Is there anyone remaining out there who does not believe we're being railroaded up a creek by serially abusive kleptocrats?

You write: "In financial statements, the company has acknowledged that it has transformed itself into a COVID-19-driven business. All of its new income is coming from the American taxpayer and other government “customers” via their taxpayers, who have virtually no say in the matter."

Most governments around the planet and just about all corporations, institutions, etc have fallen into line as "Covid-19-driven business".

We the people are the rubes victimized by this enormous planetary scam. Two years or more later and we still await the news that the average citizen understands what has/is happening.

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Its hard to remember some times that "we" know but you talk to the man on the street and he is oblivious to most of what us Substackians are tuned into. You get your info from the msm and you know nothing. I too await the day.

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Find many “ordinary” citizens do know but they seem to prefer not taking it all to the logical conclusions.

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The latest example being the mass-hysteria over the Ukrainian-Russian 'war'.

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And you "have to pick a side."

Divide and Conquer at it's finest.

We are so "cut up" into various groups that we will never unite to defeat a common enemy, the common enemy!

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Very true!

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You will wait as long as I've been waiting to make out with Raquel Welch.

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Raquel! That dates you fairly precisely. She aint looking so hot these days. In fact I'd be inclined to pass unless there's a free T-shirt in it or something? I don't think it will ever happen. And all those folk who curtailed to the jab, friends and family who vilified my decision can go get fucked for eternity.

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Carbon dating through teenage pinups. And ditto.

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Hey, "depopulation" is the big payday now.

Treating cancer, infections, heart disease, even ED, it is all "old school."

That is why I am so disgusted with the "medical system" and that is exactly what it has become, a "system" devoid of any care, humanity, or goodness!

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You have a great deal of company.

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Thank you!

And thank you for all you do!

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The problem is no one in the normie ranks wants to talk about any of this.

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I think it's not so much they don't want to as much as they don't know how to with any semblance of competence and credibility. I'm guessing that rather than embarrass themselves they stay silent; probably just as well. This is a real problem for sustaining a democracy, having so many people who are willing to remain sufficiently ignorant and unquestioningly follow "the authorities" (read, big money).

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There’s a number of forces at play. If you pay a cursory glance at the msm as many “busy” people do then it’s all just “get jabbed, boosted, mask up, social distance, wash yer hands, do the hokey pokey etc.” And they just follow along. Then there are those who have a degree of cognitive dissonance about it all but still just go along to get along. There are also those who have seen the truth, won’t be getting another jab unless forced to, have figured out they’ve been duped but don’t know how to move past it. Like you said Larry, they are embarrassed and don’t know how to “move forward” with this new knowledge. But by enlarge most people just follow the dictates of the media and “experts” (I swear I see red every time they use that word now). I don’t see anyway around it. If the truth were to come out in a public way it’s going to be devastating to so many a person’s world view. It’s going to shatter many of the preconceived notions about our society. I think about progressive thinkers like Sam Harris who are completely under the spell and as such hold little hope for the rest to be able to sufficiently grapple with the reality of the situation. Unlike 9/11 or whatever, this ruse isn’t going to fade as easily from memory due to its ongoing nature. This might be a blessing.

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Good points. Buckle up, if you haven't already. Some major interesting times ahead for us all.

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Noooo they do not. It's less popular than Boy George at a Slayer concert.

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Because the so-called “normies” are anything but. My guess is these people are massively damaged psychologically. Going to get ugly as they face the inevitable reappearance of truth everywhere. They will try to double down but it will only work for so long.

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Wow, human lives lost for 38 dollars. Such a deal.

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It is unfathomable to know the truth of what is happening right before our eyes. These people know the shots are deadly and that they do Nothing to help anyone to protect said people from Anything.

Yet they make money knowing folks are being injured and either dying or will die from them.

They know they have their blue pill sheeple who will continue being Branch Covidians and follow blindly along with the Scam.

And many will even give the kill shot to their youngest children. That in itself us chilling.

Now imagine the stock portfolios of all our politicians and others who get wealthier at the expense of these Covidians and the rest of taxpayers who know better and also know the majority of the shots will go to waste because many now see its a scam.

Many now see it after being deceived the first go round. But they may still not see the damage they will likely endure cause they don’t connect the dots to all the young deaths with no cause of death being listed by the media outlets.

It is so sickening that only Satanic people could devise this death plot.

Father, please let mankind Wake Up. 🙏

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Graft and corruption pervade every nook and cranny of government at every level in the USA. It seems to me that it is inevitable that at some point the backs of the tax donkeys will break.

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Expand that definition to include nearly every government around the planet right now and yes, 100% corrupt. Is the USA even the worst offender? Doubt it.

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Dr. Vernon Coleman said all governments are intentionally failing to make us more willing to accept the NWO, Reset, Communist Revolution, whatever is next, probably all three!

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Is that right! Sure seems that they are all in line with the Great Reset as proposed by the World Economic Forum. If they are intentionally failing they have a very strange way of going about it, lol.

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Yes, Dr. Coleman's webpages are a real treat.

We should suggest he migrate to "The Sub."

He "gets it."

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And so much of that money will be laundered back into bribes to the FDA, CDC, and politicians. Utterly corrupt and crooked, that bunch, no better than any other drug cartel.

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At least the Mexican cartels don’t force anyone to use their product.

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Now that was good.

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Is there a way to find out what Pfizer is doing with these “record profits?” Because IMO “Mr. Global” is using Big Pharma to finance the NWO agenda. Is Pfizer financing our planned destruction?

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Probably being laundered back to the politicians who allocated the spending just like the Ukraine money. Don't forget the abortion profits.

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The Alex thing you wrote on twitter is too much. People contributed bc of the David versus Goliath fight. That’s the headline and the story





Feeding the beast. Keep doing what you do best which is not this.

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More evidence for the view that Biden is our Brezhnev, a somnolent placeholder while the ruling class tries to loot what's left of the country before an inevitable collapse.

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It's called liberal democratic capitalism comrade! You get to vote and the politicians tell you what to do. You get to work for pay for the same business you get to buy and consume products as told by that business. You will own nothing, and you will be happy.

As opposed to communism, where you get to vote and the politicians tell you what to do, and you get to work for the state for state credits to spend in the state's stores as told to by state. You will own nothing, and you will be happy.

Is magik, yes? Change name, and thing is no longer same thing. Untested gene-therapy becomes vaccine by magik of words! Man become woman by little penstroke in passport! Concentration camp becoming quarantined alternative living arrangements for unvaccinated! Peaceful protestors become terrorists; looters and arsonists become peaceful protestors!


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Big pharma mafia.

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Hornet, it is far more evil than any "mafia."

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Oil companies: Windfall profit tax!

Big Pharma: Windfall profits at taxpayer expense!

I wonder if the big guy is getting a 10% kickback from one of those...

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Paying over $9B for a product that we can't give away. Brilliant.

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The American taxpayer is paying billions of dollars to the vaccine manufacturers to produce harmful, often lethal genetic "vaccines" that serve no valid medical purpose whatsoever. These dangerous genetic cocktails which employ a garbage technology are then injected into American taxpayers through coercion, mandate and/or propaganda.

The American taxpayer is paying billions of dollars to support and prolong the US/NATO War Against Russia (with Ukraine as proxy). This insane and totally avoidable war is greatly hurting American taxpayers via rampant inflation, food scarcity, supply-chain disruptions, etc. Propaganda is used 24/7 to persuade the American taxpayer to support this US-engineered war.

This is a sick system. The American taxpayer is the biggest dupe in the world. The U.S. Uniparty and the Mainstream Media are both totally corrupt enablers of 'friendly fascism'. Something's gotta give. The "vaccines" will destroy the immune systems and internal organs of millions of misinformed people in the months and years ahead. And the US/NATO war of aggression may destroy the planet in a nuclear conflagration.

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Paying over $9B for a product that we can't give away. Brilliant.

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The grift continues and will continue until these charlatans are held to an account.

The foisting of these risky, experimental "vaccines" on children, however, is obscene. Statistically speaking, the likelihood of a young child experiencing serious illness or death from any variant is vanishingly small. To expose their still developing bodies to this genomic therapy is insanity, and the parents indulging in this cultish behavior, and the doctors advocating for it, are truly disturbing.

Thanks for putting the receipts together to show that this is, at this point, and explicit act of fraud on the American people. Hopefully the coming elections herald a sea change in governance, and the arrival of accountability for these self-promoting hucksters and their enablers.

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This literally makes me sick to my stomach. I will share it everywhere I can. We need a damn revolution.

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