Bobby Kennedy's book, 'The Real Anthony Fauci' is also excellent, and reveals Fauci for the mini-machiavellian schemer he really is.

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The “nation’s top infectious expert” moniker is a bit like calling Biden or Trump our top military strategist.

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that may have been a Freudian mistype in quotes there, but I like it

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In the early days of this task force I recall them mentioned that 80% would have mild or no symptoms and they even discussed risks of co-morbidities. But by the time Dr Atlas joined they had mutated into something far less helpful. He was rational, data-driven and a breath of fresh air from that group. It was quite revealing in how poorly he was treated.

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Fauci is a fraud and a grifter, like most politicians.

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Can’t say I’m surprised but good to know printed proof will be available for more people to figure it out.

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Thanks for this preview of Dr Atlas' upcoming book. Dr. Atlas is coming to Indianapolis in December. I can't wait to see him in person and get his book.

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Pre-ordered 👍🏻

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Yep, been clear from the beginning that this is not science, but rather religion!


Can it be stopped when so many "Believe" and have "Faith" in the Narrative, the MSM, and the politicians?

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Tim, I feel strongly that, given every other fake pandemic concocted by these black magic wizards, this one, too, is entirely unsustainable. Unfortunately, the casualties are many and will continue to escalate, especially as we find out the real [intended] effects of the masks, social isolation, masks, and psychological manipulation.

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Yes, I wonder if ever some real independent scientists can look at the number of people who died of (not with) CoVid-1984, and compare that with the number of people who died from medical malpractice and the lockdowns. And if so, would the MSM publish it. And would anyone ever be held responsible. I doubt all, but wish I lived in such a world.

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I feel confident that thousands of medical professions, scientists, and researchers have indeed crunched the real numbers. There was enough push-back at some point in this lie that the CDC was forced to parse out "covid" deaths from pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses. And whaddaya know, the supposed actual "covid" numbers went down dramatically.

Also, you are right the MSM will never broadcast the truth — only kernels of truth — because all the talking heads keep their cushy jobs by reading the prepared script on the teleprompter. They are career clowns.

Those of us with courage must recreate our world as living, breathing, spiritual men and women, aligned with Spiritual Law, not man-made laws. That's the only way we will see true end to the constant psychological manipulation.

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I am thinking that more accurate labelling is required.

There is no "Health Department". It is the "Disease Department".

Just as the "Department of Defence" used to be more accurately called "The War Department".

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I have revised my thought.

My sister in law works for the NZ Health Department. Such a zealot.

I now think of it as NZ Death Department.

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Say it with me. Fuck Fauci

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You meant "Let's go, Frauci!"?

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Arrest Fauci

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It has already been mentioned...but RFK jr's book on Fauci is a MUST read... Not a wasted word. Deals with the Fauci calamity which was born in HIV mania... Fauci killed Arthur Ashe and Freddy Mercury among hundreds of thousands...when that hits the mainstream. This thing will be close to over.

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Wait what? I haven’t read this book yet. He killed Freddy? Wow and I hated Fauci before….

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Fauci does not now nor has he ever practiced medicine, he practices political science not medical science.

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"He appears unable or unwilling to think very deeply about issues and policies that have had a devastating effect..." Fauci's gullible disciples are just like him.

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Did you read about a female lib who proudly proclaimed that she will only remove her masking upon Frauci's say so? She got dissed some much she deleted that tweet!

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I don't believe Fauci has every treated a patient in his entire career.

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Dr. Phil is more knowledgeable than he is. And I'd take advice from him before WuFlu Fauxi.

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He’s a professional con artist … typical virologist who knows their study is one big lie yet continues to grovel for funding to continue their ‘research/playing in the lab’…

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So basically Fauci is a Midwit, perhaps the world's most credentialed Midwit, which has enabled him to rise to become King of the Midwits.

The Midwit meme has really become the meme of 2021 and a sign of the times. Too bad they will drag us all into something between a decade-long morass and total societal collapse.

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