Corruption. It’s jarring to suddenly realize the society you grew up and live in is just as corrupt as any banana republic.

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We've been Chiquiting along for decades.

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Well thank goodness he's only facing threats. So much preferable to the executions he has delivered to so many.

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40 years as serial murderer and beagle puppy torturer.

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The term is mass murderer, doing Satan's bidding. But as he sowed, so shall he also reap.

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Why do we continue to put up with all of this?

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I want you to get mad!

I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot. I don't want you to write to your Congressman, because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street.

All I know is that first, you've got to get mad.

You've gotta say, "I'm a human being, goddammit! My life has value!"

So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell,

"I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!!"


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Jan 18, 2023
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Another year and we'll all be living on a ranch somewhere together.

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Jan 18, 2023
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The whole state stinks of sulphur. The cockroaches are bad too. But there is a lot of appeal to the place.

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Jan 18, 2023
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Because the majority of the population lives in ignorance and dope-induced passivity.

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If anyone needs round the clock protection this arsehole does!

Apparently, The UK's fat unkempt Ex-Prime Minister (Johnson) also ratified the UK's agreement for The WHO Treaty without proper agreement in Parliament or with Public knowledge through Parliament., this farcical and dangerous World Health Organisation's proposed Treaty to have credence!

Then to 'rub salt in the wound' the UK was forced to accept an unelected (WEF Muppet) replacement Prime Minister. Our new unelected, WEF trained, PM (a RAT called Sunak) went to Bali to once again make decisions on the the British public would fiercely have rejected - if they were even informed about it (which they weren't).

Bill Gates bought into the WHO by being their biggest Benefactor (Influencer) making the WHO obsolete and now showing 'criminal intent' by monopolising World Health decisions thereby removing every country's sovereignty in this regard!

This plays into Gates's Vax marketing plans to our detriment and freedoms. The WHO will announce the next fictitious viral attack as reason to lock down the world. Beware! You have been notified and warned!

I'm proud to have the title 'Conspiracy Theorist' and 'Vax Denier'. Even though I've had numerous proper proven SAFE vaccine injections. It's just that I studied the history of Coronavirus, the PATENTING thereof, the 'Experimental' vaccines unjustifiably obtaining EUAs (under false pretences) from their financial collaborators at the FDA , CDC and NIH!

BBC will need much larger building to house stickers that the British public are putting on their windows for EVERY Casualty the BBC try to hide! the exponentially increasing number of VAX RELATED DEATHS notices the public are sticking on their windows.   The Lying BBC pretend these VAX RELATED DEATHS are fictitious!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Strange how senior government officials all seem to be living to a ripe old age, collecting a paycheck all the while, whilst random people are dropping in the streets.

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Evil takes forever to die.

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None of them were required to take the sacred miracle elixir. Sleazy Joe and Dr. Sickle went on live TV and supposedly were injected with it to fool the plebs. We all know it was saline.

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Dr Sickle!!!. Awesome.

The one thing I wonder is, why the fake set? If you're injecting the landlord in chief with saline, why not just do it in the real White House?

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There is nothing real and authentic about this administration. Everything is an act to please their globalist overlords. 🤡

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'Cause mushrooms like him like it better in dark basements.

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Not the dropping in the streets part, but real humans usually die younger than the demons, because we have to work (you know, the real definition) for a living.

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Emotional roller coaster every single day. Miss tubing down the lazy river, but I guess not any time soon.

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I'm trying to think of the other organization that has well-paid no-show jobs, but it's slipping my mind.

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All of congress? Our present resident? The Vice-resident? LMK, if I'm getting close.

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I remember when Arnold honestly said Governor and the legislature was really a part time job. But screwing things up makes them feel important and justifies the incredible perks, apparently.

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Fauci's (and others of the CDC) gets royalties on vaccine patents...

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Fauci is the guy who holds the bag of money and directs that money to certain Pharma/Biotech interests who are funded by high finance who profit off of death and misery.

Of course he does even more than this- he is as crooked as it gets.

He is the consummate technocrat.

One of the best exposes on Fauci was done in 2014 by Terry Michaels- don't miss this one.


After 200++ hours of research, we found this superb interview – recorded in 2014 – that goes into Fauci’s frauds in detail. The players, the mechanisms, all the belts and gears.


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I want to give you a good few likes. Fauxi news...is needed, and not with interviews. Thank you for keeping an eye on that little POS! He is so repellant; it can't be fun to follow him but I'm grateful that you do. And tell us about it.

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You know Joe sent all our Air Marshalls down to the border to serve sloppy joes to our new US visitors. Perhaps Tony and his entourage can head on down to the border in "solidarity" to help jab the new visitors with all of the unused bivalent boosters. 🤔 Great PR IMHO.

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Wait I thought thst POS Scott Gottlieb got Berenson booted off Twitter by inferring threats!?!? WTAF?!

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'I'm selling crutches today, so this my aim;

I'll bamboozle a man into thinking he's lame.'

Zhao Bensham


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Swamp gonna swamp. Fauci will never completely go away, much to my consternation. 😡

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That ahole needs hung.

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I have a rope

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