Sep 15, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Bingo. Excellent Jordan, thank you.

I studied ETH a few years ago and determined pretty quickly that the Staking system sounded a whole lot like a bunch of rich guys would still control the money so ETH was always on the path to become Globalist-controlled digital money. Sometimes I wonder if the whole ESG ruse was invented just to attempt to topple BTC.

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"There is no longer any “work,” or energy output, required, which is why the ESG and climate hoax crowd has hailed the project as a revolutionary achievement."

I don't consider myself a member of either the ESG or climate hoax crowd, but that doesn't mean I'm not concerned about the incredible amount of electricity that the Bitcoin validation process wastes. If I had a dollar for every nonsense rationalization about why "it's really not so bad", I'd be rich.

Energy-wasting currencies will either follow Ethereum's lead, or die.

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Speaking of waste, how much does the US waste by printing money to pay for wars, "healthcare" that makes people sick, and "education" that makes people stupid?

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For real. There's real problems in the world, and energy use for mining isnt even almost one of them

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Bitcoin uses somewhere between 50% and 75% renewable energy, and is helping load balancing the grid. It is actually an enabling technology for renewables, helping soak up excess energy production: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/04/bitcoin-miners-say-theyre-fixing-texas-electric-grid-ted-cruz-agrees.html

Additionally, bitcoin has some projects which could actually turn its energy consumption carbon-negative such as using flare gas from oil fields or landfills for mining: https://twitter.com/DSBatten/status/1566735902617276416

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How exactly is energy that would otherwise go unused considered 'waste'?

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You don't understand how renewable work do you. The only reason we don't bottle lightening is because we haven't figured out how to make the right bottle. The same goes for wind and solar. They have peaks and troughs in production. They can't use it all or store it when it's peaking. If you want to solve some made up climate or energy problem someone helped make in your head I'd advise you to spend your time better working on a better battery.

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And that has what to do with anything I wrote?

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Agreed, Bitcoin uses a lot of energy and energy that must constantly exist in order for BTC to have any value. No Power, No Bitcoin.

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No power no ATMs. No power no credit cards. No power no going into a bank to withdraw cash.

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So then available cash and precious metals will be worth more and electronic dependent technologies go the way of the dinosaur.

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If there is a major grid down scenario, cash and bullion are the least of anyone's worries. And would only help those who have it on-hand. But with solar chargers and generators, bitcoin can still be transacted between individuals who hold their keys if needed. But again, that will also be the least worry. No power, no running water, no fuel, no food deliveries, no grocery stores, no heat or A/C, etc.

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Things that have inherent value will never go the way of the dinosaur.

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Bitcoin uses somewhere between 50% and 75% renewable energy, and is helping load balancing the grid. It is actually an enabling technology for renewables, helping soak up excess energy production: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/04/bitcoin-miners-say-theyre-fixing-texas-electric-grid-ted-cruz-agrees.html

Additionally, bitcoin has some projects which could actually turn its energy consumption carbon-negative such as using flare gas from oil fields or landfills for mining: https://twitter.com/DSBatten/status/1566735902617276416

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You openly discuss about BTC's waste without addressing the elephant in the room in that it's estimated that roughly 30% of all the electricity produced is literally wasted, like for example being dumped straight into the ground due to excess from nuclear power plants, grid inefficiencies etc. Nobody discusses that or even wants to address that, and it's been like this for decades now. Fast forward to just a decade after BTC took off, and we are all so suddenly worried about BTC's waste. To put things into perspective, out of all the energy literally wasted or discarded planetary wide, BTC uses only 0,25% from that waste. So even IF we all agree that the electricity going into BTC minting is just wasteful and carried no value into the BTC coins (which is absurd ofc) that's just 0,25% from all the world's electricity TRUE waste. So yeah, people like you that think like this are probably suffering from cognitive-dissonance or are just hypocrites.

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“BTC waste” is the *excuse* tyrants are using to get people to use their new digital fiat currency.

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It’s not a waste, it’s work, that adds actual value.

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When fascism arrives in America, it will come in the disguise of anti-fascism.

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"When fascism ARRIVED in America..."

Fixed it for you.

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So what you're saying is we should become very aware of the name "Ethereum" over the coming months since this will be pushed with radical conviction by the puppet masters in an effort to get us little people into yet another captured vehicle for oppression and control? Got it. Thanks for the heads up.

"Joking aside, the full-on institutional capture as we see it today happened through the combination of big money donations and influence from mega-corporations, constant “emergencies”, and relentless litigation propelled by these interests, at every judicial level possible. The commoner became hypnotized with wealth, fame, comfort, entertainment, and the good ole-fashioned pursuit of happiness, and in the process, we abdicated our right and responsibility to govern ourselves and demand a government of, for, and by the people. We allowed the “consent of the governed” maxim to become “consent of the government”. We the people allowed the vacuum to form, and what’s been allowed to codify within that vacuum is a hostile take-over of everything that we once believed in and held dear."


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Why don't they just call it the Stake Market

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it is important to recognize that being pos vs pow does not make it fiat. Ethereum was like a fiat pegged to energy before simply because they did not have a finite supply cap. A blockchain like Cardano is also pos but not only does it have a finite cap (as large as it is with max supply at 45 Billion), but the distribution is extremely decentralized (about 95%) and it is structured to remain that way as stakepools saturate at about 60 million at which point the rewards decrease incentivizing moving to less saturated pools. This means at maximum consolidation (assuming self interest of maximizing rewards) there will be about 750 stakepools.

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you all should look up ETH Zurich university ..I came across it a few years back when researching some of the covid nonsense and thought ETH .. hmm like ethereum ..turns out klaus went there ..as well as most of the worlds leading minds including einstien for over a century and im pretty sure the canadian/russian who developed eth was given an honorary degree from there .. just food for thought (whats funny is back then i thought i was crazy making any connection)

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Last sentence sums it up perfectly.

Make your bets. If you concsiously choose to bet on the second, you are the enemy of the freedom. You will loose, and it will be glorious.

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"But it’s not the private entities that present the greatest threat to liberty and privacy.

This asset is now an easy target for a hostile state or international institutional takeover."

Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees. The pivate entities are acting as states/international institutions, because that is what they in fact are, especially the latter of them.

The private assets backing this are internation institutions - the corporations that owns.

A global digital currency is every capitalists wet dream come true, and if it is in symbiosis with supra-state level actors, all the better since that gets rid of all that pesky democracy-schtick that makes the plebs think they too have rights and privileges.

Such are only for the annointed.

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Interesting, I've wondered if Theta (does everything Ether does and cheaper) is going to take the place of Ether by shared broadband (replacing globalist 5G) and Litecoin is going to be used as the people's money for everyday commerce. Both Litecoin and Theta are playing the long game and they were created by MIT guys. Theta also allows people to earn a "basic income" by sharing their broadband and earning T Fuel

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If you want to check out what's available in blockchain based true peer to peer, low power & smart contract for chat, web sites and coin, check out qortal.org

Full disclosure I'm proud holder of about $200 worth of QORT which I earned by minting for over a year. It pays for the electric & bandwidth so it's not a get rich quick scheme.

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Hate to admit it but this is way over my head, bottom line, the globalists push for 1 digital currency is WELL underway… remember not by force ( for now), but by CHOICE- we are digging our own grave

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Pass the popcorn please. This oughta be good.

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And the weiner is ... freedom

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Thank Goodness I sawt through the scam of digital mining.

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022

The only people marketing the "Green" angle are the lugenpresse. Go listen to any of the Ethereum people and this is not what the merge is about. It's a by-product, sure. And efficiency is not a bad thing.

The merge is about becoming more decentralized and more secure (PoS is much less susceptible to a nation-state level attack because there is no physical footprint in validating like there is in a bitcoin mine which is a huge physical operation that requires being near cheap energy, having tons of employees, tons of commodity hardware that must be constantly upgraded). Also, validating does not require constant sell pressure like mining does (to maintain the cost of labor, electricity, and commodity hardware, ie ASICs.

The amount of ignorance from right-wing circles about this is astounding. You need to stop listening to Bitcoin maxis who think buying, holding, and selling (all BTC can do) is actually a threat to the status quo.

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"right wing" ok bro. when so much eth is consolidated in so few pools, you have a centralization problem in what is primarily supposed to be a decentralized network. even vitalik has expressed doubts.

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