Nailed it. They're stealing everything they can before the collapse -- then the 'solution' will be a monetary system centrally controlled by the same people who blew up the last one.

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And digital in nature and thus completely enslaving.

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Lionel Shriver's _The Mandibles_ continues to come true.

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Yes playing out exactly as in The mandibles. This novel is prophecy

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Outstanding commentary.

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Appreciate that!

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The Republican-led House of Representatives just passed a $1.2 trillion Omnibus spending bill, which will allow for the government to print and spend even more money through the end of the year, past the 2024 presidential election. Now that they secured the bag for the Beltway, lawmakers are all leaving for a two week Easter vacation.

Except that -- Thank you, God -- Rand Paul has blocked this bill in the Senate. #MAGA. [Alas, the block didn't hold.]

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I wouldn't hold up hope that he can keep that up as he and teh few with him as so few compared to the establishment sell-outs in the Senate.

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Part of being an American -- from 1776 on (I had two relatives at the Battle of Trenton) -- is that we don't give up hope.

America is all but lost. Election 2024 is our last, best chance. God Bless America.

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Election 2020 or did you mean 2024?

Funny you mention that year b/c my ID on other platforms is Neverforget1776

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FYI (if you didn't know) don't edit any typos if your post has gotten an LIKES b/c I think they get reset when you do that.

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Mar 23Edited
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Our House Reps no longer represent the interests of their constituents. Neither do our Senators. Once in the club, they only care about the club.

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All federal income taxation is wholly unconstitutional, and We the People as nonresident aliens of the foreign nation of Washington, D.C. must finally come to our collective senses and cease paying for our own demise.

Memorandum of Law: The Legality Of Income Taxation In The "50 States" Of The Union


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Not paying Feral Taxes when mere tresspassing in the capitol on Jan 6th gets you 20 years in prison, doesn't seem prudent.

Since collapse is coming, I'd rather stay outside prison and Prep for the future economic/social demise and be able to aid my family.

3rd Smartest Guy in the Neighborhood

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This morning I saw some sad sack legislator on TV bemoaning that "Oh, we can't risk a gov't shutdown, that would be terrible" We've shut it down many times before, and we should have shut it down now. These legislators have no balls.

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Or morals

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After contacting his office to tell him to vote NO, I wasn't at all shocked to see my first term NC rep Chuck Edwards, once very conservative at the state level, vote yea on this monstrosity. Because he's been acting the RINO, I voted against him in the recent primary to send a message but he still won. He's obviously sucking up to the uniparty to get his back scratched. We cant win for losing.

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I believe The Regime is intentionally burning down the house as a parting/welcome gift to DJT

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Does anyone ever get the feeling we're being fleeced by these crooks? They pass these monstrosities and the public has no knowledge of anything included in the bill. Even Pelosi admitted you have to pass the bill to know what's in it.

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Elon Musk sounds the alarm on Joe Biden’s open borders scheme Since purchasing Twitter, Musk has become more and more outspoken in his opposition to the Left. Musk began with a crusade against censorship. Now Musk is ripping the Left’s plan to import millions of illegal aliens in order to increase their power base.

Musk wrote that Democrats and left-wing activist groups oppose voter ID laws because they see every illegal alien as a potential new voter and there are Democrat strongholds, such as New York City, that have already tried to give illegal aliens the right to vote in local elections.

“They are importing voters,” Musk wrote on X. “This is why groups on the far Left fight so hard to stop voter ID requirements, under the absurd guise of protecting the right to vote.”

But the Left’s plan is even more diabolical.

In 2020, Chief Justice John Roberts joined with the Court’s leftists to strike down a Trump administration proposal to only count American citizens in the census.

Joe Biden took advantage of the Court allowing states to count illegal aliens for the purposes of drawing new Congressional districts by flooding the country with millions of illegal aliens and shipping them to blue states.

That way, when the 2030 census rolls around, Democrats will benefit since the increase in population will allow them to create new Congressional districts that are safe seats.

Conservatives warn about plan to manipulate the census

Congress can only have 435 Congressional districts. The maps are drawn based on population.

Tennessee Senator Bill Hagerty told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo that Joe Biden smuggled enough illegal aliens into America to give Democrats 13 new Congressional districts.

“[Democrats] want these illegal migrants in here to create more electoral power…Since Joe Biden came into office, the estimates are as high as 10 million people that have come in here — that would be 13 extra Congressional districts,” Hagerty stated.

Please do check our #1 Book, "Invisible Treason." Election 2024 is America's best, last chance.

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Roberts is a traitor, he’s in Epstein’s little black book. He’s being blackmailed, something about how he got his adopted children is what I have read. That vote to count illegals is Outrageous & probably Unconstitutional under Article 4, Sec 4. This is an invasion.

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Elon Musk predicted a “red wave” in the 2022 midterms, responding to a viral video of a NY woman complaining about illegal immigration negatively impacting her neighborhood under Democratic policies.

She said illegal immigrants were dangerous and Democratic policies tied police hands.

“There is either a red wave this November or America is doomed. Imagine four more years of this getting worse,” Musk wrote.

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Soo? The Biden administration impedes Border Patrol agents from fulfilling their duty?

............How? Not legally!

Obama and Biden Executive Orders, Deferred Prosecution edicts and DHS Janet Reno's past memos can NOT void US Immigration Laws.

DHS and Border Patrol agents have been following ILLEGAL ORDERS since 2008!

Even Trump failed to deport all illegal aliens when the GOP controlled the Presidency, House and Senate in 2017 - 2018! The GOP is complicit by OMISSION OF ACTION!

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How to shackle the next President in three (or more) lousy votes. Anyone still think this is not a Uniparty?

Wonder when Johnson will scuttle off with his loot.

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The Author is correct no one in DC wants to stop this insanity that will only end with the collapse of the dollar and the collapse of the economy. I am now praying that I am not alive to see that day.

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I, myself, would rather be alive when it crashes just so I could then display one last smirk.

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Yeah, this is just stunning. The GOPe just has no use for its constituents. They could have shut the government down and forced a discussion. The Speaker could have pulled out the objectionable items and shown them to the American people. He didn't.

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$850M for a gay senior home, $500k for DEI zoo exhibits, $400k to a group that gives kids clothes to hide their gender (chest binders and tuck'ems), $1Billion for childcare/HeadStart, $400k for gay activist to teach kids about being trans, $15Million for Egyptian college tuition IN Egypt, $120M for cancer research, $100M for Alzheimer's research, paid abortions for military, $1Billion for TSA pay equity, etc, etc, etc. I thought we were worried about a government shutdown??? I am SO SICK of this wasteful spending!!!


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