The hysteria was always far more deadly than covid. The pandemic was a self-perpetuating shit show the likes of which will go down in the annals of history as easily the most catastrophic public health response ever. It’s through the distance that only time can give that we’ll come to understand its true magnitude.


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Based on everything we've seen, there is no way I believe "the global response to covid is just another project based on a faulty premise". This is the most thoroughly planned and coordinated crime against humanity I have seen in my lifetime, by far. It is the elites vs the peons. Covid was just the launching pad to start their full scale assault on us. By "their" I mean the elites', by "us" I mean "us peons". The divisiveness, censorship, trillions in "spending", and shoving all kinds of "crises" down our throats is no coincidence.

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It is all a giant Psy-Op- no "what if's" about it.

In a nutshell, the arrival of the 2020 "pandemic" was about as accidental as an assassination. The pandemic narrative is nothing but a cover story to conceal from the public what in reality is the biggest asset transfer ever.

The lockdowns were for looting. The ruling-class plundered $6.5 trillion from the working-class under guise of 'public health'.

It’s important to understand the ‘financial crises’ is nothing but very well organized theft. If it wasn’t being deliberately engineered by those at the top of the financial pyramid it wouldn’t affect anyone in any way whatsoever.

Central banks have given governments their marching orders, to sign everybody up to mandatory digital IDs that will form the basis for new financial and social systems.

Covid™ was not an epidemiological event it is a business model, a manufactured event meant to increase the portfolio’s of the super wealthy.

If you understand this you understand the madness unfolding around you.

The US ruling-class have stolen more wealth in the last 3 yrs than the previous 30 combined, they are not "collapsing" but destroying the vestiges of democracy and the economy in order to further enslave the proletariat.

Millions of workers thrown on the scrap-heap, public assets plundered and destroyed, civil rights abolished, while billionaires make hay like never before.

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The cover story behind the creation of MK-ULTRA was that the "Commies" were brainwashing good American boys in Korea into confessing to fake war crimes (spraying chemical- and alleged biological-warfare agents). The problem with the cover story was that the war crimes were real, as exposed by the famous China scholar Joseph Needham of Cambridge (England), so there were no fake confessions to explain.

So, the CIA wasn't duped by the "enemy": it was duping the enemy (the public). The COVID fraud is the extension of MK-ULTRA from its original work in mind control of individuals to mind control of groups (Jonestown) to whole societies.

And, yes, it's all smoke and MK-ULTRA mirrors: There's no virus to start with.

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What if Dulles made up the Soviet 'intel' so he could push MKUltra through quickly?

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Or...Dulles was actually a collectivist authoritarian, supported an ideology that is the other side of the Stalinist/Marxist coin, the Hitler/Fascist side.

Because Hitler was a Frankenstein created by the US supporters of Fascism. He just did it wrong. Just like supporters of Communism say about Stalin and Mao.

American Supporters of the European Fascists


"Some of the primary and more famous Americans and companies that were involved with the fascist regimes of Europe are: William Randolph Hearst, Joseph Kennedy (JFK's father), Charles Lindbergh, John Rockefeller, Andrew Mellon (head of Alcoa, banker, and Secretary of Treasury), DuPont, General Motors, Standard Oil (now Exxon), Ford, ITT, Allen Dulles (later head of the CIA), Prescott Bush, National City Bank, and General Electric."

"The following is excerpted from a report printed by the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary in 1974:

The activities of General Motors, Ford and Chrysler prior to and during World War II...are instructive. At that time, these three firms dominated motor vehicle production in both the United States and Germany. Due to its mass production capabilities, automobile manufacturing is one of the most crucial industries with respect to national defense. As a result, these firms retained the economic and political power to affect the shape of governmental relations both within and between these nations in a manner which maximized corporate global profits. In short, they were private governments unaccountable to the citizens of any country yet possessing tremendous influence over the course of war and peace in the world. The substantial contribution of these firms to the American war effort in terms of tanks, aircraft components, and other military equipment is widely acknowledged. Less well known are the simultaneous contributions of their foreign subsidiaries to the Axis Powers. In sum, they maximized profits by supplying both sides with the materiel needed to conduct the war."

"In 1940 Graeme K. Howard, Vice President of General Motors, published America and a New World Order, in which he advised that America give full cooperation to the Nazi regime. In his book he blames FDR for causing the war in Europe and goes on to say that the fascists should be supported as the better alternative to the spread of Communism."

"Important information about the ties between American businessmen and the fascist powers of Europe was communicated to FDR by the American Ambassador to Germany during the 1930s, William E. Dodd. His writings on the matter are of critical importance. He wrote about connections between Hearst and the Nazis as well as Hearst and the Italians, in addition to Nazi connections with other wealthy Americans.

"A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime. . . . "

"Certain American industrialists had a great deal to do with bringing fascist regimes into being in both Germany and Italy. They extended aid to help Fascism occupy the seat of power, and they are helping to keep it there."

- William E. Dodd, U.S. Ambassador to Germany, 1937

This is the only internet library of the writings of William E. Dodd:


Much more down the Bush family rabbit hole. That the Cheney's, McConnell's, Romney's, McCain's of the GOP along with the D's don't want to become widely known. Wonder where the #NeverTrumpers get their motivation? Not any more.

The Bush Crime Family History | Prescott Bush Helped Nazis, Kennedy Assassination, Vietnam, Reagan Assassination Attempt, and more:


And realize the Bush's are just puppets. For even more powerful puppetmasters who's names we don't even know. Who we do not see. NotSee's. Sounds like...

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The MK Ultra documents tell a very different story. They were clearly successful at breaking the human mind and manipulating the weak willed, with projects like Jonestown and the Manson family serving as key examples of that success. In laboratory testing remote viewing was 70% successful. While some of the almost 200 public projects did fail, many of them were more successful than most realize.

I covered this topic on my substack last month.



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Hi Jordan, nice post. A major Hegelian dialectic was the COVID-19 pandemic, where the positions offered and pushed by the media were: (1) COVID is a deadly pandemic, it’s origins are unknown, people sick with it should take Remdesivir and be placed on breathing machines if they are really sick, and we must lockdown society with no economic impact studies in order to save the population, vs (2) COVID is a deadly pandemic, its origins were Chinese biolabs, people sick should take HCQ and everyone should shelter and stay at home, but maybe total shutdowns aren’t totally necessary. Dissenting voices to this dialectic were banned from social media, squelched, and threatened with job loss and/or actually fired; an alternative position was a belief that COVID-19 was a difficult-to-differentiate flu equivalent with equivalent mortality rates, and it would not have even been noticed without the media hype.

Evidence for this position includes a John Hopkins analysis (later yanked for political reasons) stating total mortality was flat in 2020: https://web.archive.org/web/20201126163323/https://www.jhunewsletter.com/article/2020/11/a-closer-look-at-u-s-deaths-due-to-covid-19#

also confirmed by Stanford research that was later banned: https://web.archive.org/web/20221011230138/https://fsi.stanford.edu/news/coronavirus-deadly-they-say

the incidence of flu in 2020 was zero: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-9766331/Recorded-cases-influenzas-dropped-way-ZERO-2020-COVID-19-pandemic-killed-flu.html

and there’s a question over whether PCR tests can even detect COVID-19 vs general cold/flu: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/07/no_author/manufactured-pandemic-testing-people-for-any-strain-of-a-coronavirus-not-specifically-for-covid-19/

(To the extent there was an increase in total mortality in 2020, it is unclear to what extent it can simply be blamed on regular hospital operations, including surgeries, being suspended during the first year of the "pandemic"; increases in mortality post-2020 (i.e. after COVID was already circling for a year) can be attributed to the untested, experimental, dangerous COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.)

The stakes for this dialectic were very high and the enormous energy generated created a powerful synthesis: the ushering in of forced vaccinations and COVID vaccine passports (later placed temporarily on hold), with residual resentment for China in case the establishment decides to treat them as an enemy in the future (beginning in 2023)

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Is there any reason to think the Soviets *weren't* experimenting on political and every other grade of prisoners in mental hospitals and prisons? Diagnosing dissidence as mental illness has been well-attested, hasn't it?

All we've really got these days are better tools with which to inflict atrocities on people who disagree with the Received Wisdom. Heresy is a very very old concept. And mesmerizing rituals and consumption of mind-altering substances as part of those very cleverly-designed rituals is as old as organized society, and organized society is pretty old.

All groups do bad things to frighten or coerce or brutally-enforce conformity. It was amazing how fast Communism was replaced by the open resurrection of the Russian Orthodox Church, and I'm still shaking my head that people won't stop quoting Solzhenitsyn as a champion of liberty and free thought when he couldn't abandon Vermont fast enough to run back to Russia once Mother was back in official good graces.

Our clandestines did and do bad things, and so do everyone else's. Always and forever, and we've always got to fight back as best we can.

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Agreed, coordinated narrative drove the covidians to fear based reactions so they would accept govt lead life changing solutions without question

Fear stopped the frontal lobe analysis and made them herdable and self policing - driving in a car alone with a mask on perfect sign of madness.

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Yes, operation covid hoax was the biggest psychological warfare operation in the history of the world. They just used their scientifically fraudulent PCR test, with a high rate of false positives, and hijacked cold and flu season and called everything covid. Dr. Mike Yeadon and others have called covid a PCR false positive pseudopandemic. He said all they had to do to make covid go away was to stop the PCR testing and covid would disappear by morning. And the whole reason for the psyop was to scare humanity into taking bioweapon injections, which are for depopulation.

So, YES, 100% psyop from start to finish and now it is being used to set up a global biosecurity state via the WHO pandemic treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations.

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This is pretty off-topic, but if you can check out "Nowhere Man", a one-season TV show that ran in the mid-90s. I don't want to spoil too much, but the show explores mind control themes and was far far far ahead of its time.

All episodes free:


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There are so many parallels between the two. Even just looking at the men who controlled the programs -- Sydney Gottlieb and Fauci. No moral compass. No real love for humanity. Downright pathological liars. If you haven’t read Poisoner in Chief, I’d recommend it. Total eye opener in how men like these have no limits. They’d do whatever it took to achieve their desired ends.

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Quoting Pete Townsend of The Who, "meet the new boss, same as the old boss."

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Most of the CIA directors from Dulles to Burns have been members of the liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which has controlled US policy since WW2. Dulles, who ran the CIA "Operation Mockingbird", was a CFR director for 40 years. The "Biden team" is loaded with CFR members, and the CFR/CIA network still controls the US media: https://swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/

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Why ignore the "cybernetic" crowd? its a big chunk of the MK mad science effort.

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