Jul 19, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Down to earth reality. Nicely done.

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Thanks, much appreciated!

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Jul 19, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

This is a twofer. I’m subscribed to you both, in my effort to support independent truth-tellers. And only those.

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You're the best!

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Why, thank you. (Now when are you going to come on in to the LPMC? Freedom Fest would be a good time and place to do it...)

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It's not that masks DON'T work it's that they CANNOT work.

This whole charade has been built around the lie that healthy, well, *asymptomatic* people are potential vectors of this disease and so we must all stay at home, wearing masks if we need to venture out and interact with our fellow humans.

Unfortunately for that view, there is no conclusive evidence that supports asymptomatic transmission at anything like the rate required to drive a pandemic. A meta-analysis published in JAMA said the following:

''In this meta-analysis of 54 studies with 77 758 participants, the estimated overall household secondary attack rate was 16.6%, higher than observed secondary attack rates for SARS-CoV and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus. Controlling for differences across studies, secondary attack rates were higher in households from symptomatic index cases than asymptomatic index cases, to adult contacts than to child contacts, to spouses than to other family contacts, and in households with 1 contact than households with 3 or more contacts.''

The more granular results said:

A total of 54 relevant studies with 77 758 participants reporting household secondary transmission were identified.

Estimated household secondary attack rate was 16.6% (95% CI, 14.0%-19.3%), higher than secondary attack rates for SARS-CoV (7.5%; 95% CI, 4.8%-10.7%) and MERS-CoV (4.7%; 95% CI, 0.9%-10.7%).

Household secondary attack rates were increased from symptomatic index cases (18.0%; 95% CI, 14.2%-22.1%) than from asymptomatic index cases (0.7%; 95% CI, 0%-4.9%), to adult contacts (28.3%; 95% CI, 20.2%-37.1%) than to child contacts (16.8%; 95% CI, 12.3%-21.7%), to spouses (37.8%; 95% CI, 25.8%-50.5%) than to other family contacts (17.8%; 95% CI, 11.7%-24.8%), and in households with 1 contact (41.5%; 95% CI, 31.7%-51.7%) than in households with 3 or more contacts (22.8%; 95% CI, 13.6%-33.5%).

A 0.7% attack rate from an asymptomatic index case with a 95% CI between 4.9% and......tellingly.....0%. That the mean figure of 0.7% is skewed well towards zero and not 4.9% is revealing; it say most of the studies meta-analysed were finding ~0% asymptomatic attack rates in peoples houses where they probably don't wear masks, but live with each other, for hours and hours a day, every day. Sure there'll be heterogeneity, those assumptions won't hold true in many cases but it's reasonable to assume people won't be masked in their own homes and still the phenomena of asymptomatic transmission is seldom*** observed.

So, that's asymptomatic transmission...now masks. If you are out and about, on the street, doing your shopping, going to a bar, on public transport the chances are you're going to be presenting no symptoms at all. The notion you'd be in any of these places coughing and spluttering without being told to get the hell out of there and GO HOME!!!! by people angry at your irresponsibility and keeping their distance from you is unlikely. If somebody so much as coughs nowadays it's enough to give people the vapours!! Ergo the vast majority of interactions outside the home are between healthy uninfected people.

Our government has managed to psychologically conflate that, being healthy and well, with being asymptomatic, potentially infectious and to be avoided. Off the back of that lie it has mandated masks as 'protection' from these potentially asymptomatic, potentially infectious carriers but, as shown, being 'asymptomatic' doesn't even equate to being infectious towards the people you live with so it's certainly not going to equate to being infectious towards people you pass briefly on the street, in the supermarket or sit near on a bus for ten minutes.

Ergo if the mode of transmission that masks are purported to prevent barely exists then masks cannot have an effect on it. Danmask-19, for all its flaws found no statistical difference between mask-wearers and non mask wearers and that was to be entirely expected. You can't prevent what's not there to be prevented.

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I'm wondering how we can possibly change things by talking about the idiocy of Covid restrictions, when everything about this debacle points to the very real probability that Covid is just the vehicle to institute what they're actually planning: depopulation, 24/7 control and surveillance of everyone who's left, and digital ID/currency. If they announced that the Great Reset was starting tomorrow, and that we all needed to line up and get tagged into their system, most of us would tell them to go to hell. But if they can scare the hell out of us and funnel everyone into the "vaccine" chute with a story about a deadly "virus," it makes their job easier. I'm afraid that we're wasting energy and time trying to point out how illogical this Covid stuff is, and they're laughing at us because we're missing the point.

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Two lawsuits were filed yesterday to stop the vaccinations when a whistle blower let it be known that the real Vaccine death toll was around 45k instead of between 5k and 10k. Stay tuned this could get interesting.

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Well they can hope to keep culling the weaklings and build critical mass.

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I don't believe for a moment that they were avoiding negative PR. This was planned and the rollout of the vaccine passports reveal that this was the plan all along.

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Great listen, thanks guys. (Texas listener). We are almost as sane as Florida now.

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How much does it cost to make a mask in China? Probably around a couple cents. Masks especially since they’re disposable make lots of money. Not about safety.

“People Health” Kooks and the childlike tyrannical governors need masks to justify everything is still in their “emergency”. Again not about safety just old fashioned tyranny.

Masks for some ward off evil and reality. A new talisman. Total buy-in. Not about safety but LARPing.

“For example, there is a threat to both pure and applied research in the biological sciences, where profits not only determine the choice of research problems, but color how some researchers reach their solutions: Tell us what to look for, and we’ll provide it!”

“The Craft of Research” 2008. Booth, Colomb, and Williams.

Do we think this is better or worse now?

Until people start really saying no people will be wearing masks for so called “climate change crisis” and whatever hysterics them come up with next…

Rubber suits, chem masks, some sort of full body prophylaxis, all on the table. Welcome to the “Brawndo” tyranny.

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Jordan something other than facts needs to get in their way.

Free speech is fine, but as Frederick the Great said of the Free Press "They say as they like, I do as I like."

Communism was pretty much debunked decades before it fell, and it didn't fall to Blue Jeans, MTV or Debates. Try bankruptcy and starvation combined with a full court Intelligence and Government pressure of the entire West over decades and they just ran out of money and wheat - and interestingly enough vodka as substitute money - and gave up.

One can't overlook the actual reformers in the USSR weren't the refuseniks but the KGB and their man Gorbachev. Yes, that KGB, although they didn't quite get what they wanted they're still on top now...with a healthier base in Russia and the East.

Nazism of course was debunked by force.

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I have no interest in watching the Olympics. Aside from the covid sideshow, the relentless special interest segments would drive me crazy. No thanks.

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I don't believe for a moment that they were avoiding negative PR. This was planned and the rollout of the vaccine passports reveal that this was the plan all along.

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Thanks for posting this Jordan. Ian's twitter feed (and his own substack) are very informative and a must-read for anyone interested in the science(TM) of masking

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Digging the podcast. I suggest a better mic or padding In the room. The sound is really bad compared to the people you have interviewed.

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I don't believe for a moment that they were avoiding negative PR. This was planned and the rollout of the vaccine passports reveal that this was the plan all along.

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Klaus Schwab lays it out in detail.

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You're not telling me something I don't already know.

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That’s a good thing, now we need to wake up the others.

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Cotton masks stop aerosolized viruses using the same mechanism that cotton underwear uses to stop aerosolized farts. That is why mine don't stink. Tighty whites.

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They are muzzles, get used to it. They restrict communication not viruses.

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They are muzzles, get used to it. They restrict communication not viruses.

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