I have just watched part 1 of the real Dr Fauci, he is a monster, a criminal and mass murderer, how on earth does he win a humanitarian award

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Same reason Obama won a Nobel prize.... it is one big liberal, progressive circle jerk.

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Peace Prize winner 0bama is the only president in history to have America at war every day for 8 years. After promising to end Bush's wars, he kept them going even longer than Bush did.

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Big money for Barry.

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Rumor has it that he is chainsmoking and hitting the sauce pretty hard in retirement.

Our last 3 cigarette-smoking presidents were FDR, Ike, and LBJ.

Smoker and drinker FDR died of a stroke at 61.

Smoker Ike quit and lived to 79. Not much of a drinker.

Smoker and drinker LBJ died of a heart attack at 64.

0bama is 61.

All his money won't another minute buy. - Kerry Livgren

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Selling your soul has consequences.

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And good riddance.

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Think he still uses that?

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Democrat Party = War Party

All the while doing their 'Projection Routine' of calling the Republican Party the War Party.

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There's plenty of blame to go around for illegal wars, but Democrats do indeed deserve the lion's share. War is only legal when Congress declares war. Excellent idea, methinks. Last time they did was the day after Pearl Harbor. That makes every war we've been in since Korea illegal. A Democrat (Truman) got us into Korea; a Republican (Eisenhower) got us out. A Democrat (LBJ) got us into Vietnam; a Republican (Nixon) got us out. Out way late, but out. A Republican (Reagan) got us into and out of needless Central American wars in the 80s. A Republican got us into the Middle Eastern wars and Democrats and Republicans have been keeping up the killing ever since. Only Trump reduced our military presence aboad. He called the Bush/0bama wars "wasteful and stupid". He was right. Given another 4 years, he might have achieved world peace. He was the first President since Carter not to start any wars. His domestic policies were juuuust a bit better. ;)

A Democrat (0bama) started a war in Yemen. Is Yemen a threat to America?

Biden['s handlers] started a new war on his second day in office.

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"Police actions"

"Peacekeeping missions"

"Bringing freedom and democracy around the world"

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Problem is Gordon....

Democrats...all of them in my memory....rail against war/s when Republicans are in power. Then when they get into power, they never keep their promises to end them, but escalate and expand them. Witness Obama in the MiddleEast and Libya.....ISIS ring a bell?

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Yes, I remember enormous antiwar protests under W. After 0 took office there were hardly any antiwar protests, and they were sparsely attended. Same wars.

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I don’t agree that Dems are the kings of illegal wars. Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. were the biggest war criminals of my lifetime. But yeah Dems seem to have taken the throne these days...

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Reagan was not the warmonger the Bushes were. LBJ was worse than any of them. But 0bama remains the number one warmonger president in history. He took the war baton from W and ran even further.

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They are also the biggest racists, while accusing the opposition of same.

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I stayed up and finished it last night - I recently read the book Bitten (about Lyme disease) between the book and that movie - I will never trust our government again. Ever.

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For those wonder, the books is called _Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons_ and is on sale for $1.99 right now as a Kindle e-book (https://amzn.to/3FOWapc)

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It might be my Christmas gift to all of my brainwashed family members.

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Save your money 'RB'.....they won't read it. Anything truthful or loaded with facts is 'kryptonite' for libs.

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You are right John - you are.

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It’s a fast read and incredibly eye opening - and I thought my eyes were already open.

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Just ordered through library. Chronic Lyme has been a pain in my ass.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

I'm so sorry. Chronic Lyme is no joke. I hope you've found something that works to keep your symptoms in check.

My adult son has Lyme. We did the antibiotic regimen twice for a prolonged period (doxycycline and then a pulsed antibiotic combo), and it helped for a while, but came roaring back even worse along with intestinal yeast. About 6 months ago, we found an herbal regimen based on the Stephen Buhner approach (Cat's Claw, Otoba Bark, Japanese Knotweed, Lumbrokinase, liposomal Cinnamon/Clove/Oregano, and ATP 360 which is for mitochondrial repair) and for the first time he is feeling better and making slow, but very steady progress back to health. Cautiously optimistic.

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Duchess, H C Q will cure it. I knew a woman a couple years ago who had it for 20 yrs - she finally found a dr. who prescribed it for her and she was cured within 2 weeks if I remember right. Her tests came back completely negative for it and she felt wonderful. Frontline doctors will prescribe it if you can't find a dr to prescribe it for you. H C Q works by killing the spirochetes in Lyme. Best of luck and prayers for you! Hope you get this comment.

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I knew a woman who was cured of that with HCQ. She had it for 20 yrs and was finally cured, tests showed she was 100% free from it and she felt great after a 20 nightmare.

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The book "Lab 257" covers the whole Plum Island bio-war debacle including a bit on Lyme although not a thorough as Bitten.

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Thank you, I plan on reading Bitten as well as Lab 257 if i have time, but certainly Bitten.

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I’ll have to check out Bitten. Thanks for the recommendation.

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Make sure you watch Part 2. It will blow your mind. Then watch the extra discussion session with Robert Malone, Pierre Kory, Robert Kennedy Jr, and Jeff Hays. There are even more sinister forces at work which make Fauci seem a mere stooge.

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I feel so stupid - I am a geneticist - and used to see patients but then switched to human genetics research admin after my last maternity leave. I am the person who does all of the paperwork - consents - education and making sure our patients aren’t coerced into participation etc ..... when this all started I couldn’t understand why nobody was questioning coercion - nobody I worked with - nothing. We have a huge study about Alzheimer’s funded by the Department of Defense ..... I always thought it was weird - and just had to do with budget ..... but after watching this movie last night - I am questioning everything🤯

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informed consent was thrown out by (you can't make this stuff up) Fauci/NIH and his wife, Christine Grady/NIH’s Department of Bioethics - https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/anthony-fauci-informed-consent/

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Fauci has been a stooge since Day One - when the &$#@ finally hits the fan - he'll be the first one they throw under the bus!

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With his lies, arrogance and condescension he should be.....

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How do you watch part 2?

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Try this link. Don't know if it is still up.


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Apparently he is the only one with a voice that people get to hear. Anyone who defies that narrative is marginalized at the least or deplatformed. Maybe even worse. Look at what happened to Kary Mullis, what I mean is, how convenient for him to pass away right before all of this crap started. Fauci is obviously connected. I can't explain it any other way.

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Lots of monsters, criminals, and murderers hand out these "humanitarian" awards to each other at mutual admiration events.

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The same way Barry won the Nobel peace prize. These awards are meaningless garbage.

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Not to mention Kissinger. I think ''secret war'' Henry was the first war criminal to get the Prize.

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Because he's a humanitarian, in the newly redefined terms of the word - he kills people in the name of new style science.

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Money 💲💰

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For the same reason they would give a humanitarian award to Eichmann, Mengele or Goebbels if any of them were still alive today (instead of reaping their richly deserved rewards in the afterlife)

It's meaningless. Except to say that murderers feel a kinship and Camaraderie with other murderers

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He wins it from other monsters. There are lots of them.

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> retiring government bureaucrat

You miss spelt “genocidist” 

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Yes and he should be hung for it his time will come!!

He's an evil monster why you let him anywhere near especially children it's beyond me

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Never forget.

Never forgive.

Hold the line.

Justice is coming

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He’s right about the amount of misinformation, just not the source of it.

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Muhammad Ali must be turning over in his grave.

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It's more like his big pharma pimps are upset that Fauci isn't delivering.

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Maybe Big Pharma will do us all a favor and make sure Herr Fauci has an “accident”

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Maybe the Cosa Nostra will decide that he's making Italians look bad.

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I’m thinking “Cuban necktie“.

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Or a Winnie Mandela tire necklace.

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We could never be so lucky

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Maybe they have read the book "The Real Anthony Fauci" - my husband is a virologist with 55 yrs research under his belt, he worked in Public Health for many yrs (those are the folks who supposed to advise govt officials etc. on how to manage a pandemic, epidemic etc.) and he also worked with a Nobel prize winning scientist. He highly recommends this book by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has vetted the science and says it's all legitimate. He's also been aware of Fauci's follies since 80s when AIDS came out and he killed 17,000 men, knowing that his drug AZT was lethal (he owned the patent on it and made $ from it)


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He and Biden cut from the same cloth. They are pathological liars.

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No they are pathological,psychopathic, genocidal, treasonous murderers.

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The must have been cut from dirty diaper cloth

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Excellent continuing work Jordan!

I debated on whether to take the time to pose this question, because I know it and the subsequent premise, will be misunderstood. But what the hell, I have nothing going on this Sunday morning and I honestly don't care what others choose to do or believe...so why not.

Prologue - The scamdemic, is just one of the 1001 things, that has been orchestrated and implemented, to dismantle and destroy our respective societies, globally. All those involved should be tried, jailed and/or executed, depending on the verdict and sentencing. Every other issue we are dealing with today, has it's own criminal actors and atrocities, so the scamdemic, is not unique, in that respect.

Question: What if none of these criminals/murderers, ever stood trail, were convicted or made to pay a price for what they have done? What if they actually profited and thrived, like Fauci (who's tax payer funded pension is projected to be $414,000) ???

To be sure they will have to answer to their maker, but we rightly are concerned with the price they must pay, in the realm of man, for their actions.

What will you do, if that never happens?

Many will take that last question to mean..."will you riot, revolt, etc,. etc,.,". That's not what I mean.

What I am asking is what will you personally do, to protect yourself form these poisons, crimes and the systemic healthcare rape, that we are threatened with daily, regardless of what happens, to these actors?

What have you done so far, aside from explore these rabbit holes (I am in here with you) and debate the existence of viruses, if it was engineered or not, if big pharma is behind it or the WEF or all of them, if it's all 5G, if it's aliens spitting in our water supplies...and on and on.

it seems clear that something is making people sick. What's also clear is that the profit driven "remedies" of the regime(s), give little to no protection from the sickness.

Additionally, we have seen that those who are "unhealthy" (interpret that as you will) are more susceptible to becoming sick, than those who are "healthy"...as is the case for just about every other illness, in history. This actually seems to be the largest anecdotal factor, in recovery & mortality rates, for covid.

Here is where common sense kicks in for me. Aside from focusing on ALL the stuff about the perpetrators and their crimes...how are we focusing on the overt issue...the sickness...and how to protect ourselves from it and/or avoid the more serious effects, all together??

Many here and elsewhere, have been saying, "we need to take our health back, eat better, get educated about how your body/immune system works and how food plays key roles in that; exercise, lose weight, stop eating processed/junk foods, stop using chemicals for recreation (think smoking, vaping, dipping, alcohol, etc.), cut way down on the processed foods" and more.

How many are actually listening and doing these things...as they decry the poison jabs or call for Fauci's head on a plate??

Are we looking at how, we are poisonings ourselves, on a daily basis and in turn creating the conditions, for THEIR sickness to easily infect and harm us??

If you are even reasonably healthy, you have less chance of getting so sick, you have to walk into a doctors office or take a shot/med, to recover from a bout with XYZ" sickness.

Are there exceptions and anomalies to that premise, yes there are. However, as we saw in the last 3 years, it was the obese and the elderly (who routinely have long standing conditions/compromised immune systems from poor diets), that greatly accounted for the majority of recorded mortalities.

Have people used the insight gained from the last three years, to their advantage?? I would say no, just from what I see around me. Grocery store carts are filled with processed, junk food, people are fatter than I have ever seen them and as of 2021, the market size of the US fast food industry, measured by revenue, is $296.6 billion.

Are people putting taste and food chemical addictions, over their health?

Well, the fast food industry (in the U.S.) has held a steady increase of about 1.1% for decades. For comparison, in 2000, the fast food industry was worth $239.2 billion, in 2021 it was $296.6 Billion; the average American spends $1,200, for a single individual, within a year; the average American household spends around 10% of their income on fast food over the course of a year; globally the fast food industry generated $797.7 billion in revenue over 2021; 37% of the world’s fast food revenue comes out of America.

That's just fast food restaurants...it doesn't include the junk people buy daily, in their local stores and convenience shops.

So back to the question...what will you do...no matter what happens to the scamdemic criminals/murderers??

This is where I usually get the excuses, pushback, and accusations...that's why I said up front...I could care less, what others do...in any of this. They, like me, will live and die by their choices actions or lack there of. As always, you have the rights and freedoms, to choose as you will.

I just think it ironic, the time and energy spent on all the details, we have little to no control over and very little time/attention is spent on those we DO have control over. Again, don't get me wrong, I appreciate and value, all the work Jordan and others here have done...it's invaluable. But whether or not Fauci swings from a rope, we find solid proof it was a WEF bio-attack or that aliens pissed in our water supply, it will not affect you're health in anyway...if you are poisonings yourself, on a daily basis.

Last analogy. Many (me included) are diligent about maintaining their vehicles...to include dedicated maintenance for winter and summer seasons. We spend extra money on extended warranty and maintenance packages, special fluids to clean the engine...hell there are those who pay a premium to fill their tires with nitrogen (please no debates about this...to each their own). We do all that, because heaven forbid, the vehicle breaks down and strands us somewhere, or we have to fork over money, for a seized engine. So lot's of money and time spent for maintenance and premium fuel/fluids...not to mention after market crap...air fresheners, special air filters, replacement radios sets, speakers, floor mats, seat covers...on and on.

Yet, when it comes to our bodies...the ultimate vehicle...we spend as little as possible, on the worst food we can and gleefully shove it in. We don't do regular maintenance, we don't winterize or get the summer check-up...hell we don't even check the air pressure in the tires...we just abuse it and then wonder how/why we got sick...or worse....blame someone or something else for our bad luck...when we were the initial poisoners/abusers. Back to the car...it's like driving it for 20 or 30 years and never doing any maintenance and then being incredulous/outraged, when it breaks down.

Anyway, it was just a thought I had this past week, as I was reading multiple stacks and seeing that the focus was on those "who did this to us" (and they did)...and few if any, were about what can we do for ourselves, to avoid the healthcare system and it's psychopaths.

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I read most of your comment. I learned (the hard way) about 15 years ago about the importance of diet and exercise to health. I changed my lifestyle in that respect. I was never heavy but had put on some weight in middle life but with this change, I lost 15+ pounds that have mostly stayed off.

I learned how important vitamin D is so I make sure I am taking enough (blood test should show about 50 ng/ml - there's a study that spells it out).

Lastly, but I think most importantly, I now regularly pray for all these psychopaths. I pray for their conversion so that they reject evil.

I try to spread what I know but, yes, you are right: even people who know better fill their shopping carts with junk.

Best I can do right now.

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Congrats on making those changes.

Unfortunately, that seems to be the way, we humans learn...the hard way.

However, once you learn those lessons, they stick and hopefully, allow people to apply them to other facets of their life and world.

I truly hope for their sake, that the criminals/murderers repent. However, as I said, that repentance, will and should have nothing to do with their accountability in this earthly realm...they should pay, just as we would, had we intentionally killed millions, through our direct actions or in our active support of those doing the killing.

As far as people who know better, it is my premise, that they are engaged in a trade...one that humans have been making for centuries...and in turn have been manipulated by them for just as long. People will trade their freedoms, safety, liberty, morals, integrity, intelligence, loyalty, faith, families/children and their health for just three things…Comfort, Convenience and Entertainment (distraction). Junk, fast and toxic food, fulfill all three of those.

Keep doing the best you can...along with questioning those who tell you, they know what's best for you...both are good starting points.

Best of luck and health!!

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In the 80's Fauci denied treatment for AIDS patients that was available in other countries. "The Dallas Buyers Club" is a true story of a man, Ron Woodroof, who back in 1985 was given 30 days to live. There were no approved drugs for AIDS in the US at the time, AZT was still in trials, so Ron found drugs for AIDS in other countries and brought them back to the states. He lived another 7 years. Fauci with the NIH, FDA, CDC all refused to approve these AIDS medications.


Larry Kramer founder ACTUP

"An Open Letter to Dr. Anthony Fauci" in the San Francisco Examiner, June 26, 1988 "You are responsible for all government funded AIDS treatment research. In the name of right, you make decisions that cost the lives of others. I call the decisions you are making acts of murder." https://aep.lib.rochester.edu/node/49111

"Dr. Anthony Fauci is rewriting history. He is doing so to disguise his shameful role in delaying promotion of an AIDS treatment that would have prevented tens of thousands of deaths in the first years of the epidemic."


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Read RFKennedy Jr.’s new book A Letter to Liberals. It is short but really good and goes through the whole Covid narrative with real data. A great gift for anyone who is on the fence.

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I just finished Heroes and Villains, the Covid 19 book of lists by Reid Sheftall....great read.

Fast, incredibly fascinating his comments, and lots of info I did not know....

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This sounds super interesting. I hadn’t heard of it. Thanks!

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Yep, it's pretty sad when facts and falsehoods coexist. Even worse when they come from the same person.

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He’s an angry Elf!

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A gremlin.

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Deuteronomy 32:35

‘Vengeance is Mine, and retribution, In due time their foot will slip; For the day of their calamity is near, And the impending things are hastening upon them.’

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Normalization of untruths???? He is normalizing heartattacks in young people!! Nasty man.

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There is a reason why people aren’t taking the boosters Tony, and many of those regret getting ANY jab. First, it doesn’t work. Doesn’t prevent you from getting the virus, transmitting it to others or from getting it again. In fact it makes one more susceptible to getting sick. But more importantly, by now, virtually EVERYONE knows somebody who died or has had a horrible, often permanent serious injury as a result. Google “high school student dies unexpectedly” and even the Google censors aren’t able to hide, page after page of recent fatal cardiac events - strokes and heart attacks - that should not be happening. Fauci is worse than a greedy coconspirator, he has the blood of hundreds of thousands and likely millions, on his hands.

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while getting sick himself after one of his boosters and again after him taking paxlovid. great example.... not!

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yes, we know that. for as long as he was employed he was instrumental in providing massive amounts of deaths, thus pumping up a world-wide fear factor (HIV/AIDS, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, SARS, MERS) and compliance with his own made-up mandates, decrees and poisonous treatments. I can't even begin to understand the context where these lethal ideas were spawned.

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It’s almost as if he’s being paid an incentive. Couldn’t be, that would be reprehensible.

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