Dec 29, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

I loathe this evil mf...

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

He’s an arrogant narcissist. I despise with every fiber of my being.

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And an incompetent doctor to boot! If fauXi was at the top of his class in medical school and supposedly had academic etc. awards, I fear the 'competence' of the others by the fauXi measure. Remember fauXi carried on at length in favor of not quarantining Ebola cases at all in 2014 - people lost lives in the U.S. taking care of those cases! (Ebola is one where quarantining is reasonable). fauXi has ruthlessly killed children slowly and agonizingly in orphanages pursuing his AZT "treatment," and equally tortured real AIDS patients by barring them from basic medications, for no reason. He has set off accelerated HIV/AIDS variant epidemics in China, Thailand, Kenya, India, Sierra Leone, S. Africa with his HIV "vaccines" that kill in less than 5 years, and we are well acquainted now with the slaughter from mRNA and adeno vectors for SARS2. There's more, much more, in ongoing collaboration with gates-from-Hell, with DpT, Tetanus, Polio "vaccines" in Africa (Polio vaccines there, are still created using monkey brains and kidneys for culturing). FauXi has never listed his board membership on gates' Decade of Vaccines, another clear conflict of interest.

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They're going to have to redefine and reclassify 'megalomania' after this chump.

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Or coin a new term altogether. But whatever we do it can't have his name attached to it or we'll just keep on feeding the beast.

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Stop being such a Fauci 🤣

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I don't think I could sink so low as to insult anyone in this way.

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Nor could I

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He’s been in the public spotlight forever, yet he feels it necessary to tell everyone how sympathetic and empathetic he is towards people’s suffering.

I guess that the endless interviews and television appearances never revealed that facet of his personality, or as I suspect, it doesn’t really exist.


For someone who claims to be apolitical he sure talks about politics a lot, with a very noticeable animosity towards those on the right.

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His track record with HIV/AIDS and Covid speaks for itself. The Real Anthony Fauci should be required reading for every high school student.

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And for med school students. I’m making my pre med daughter read it.

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Give her Bechamp or Pasteur next. the ebook is free

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especially empathic towards the animals he tortures.

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Those poor beagles.

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What an evil corrupt little man ! I can’t believe we tax payers will pay this creep’s pension to the tune of $350K a year!! Outrageous!!

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Empathetic? Sociopaths are incapable of that Dr. Ratface.

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Another Fauci doozy:


“It's called ‘the Fauci effect’... people go to medical school and go into science because I symbolize integrity and truth.”

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I went to a relative's house a couple years ago and while we were all having dinner, someone said, "did you see that medical school applications are increasing because of Fauci?" I just looked over at this person and didn't say a word. I'm sure my face said it all.

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A sociopath lies and thinks that they are fooling everyone.

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And they stop lying only when forced to stop.

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I think I threw up a little

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Yeah and swallowed it. 🤢

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"he believes the “far right” will now attack him as an “egomaniac.” "

That is so much blander than what he really is.

There is a Dark Triad in that man. A man who was a key cog in the hellish machine that has killed millions and placed at risk ~5 Billion souls, while tightening the screws on the Biosecurity state. Plus, his decades-long history of carnage as head of NIAID. How much GoF, and resulting releases/deaths, can be attributed to him alone? With his outsized budget the path of destruction he has wrought was equally large.

What Is Grandiose Narcissism? https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/cutting-edge-leadership/201310/what-is-grandiose-narcissism-why-does-it-matter

What Is the Dark Triad Personality? https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-the-dark-triad-personality-5217146

There is no justice sufficient for him, for his crimes. But there could be a measure of it with a prompt trial and sentencing, then swift execution of that sentence. Knowing he can't hurt anyone else would give millions of grieving families some comfort.

So to know that he will be milking industry largess (his memoir will be a best seller, brought to us by (P)fizer/Murderna et al) for years, after decades of loyal service at the Altar of Pharma - that is a final insult to us all.

Thanks Jordan. I wouldn't have been able to stomach the whole article.


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Me neither. And I agree with your post after being married to what turned out to be one of these characters (without nearly so much power) for nearly 21 years. I learned a lot and that's putting it mildly. I wish the general public was better educated on pathological narcissism at the very least. I hope commentators will take it upon themselves to do so. It could save many a lot of grief.

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I'm glad you got away from that environment, Glenda. It is not well understood at all, in the wider community.

Each narcissist cuts their own swath of destruction, even absent a body count. The lingering PTSD from prolonged exposure is real, or it can be. The damage, too. To walk away from the experience is a victory.

My exposure was much shorter, but the scar tissue is real. It also helped me see aspects of the Plandemic for what they were, so I have something positive to associate with what was a dark time.

Peace. And Happy NY.

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The swamp is deep.

Same happens through medical journals. Vast sums are washed. Journals didn't just choose to corrupt themselves. They were presented with offers they couldn't refuse; from a lobby with twice the horsepower of the fossil fuel sector.

At this point one almost needs to start with the assumption that every institution is corrupted, until proven otherwise.

How else can one explain their 100% failure rate over the past 3 years?

No natural system in equilibrium would have scored so badly, tilted to such an anti-human outcome. Not without many greasy paws all over the scales.


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He needs to be locked up at Gitmo!

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One should only celebrate this CHUMP when he’s 6ft under

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Napoleon complex amped up to 11.

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Crazy Megalomaniac !

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Now that he is dispensable, maybe they will give him the real shots instead of saline going forward.

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