“one of the nation’s longest tenured bureaucrats as someone who is both deeply ideological in his worldview and seemingly completely untethered to reality.“

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Yeah , there was never any viruses or disease when we were one with nature. No polio , colds, flu, cancer , stds , or any other dastardly things. Sarc/.

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He's guilty of crimes against humanity. It's a bio-weapon. He's preparing for the release of the next one, and blaming mankind. He's a monster.

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Here, I'll 'splain it. "Living in harmony with nature" means decoupling your human body from the pharmaceutical and vaccine paradigm, and eating a wide variety of clean organic food for optimum health. You can specifically support your immune system to defeat any bioweapon, be it AIDS, Ebola, or Covid, that profit-raking Bill Gates' board member Fauci's big pharma, Wuhan, and CDC cronies can throw at you. High vitamin C foods first. Why does Africa have far lower than expected covid cases? They're all drinking high-quercetin artemisia annua tea. Quercetin is nature's ORIGINAL hydroxychloroquin. That and some high zinc foods, like lentils and beans'll do ya.

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While we're on Venn diagrams, Dr. F. is now clearly in the intersection between the climate shaman set and the bird-mask plague-doctor set.

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Please erase this guy from existence! He is as crooked as is possible! Exile him to Bill Gates island!

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I don't want to hear anything more about Fauxi, except if he's finally in jail and his illegal wealth confiscated.

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The best way to understand Fauci is that he is an extreme political activist. He is doing everything he can to avoid criticizing China as well as justifying his faulty belief in lockdowns. He is dedicated to supporting leftists and Democrats. By blocking widespread use of the cheap, safe and effective hydroxychloroquine medicine he has violated the moral imperative of physicians to "first do no harm." He is a war criminal costing enormous number of avoidable deaths. Read: https://www.nolanchart.com/dr-anthony-fauci-a-new-kind-of-war-criminal and these articles:





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thank you sooooo so much for these URLs! I'm very happy you had these handy for me to look up!

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He could start by not funding gain-of-function research at labs where that shite pandemic virus "escapes." He forgot to list NIAID in the "Agents" box of his Disease Venn diagram. Oh, and how does promoting synthetic mRNA injections into humans return us to natural harmony? It seems quite clear the anti-growth philosophy is a piece with his sponsor Bill Gates' agenda.

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I have not seen any actual data supporting the claim that this COV-SARS-2 virus is NOT the same chimera virus built by The University of North Carolina and the Wuhan Institute (funded by Fauci in 2015).

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Don't scoff at Jordan's point. We're seeing signs of it every day. Look in the clothes magazines you get in the mail. Noticed the latest trend? Masks. The clothing industry is betting that masks become the new norm. They wouldn't be taking that kind of bet on a fad that's only expected to be around for another month or so.

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Yeah we know all those Billions of Chinese eating monkeys, bats, rats, snakes, frogs, toads, cats & dogs, etc, etc, basically anything with 4 legs - I’m sure that creates harmony with nature.

Fauci needs to shut up & go away. If he really believed in conservation, he would have retired at age 65 & allowed someone else to advance to the job that he has, instead of being so greedy, as to still be working at age 79.

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I agree to an extent... but he isn't going into any details about WHAT types of activities he thinks we should refrain from. I'd say childhood immunizations for starters... there you go , on day one, messing with nature and forever altering young lives immune systems and brain function. I suspect Fauci would NOT agree, given his investments in the pharmaceutical industry.

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Their answer is extermination of humans other than others like them and a servant class to clean up after them, etc.

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FIRE fauci

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Fauci is becoming very concerned that as his WuFlu fraud becomes more and more exposed that he and his minions will be suffering greatly from lead poisoning.

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Fauci has gone full Ted Kaczynski. Why can't he stick to what he knows? It's almost like he has an agenda.

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