ presumably a metonymic occupational name for a butcher."
Remdesivir is the new AZT.
From our friend Celia Farber:
AIDS and the AZT Scandal: SPIN’s 1989 Feature, ‘Sins of Omission’
Some familiar names, Anthony Fauci and Peter Duesberg. Didn't do a deep dive on others mentioned in it, but there might be more contemporary connections. Marrazzo's focus on AIDS drugs, many other similarities between the toxicological effects of Remdesivir and AZT, just a whole lot of this story rings familiar from the story in the 1980's-1990's to the stories in the 2020's. If history doesn't repeat, it sure does echo. I offer that these stories are not unconnected.
So they put another criminal in charge. Big surprise!
Remdesivir's only claim to fame was that it reduced length of hospital stay which probably means the patients passed away earlier. What a despicable woman. Still pushing the poison in Dec21 when everyone knew how harmful it was.
She's Obama's choice.....
We should pump her full of Remdesivir.
The greatest horror for Fauci, Marrazzo et al. would be for mainstream doctors and the public to wake up to the fact that without at least 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D, their immune systems cannot work properly. Most people have half or less than this, unless they have recently had a lot of UV-B exposure of ideally white skin and/or have been supplementing vitamin D3 properly for a few months.
"Properly", for 70 kg 154 lb body weight, means about 0.125 mg (5000 IU) vitamin D3 cholecalciferol per day. About 1/4 of the ingested amount is hydroxylated in the liver, in a process which takes, very approximately, 4 days, to become circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D, which is what is measured in "vitamin D" blood tests. This is needed by the kidneys, at a level of at least 20 ng/mL 50 nmol/L, but it is also needed at the higher level by multiple types of immune cells as a compound they need to run their intracrine (inside each cell) and paracrine (to nearby cells) signaling systems. These signaling systems play a crucial role in the ability of each cell to respond to its individual circumstances.
There are numerous lines of research which attest to this, including the stark relationship between COVID-19 severity and low 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, such as in Dror et al. 2022: Simon Goddek and I adapted the graph from this article to use at the start of our Brownstone article on vitamin D and the immune system:
The most direct indication of immune system dysfunction increasing with lower levels of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D - at least regarding bacterial pathogens - is this research from 2013/14 by doctors at a Massachusetts General Hospital which shows the rates of post-operative infections, both hospital acquired and at the surgical site, increasing dramatically the further the pre-operative 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels were below 50 ng/mL. The 770 patients were all morbidly obese and had the same Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery for weight loss.
This is the graph which is at the start of my big vitamin D and the immune system article: where you can links to and discussion of numerous important research articles.
"5000 International Units" sounds like a lot - and it is about 8 times what governments recommend. However, their recommended vitamin D3 intakes are only to support the kidneys' function of maintaining a very low level of calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) in the bloodstream, where it functions as a hormone to regulate calcium-phosphate-bone metabolism. The level of this is ca 0.05 to 0.1 ng/mL. The immune system does not use hormonal signaling and is not substantially affected by this very low, generally stable, level of calcitriol.
Multiple types of immune cell detect a particular, cell-type-specific, external condition and activate their 25-hydroxyvitamin D based intracrine signaling system by generating both "vitamin D receptor" (really calcitriol receptor) molecules in their cytosol, along with the 1-hydroxylase enzyme. The enzyme finds 25-hydroxyvitamin D molecules in the cytosol (assuming there are enough of them, diffused from the bloodstream) and adds a second OH hydroxyl group at the number 1 carbon. The result is calcitriol, which binds to and so activates the "vitamin D receptor" molecule. The bound complex diffuses to the nucleus where it binds to a third molecule and the triple complex than up- and down-regulates the transcriptions of dozens to hundreds of genes. The resulting changes in mRNA molecules going to the cytosol alters the protein production of the cell in ways which change its behaviour. Each type of cell has its own external conditions which activate this intracrine signaling system. Each type has its own specific patterns of which genes are copied to mRNA more or less in the presence of the triple complex.
Paracrine signaling involves the intracellularly generated calcitriol (only in response to the cell having detected a particular condition) diffusing to nearby cells, usually of different types, where it alters their behaviour.
25-hydroxyvitamin D based intracrine and paracrine signaling are crucial to the operation of the immune system. However, most immunologists don't think about these vitamin D3 based compounds from one month to the next. I have two recent release immunology textbooks totaling 1500 densely detailed pages. Neither mention vitamin D3 or the other compounds in their indexes.
"5000 International Units" of vitamin D3 is 1/8 of a milligram. Per day, this is a gram every 22 years. The ex-factory cost of pharma-grade vitamin D3 is about USD$2.50 per gram.
The horror for Fauci - and all the other people in medicine, virology, vaccinology, the pharmaceutical industry etc. - is that the expensive, risky, not very expensive products they are so enthusiastic about are absolutely not the most important thing the public, or most individuals, need to improve their health and protect against numerous acute and chronic diseases. The most important thing is vitamin D3 supplementation to enable everyone to attain at least 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D.
There is very little vitamin D3 in food or multivitamins. It can be made in the skin, from UV-B exposure to ca. 297 nm light, but this always damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer. Far from the equator, sufficient UV-B is only naturally available on summer days with the Sun high in the sky, with no clothing, glass or sunscreen to block it. Those with black or brown skin need very extensive UV-B exposure to generate sufficient vitamin D3 to meet the needs of their immune system.
Vaccines are widely accorded far too much hope and faith. Likewise highly promoted, patented, supposedly "wonder" drugs and monoclonal antibodies.
It is a scandal that the whole of mainstream medicine proceeds, year after year, to administer these overrated or largely or entirely bogus treatments to a population suffering from profound immune system dysfunction, which could very easily be fixed - at the cost of recognising that these high priests and their special expensive sacraments (especially the penetrative, sacrificial little wound inducing, purifying ritual of taking a *vaccine*) are not what they seem to be.
But but but, some Karen on TikTok said Vit D is dangerous. I’ll go with mentally ill people on TikTok as my source 😜
Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) is used as rat poison and above a certain amount it is toxic to humans.
All you have to do is lay in the sun a few minutes per day. If you can do it naked, even better-lol! Let your skin absorb the D.
I just had my blood level tested: 100%!😉
Vitamin D is amazing for the body’s function...more than people realize!
The sun burns my skin. I hate the sun! Long live the moon!!
Multiple companies make 1.25 mg (50,000 IU) vitamin D3 capsules. For children you may want 0.25 mg (10,000 IU) capsules and for infants, vitamin D3 liquid drops. A week or ten days is the maximum time to allow between supplemental intakes (not a "dose" - this is nutrition, not medicine.)
25-hydroxyvitamin D in the bloodstream has a reasonably long half life, once the level is established for a few months so it is equilibrium with some of it being diffused into fatty tissue. The half life is a few weeks at healthy 50 ng/mL levels, and less at higher levels, since there is a self-limiting system which reduces its level the higher the level is.
It is important not to follow the government's low intakes, or their system of recommending amounts based on age group. it is best to decide vitamin D3 supplemental intake quantities as a ratio of body weight. In our Brownstone article we have a table of ranges of ratios, which is simplified from and article by Prof. Sunil Wimalawansa (University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston and Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Jersey) "Rapidly Increasing Serum 25(OH)D Boosts the Immune System, against Infections – Sepsis and COVID-19”:
These ranges of ratios are 70 to 90 IU per day / kilogram bodyweight for those not suffering from obesity, 90 to 130 IU/day per kg BW for those suffering from obesity I or II (BMI 30 to 39) and 140 to 180 IU/day per kg BW for those suffering from obesity III, which means BMI of 40 or above.
I am trying to summarize what I believe you will understand from reading the research I cite. Please read the research and evaluate it yourself - I am an electronic technician and computer programmer.
My wife and I use 50,000 IU capsules from this Arkansas company, who fund long time vitamin D researchers, including two I know: . The large supplement company Now also makes 50,000 IU capsules, along with many other companies who, I think, are not so well known. I suggest keeping them in the fridge, since a bottle of 100 will last you a while.
In Australia, the largest capacity vitamin D capsule which can be sold at ordinary retailers is 0.025 mg 1000 IU. So people here can be surprised if I suggest that Five Thousand International Units is a healthy intake, especially if they have heard and believed the completely false notion that "vitamin D is a hormone". Fortunately, some Australian eBay sellers either don't know, or ignore, the regulations and 50,000 IU capsules can be bought there, as well as via Amazon.
On eBay I just found 100 Bio-Tech Pharmacal 50,000 capsules with free shipping to the USA for USD$24.95. I am 70 kg (154 lb) and take one a week. There is also a little vitamin D3 in multivitamins and 0.025 mg 1000 IU in the 180 microgram vitamin K2 capsules I take one of a day. So I get about 8500 IU a day, which is somewhat above the 4900 to 6300 IU range in Prof. Wimalawansa's recommendations.
Negligent to recommend megadosing vitamin D without vitamin K2 involved...
0.125 mg (5000 IU) vitamin D3 a day for 70 kg 154 lb body weight, to attain, at least, for the great majority of people, after several months, 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D is not megadosing.
There is very limited space and attention available in a comment such as this. My purpose is to encourage people to read the research themselves, by directing them to the first two items I mentioned. Also, most comprehensively, the research I link to and discuss at: .
Vitamin K2 is well worth taking. I don't have the space to discuss it properly in the first comment or here. I don't yet know one or more articles which I can refer to which I think are the best research to indicate why vitamin K2 MK-7 is the best form, and why compared to MK-4 or other forms and how K2 differs form K1. Then there is the question of how much to take as ratio of body weight. This is a good article but there are many other questions, such as how much K2 MK-7 is in food. Can you suggest any good journal articles regarding all this, the mechanisms of action and what health concerns it is relevant to? Here is one regarding vitamin D, vitamin K2 and COVID-19: . Does vitamin K2 need to be taken every day? Vitamin D3 can be taken once a week or once every 10 days.
As best I understand it vitamin K2 increases the ability of bone to retain calcium, which is helpful in general but also especially with higher 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels which may cause some calcium to be taken from the bone and go into the circulation. The calcium ion level in the bloodstream needs to be very tightly controlled. Searching for "vitamin K2" turns up 1,960 pages. Ideally I would go through these, find the best research articles and make a page which links to and discusses them.
There's a metadata site that has over 3000 studies and 50 treatments. Most treatments have their own page and then links to the individual studies. Remdesivir is 11% overall effective with a cost saved per life of $363,922. Ivermectin is 62% overall effective with a cost saved per life of $24.
The only early treatment allowed, Tylenol (acetaminophen), has an extremely negative effect at MINUS 28%. In other words, if you took Tylenol with Covid, it likely made you much sicker.
And I tell people the experts are literally trying to kill us and I’m the crazy one.
In the CRIMINALLY DEPRAVED 🥷🏼SSingle SSolution Global-Profit-Monopoly🥷🏼 Era where “Go Home Til You’re Dying!” was declared “Medical Treatment” by CORPORATE FASCIST 🥷🏼“Profits-Health Security” CEOs🥷🏼 NOT long time, Top Performing and Nobel Prize Winning, NON-Profit Public Health BioMedical Professionals, still targeted today by the InsiderTraders-CorporateFascist Profits Monopoly Racketeers.
I’ve repeatedly asked for a defense of that “strategy”. Still waiting for a response.
Uh, Florida allowed ivermectin to be prescribed and so prescriptions spiked during the Delta death surge in which Florida’s median age of Covid death actually declined!?!
Thanks for this! 👍
Lord help us, this one is even worse.
I like to believe in the power of positive thinking. Let’s all wish Dr. Marrazzo a speedy death before we turn in tonight. Say a little prayer. You never know ...
Every day, the roster of people leading U.S. Government agencies becomes increasingly indistinguishable -- from a personality perspective if not appearance-wise -- from the passenger manifest in the 1990s Academy Award-snubbed film "Con Air." Or better yet, the extended Bluth family with none of its bumblefuck charm.
Excellent work. This drug should have been shitcanned after killing more people in an Ebola virus trial than Ebola did. You don't have to be an infectious-disease expert to see the problem here.
Well, at least they got a lot of useless elderly eaters off the Medicare and Social Security rolls to free up more resources for the cash-poor Wall Street-warfare buzz-saw duopoly.
Kaiser of Northern CA gave me Remdesivir just this past December as part of their protocol since I tested positive for COVID upon admittance to the ICU for dehydration which is not a symptom of COVID. I was in no position to ask what they were giving me and had they told me before the fact I would’ve have said no. So much for informed consent.
This demonic imbecile should put her organs where her mouth and wallet are. She can easily shut down all of us mouth breathers. Let’s inject her with a cocktail of the original strain and Delta. Then we can feed her a ten times the recommended dose of RunDeathIsNear since more is always better and that’s how Hydroxy was “proven” to be ineffective. Then we can watch her kidneys explode on an ultrasound. Must see TV. And progtards like my mom and sis adore these people and think I’m insane.
From Little Mengele to Mrs. Mengele.
Well put!!