Why in the world are people who are in charge of COVID policy able to make money on it? Sooo wrongAm I the only one who thinks this. Conflict of interest is so obvious here!

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It's the Chinese way. You can be the defense minister and the sole owner of the country's only defense contractor. You approve your own product for government purchase. Oh, and you get to set the price on either end!

This is how these frauds work.

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Take your daily 5,000 iu Vitamin D3, 25 mg zinc, drink green tea occasionally, and ask for hydroxychloroquine if you get the bug. It is milder than cold or flue. The only people dying were deathly ill or D3 & zinc deficient.

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I read also that you can use inhaled steroids to protect the lungs.

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Dr. Mercola recommends nebulizing hydrogen peroxide if you get the virus. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/10/12/trump-coronavirus-response.aspx (scroll down to the video).

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I'm sticking with HCQ at the first onset of infection.

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Don't forget Zinc. HCQ opens the door for Zinc to penetrate the cells to kill the virus. I agree tho. Worse yet, Fauci began funding Eco Health Alliance who funded Wuhan who created COVID a few months b4 and probably with knowledge his research was to be banned in the US. First grant in May 2014.


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Yes! And the FDA removed HCQ from the Emergency Use to make room for Fauci’s drug. In some ways he’s responsible for the backlash against HCQ!

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Of course he is. Fauci openly denied HCQ effectiveness.

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FYI the study referenced in this blog post found that hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir/ritonavir, interferon, and remdesivir all have no material benefit for Covid patients. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.10.15.20209817v1.full.pdf

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Plus zinc!

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Plus Zinc and Arithromyacin!

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Or doxycycline if you have heart issues.

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Why don't I believe any of this? Could be that the MSM and the "leaders of science" have lied to us so consistently over the past 9 months that we don believe a word any of them have said? Tell you what, I'll treat it like a flu, as my mother taught me, and I will get better or I will die, That is up to God and I, for one, have lost confidence in everyone else.

I am a 74 year old male with three health conditions, but otherwise in excellent health with a robust immune system. When I figured out what was really going on in late APR/early MAY, I ended by lockdown on MAY 11, despite what the California GESTAPO said, and have made it a point to leave the house EVERY day without a mask since then. I only wear a mask into businesses I like so the GESTAPO will not put them out of business. I live in Silicon Valley and since the beginning there have only been 639 cases, no reported deaths, out of 47600 in my zip code. And the new flu season just starting ... flu death rate is 3 times greater than CV-19.

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Uh, the Chinese told us in March in their trials on Remdesivir that it doesn't work or is marginal at best. Americans don't listen.

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Some doctors believe that an over-the-counter supplement called Quercetin is almost as good as HCQ in delivering zinc to the cells where it destroys the virus. I've been taking Quercetin and Zinc as well as D and C daily for some months, and I haven't caught the virus even though my granddaughter who lives with us was positive for it. (Like almost all children, she didn't even slow down during her quarantine)

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Fauci will continue to push remdesivir since he has a lot of his capital invested in it. That is also the reason why he tried to downplay hydroxychloroquine treatment effectiveness.

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Fascinating is a greedy, murdering little fraud! Responsible for thousands of needless deaths because of politics!

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HCQ worked beautifully for me AND my partner, thanks to a sister who happened to be an MD. Combined with high dosages of Zinc, Copper and Vitamin D3 with Omega! Trump was right all along!

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Political doctors investing in, and pushing certain drugs and demonizing others is a huge problem. Maybe look objectively at the practicing physicians that made the Youtube banned tape of HCQ regimen. These biases are going to kill people unless they are stopped!

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And if Fauci was in charge during the Obama admin., when they depleted the N95 stock, why didn't he do even the basics like making sure supplies were kept up? Especially, back in 2017, when he warned; "the Trump admin. is going to face a pandemic"? If he knew a pandemic was coming, why wasn't he prepared? Could it possibly be because he also knew where it came from and that the plan all along was to use it to degrade the Trump presidency for such a time as this? A conspiracy theory I know but is it so unbelievable?

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If Fauci and the rest of the corruptocrats were more interested in caring for people instead of making a buck they would have stuck with hydroxychloroquine.

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Sorry one other comment I will make. Dr. Fauci is head of NIAID. So as the head, shouldn't he have had a written and fully tested emergency response plan for a pandemic? The other HHS agencies have plans for their domains. He should have also ensured states and local governments had their own sub plans. Wouldn't that have spelled out the roles of the various private, NGO, and governmental entities? Also pre-planning for bumping up resources including facilities, medical equipment, treatments, quarantine, protective gear, and vaccines, Where is that plan and why did I get the sense that the President and Vice President had to pick up the ball he dropped while he "consulted" and passed judgment on the actions of others? If Congress and the media were HONEST they would ask these questions. I think the President and VP did an amazing job coordinating with industry and supporting the states (many of who argued yet took the money and resources) while their constituents were dying. They also had to again take the ball when Congress politicized everything and make sure business and workers did not suffer even more financially.

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And yet the FDA, pharmacists, and state governors banned HCQ (once Trump touted it) and made sure little people couldn't get it when they were first diagnosed. There are no approved drugs specifically for this virus. Providers used a variety of treatments and the powers that be, stunted provider innovation by politicizing certain drugs and banning them. I also place blame with providers and healthcare organizations who told patients they couldn't be tested because they did not have enough symptoms and even sent home newly diagnosed virus patients and told them to come back if they got sicker. Well, invariably, many of them came back sick, sick and then suffered weeks or months of hospitalization or even death. Is that not true?

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