May 25, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

DeSantis views the world thru a lense of freedom while Trump views the world thru a lense of what is best for Trump. There are so many people who I tend to respect on the right that just cannot realize that Trump is only about Trump. Don't get me wrong, if Trump wins the primary we need to make sure he wins the General because Trump being about Trump is good 75% of the time, but this nonsensical, undying support for someone with so many shortcomings has to stop.

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I agree with your assessment of Trump. My biggest gripe with Trump is his insistence that his "wonderful vaccine" has saved lives, when all the evidence proves otherwise. Yet he continues promoting this ineffective and dangerous gene therapy, either through ignorance (which I doubt) or ego, which is more likely. His track record for cabinet appointments in his first term was horrendous. I will assume he relied upon other more experienced politicians for advice on whom to appoint (big mistake), and sincerely hope he has learned by now, who can be relied upon and trusted to carry out his vision. His view on bitcoin seems similar to his view of the vaccine. As the article pointed out, crime can be equally conducted by either the dollar or bitcoin, so that should be a non-issue. I personally do not like bitcoin, but appreciate it's ability for personal financial freedom, and lack of government control, unlike the CBDC.

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Massie/Greene 2024

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I disagree, Trump promoted the Covid booster to boos while DeSantos did a terrible job as governor and around 20,000 Floridians died unnecessarily from Covid. DeSantos killed more Americans than Osama Bin Laden…all praise to Allah!

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deletedMay 25, 2023·edited May 25, 2023
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May 25, 2023·edited May 25, 2023

This is obviously a complicated issue much like the early days of Covid. Though are you saying a 25 year old is incapable or not allowed to change their world view? I have different views at 45 than I had at 25. And I am sure my views will change at 65. The key is DeSantis is learning and making better decisions based on gained experience. Trump has a horrible track record of womanizing and surrounding himself with shady associates and business partners which would appear to me that he is not making better decisions with gained life experiences.

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You cannot prove he participated in torture at Gitmo. You and a few others make that claim but cannot prove it. That he was assigned there does not mean he participated.

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deletedMay 25, 2023·edited May 25, 2023
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You and Harpers expect me to believe a man tortured for years by the US? Sorry Charlie, that proves nothing at all. With DeSantis’ fealty to Israel it is possible (but not likely) he is Mossad. You’ll have to do better to change my mind. I’ve always liked Harpers, but today it’s not far removed from The Atlantic. Try harder to prove your claim. I would like to know the truth about this claim.

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Thanks for a relatively honest correction. His in context statement suggests he was a young officer going along to get along. As a young officer in Vietnam, I can relate. We could talk for hours about the US/Israeli Global War Of Terror but that would digress from the subject at hand. As a long time resident of Florida, I say DeSantis is the best governor this state has seen in my lifetime, but I am not happy with his fealty to the Tel Aviv government. At this point in time I can forgive and understand his explanation of his actions at Gitmo. I have already expressed my thoughts to him by email--I wish he would stay in Tallahassee because the federal government cannot be saved by the electoral process. It is too far gone. I favor the Article V convention of states.

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Not to mention the very strong stance by DeSantis regarding pharma and the public health establishment, while Trump pushed the vaccine and still pretends it's safe and effective.

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That right there is reason enough for Trump to go set his hairspray on fire and let sane people take over

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Through a partnership with FDEM and FDOH, Publix is receiving 15,000 doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to launch a new pilot program at 22 select Publix Supermarkets, beginning Friday, January 8. Appointments can be made beginning Thursday, January 7.

“As part of our ongoing efforts to increase vaccinations and put Florida’s seniors first, I’m pleased to announce this innovative partnership with Publix,” said Governor DeSantis. “At the end of the day, we are all in this together, and the state of Florida thanks Publix for their willingness to step up and lend their infrastructure to this critical cause.”


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Yes, I'm well aware that AT FIRST he was pro vaccines, when the great majority of people including many of the Great Barrington people were pro vaccines. However he never coerced people to get them. And in fact opposed such coercion in Florida.

And then off course he was one of the first to stop the lockdowns and opposed masking children at school and pretty much every evil mandate that the Faucis tried to push on people.

Then with time he has also said with his Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo that he would look into vaccine side effects.

His record on everything related to Covid is better than any major political figure. Certainly better than Trump.

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I guess you’ve never seen the video of him jabbing the 100 year old WW2 hero???

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Umm, are you really not aware that DeSantis was avidly promoting the vaccine and singing its praises in 2021, when Trump was out of office? Is that the 'very strong stance' you meant?

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No, I meant his very strong stance against lockdowns, mandates, vaccine passports etc.

He also hosted the Great Barrington people for several conferences to discuss the situation. And he appointed Joseph Ladapo who has been very pro evidence and doesn't bow down to the CDC and pharma.

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May 25, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Great points Jordan. Please address in further posts what has transpired in the world since Trump was president. I keep hearing that he will come in and “set things straight “ again. Much has changed. The East and South are moving from the dollar. Trump is not going to come in and bully Russia, China or anyone else. The collective west is diminishing and new strategies need to be developed.

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We are energy dominant…the dollar is stronger than it’s been since the 1990s.

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Trump had his chance. Yes, Trump would be better than any Dem and most of the RINOs, but he had four years to drain the swamp, put "her" in prison, investigate the previous admin's corruption, and keep all the other promises he made. Now he's out (illegitimately, but that doesn't change the fact he's out) and the swamp he failed to even attempt to drain is now draining themselves of any last vestiges of conservatism, trying their best to put "him" in prison, and continually investigating him and overturning pretty much everything he did accomplish. Sorry, but Trump's a sucker to not see that would happen. Bannon called it and Trump threw him out. At least with DeSantis it won't be four years of BS investigation after investigation simply because the Dems have a Trump fetish.

Yes, Trump's second term would be all bluster and blowhard and no action -- again. Screw that.

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I didn’t vote for Trump but gave him the benefit of doubt in his talk of normalizing relations with Russia. When he failed to pardon Assange who he had once praised, I dismissed him for the moral void he has always been.

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Interesting scenario you raise. Worth considering! Thanks for your interesting take on all this going on.

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In addition, Trump poisoned the world with Warp Speed. Therefore, Phuck him forever.

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Did he sit in his basement and make the vaccine himself? He enabled pharma to create a vaccine and they failed miserably.

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And he learned nothing and would do it all over again. He is incapable of correcting himself, because in his mind, he is god.

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Trump is a unabashed dope who allowed Fauci, the deep state, and the neocons to bamboozle and intimidate him. The best thing he could do for the country and the GOP is to drop dead.

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The GOP you want to do the 'best thing" for spent Trump's four years in office attacking and undermining him at every turn. The entire GOP Congress staunchly defended Fauci from Trump's criticism, and would have removed him from office if he had done more then criticize him. The GOP is what needs to "drop dead', and likely will do in the not very distant future once the neocons and deep state - who are backing DeSantis, in case you did not notice - get back into power with your help.

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Gee - observing from a distance (Australia - already totally WEF-captured) I think maybe you are ontp something here

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No one gets to be governor of a state without first kissing a ring or a wall. You can say the same for the President.

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deletedMay 25, 2023·edited May 25, 2023
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DeSantis is also a warmonger

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In his private life, Trump was a creature of the debt markets, his stance on monetary policy should be no surprise. Oh, and he doesn't read books. I hope DeSantis wins.

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Hi Jordan, nice post, my main quibble is that bitcoin and all cryptocurrencies suffer from the same monetary printing issues as the dollar via tether, which prints tens of billions of dollars out of thin air to inflate or deflate the entire crypto-space as argued here: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/misconceptions-regarding-viewing

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Most cryptocurrencies, yes, as made insanely evident by the Terra Luna debacle. But that is entirely incorrect regarding Bitcoin. It is hardcapped at 21,000,000.

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Hi Locke, the limitation on the number of circulating Bitcoin is not the argument being advanced; rather, Tether prints billions out of thin air and then *buys bitcoin with those printed-out-of-thin-air-dollars*. In this way the elites behind the Tether fraud control the price of Bitcoin itself. This is laid out in the above link. I hope this is helpful.

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Or, you know, the US Gov could print 'dollars' out of thin air and buy BTC with them instead?

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Hi Bigs, there is no evidence that USG has purchased cryptocurrencies (although El Salvador has, and has lost a lot of money on it). If you believe otherwise, I would be happy to take a look at whatever links you have. Whereas the Tether situation is very well documented.

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Thanks for the link, I'll read it when I have time.

Understood, but with that line of reasoning, there is no possible store of value that would be acceptable to you. As the US dollar or USDT or any inflationary currency could be manipulated to purchase anything, whether it be bitcoin or gold or ammo or oil.

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Hi Locke, yes, there is no panacea; every form of wealth preservations has drawbacks associated with it. One of the main differences between cryptocurrency (including bitcoin) and gold, however, is that the Tether fraud has been used to pump *up* the price of crypto, while our elite overlords have been *deliberately suppressing* the price of gold/silver for many decades via the COMEX fraud and other methods.

I'm not trying to 100% shit on Bitcoin, to be clear; it has certain important benefits that gold and silver lack. It's just that very few people are aware of the elite's method of control in the crypto space.

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Both are Israel first, America second. We need a true America First conservative.

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The key question for me is, does DeSantis understand why Trump imposed tariffs on goods made in China, and will he resume Trump's successful but incomplete (due to Covid, which is why China was complicit in that whole operation) trade war aimed to reduce the trade imbalance between the two countries?

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May 25, 2023·edited May 25, 2023

DeRino is a globalist and doesn’t bash China. Bush/Rove/and his backers are pro China and pro keeping the price of oil high with manufactured wars.

DeRino voted for TPP under Obama. The last issue to prove he is a WEF puppet.... he recently signed the “Live Local Act “ which is the same framework as WEF 15 minute cities.

He is a faker and I can’t stand his childish, whiney voice anymore. Lol. I’m done with him. His an establishment candidate and that says it all right there.

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May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023

DeSantis didn't question the stolen 2020 election. Any political person who won’t call the 2020/2022 elections for what they are isn’t fit to lead. Nothing else matters.

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Hard to believe you are still plugging bitcoin in the wake of the FTX fiasco and flight of billions of dollars from the bitcoin marketplace.

The CARES Act passed Congress by unanimous vote. But the one person you blame it on is Trump, who could not have stopped it if he wanted to? Incidentally, DeSantis welcomed the money when he got his.

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Hmmm, another reason I’m leaning towards DeSantis over Trump...

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Except the top issue is not getting nuked over the dumb Ukraine War, with Trump the peace candidate and DeSantis waffling.

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