Former CIA director Michael Hayden just smeared all Republicans as ISIS level terrorists. These swamp creatures have no problem waterboarding and droning dissidents. DEI struggle sessions like these are preparing our military to attack its own citizens, while opening up the gates at the border for fresh recruits.

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The ongoing attacks on white, straight Christian conservatives are staggering. The very people that built literally everything we know are being vilified by our government, the MSM and academia. Something is sickeningly wrong with our culture. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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It is deliberate. They want to destroy the United State in every way.

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....And all of that is barely scratching the surface of it!

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Just like the vax it's a way of purging anyone who is not simpatico with far left woke ideology or at least shuts up and follows orders.

A gov't usually falls when the military won't fire on it's own people. Do you think that historical tidbit isn't lost on the current hunta?

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This isn't "Far Left" woke ideology, this is CIA PSYOPS, in 1974.

"New world order strategist: thirty years ago Richard N. Gardner proposed a "piecemeal" approach to world government. The internationalist insiders have followed his blueprint ever since".

"The 'house of world order'," Gardner recommended, "will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great 'booming, buzzing confusion,' to use William James' famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault." This would entail the "decentralized, disorderly and pragmatic process of inventing or adapting institutions of limited jurisdiction and selected membership to deal with specific problems on a case-by-case basis, as the necessity for cooperation is perceived by the relevant nations. Such institutions of limited jurisdiction will have a better chance of doing what must be done to make a 'rule of law' possible among nations." Calling for "strengthened international institutions at the global and regional levels," Gardner repudiated the older formula of "building up a few ambitious central institutions of universal membership and general jurisdiction," such as the United Nations itself.

Gardner's program is based on strategic deception--except that the deception is deployed against the American public, not an enemy military force. By building world order one piece at a time, akin to assembling the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, Gardner and his associates hope to create an illusion of incompetence and disorder--a "booming, buzzing confusion"--to confuse would-be opponents of world government. Even those perceiving the intent behind individual programs can nonetheless be kept from recognizing the overall design, or from recognizing that so many seemingly disparate globalist programs could possibly be connected as part of a coherent strategy.

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Woke ideology exists as a means to separate the wheat from the chaff.

They sit around in boardrooms, planning their marketing schemes, drawing on their domestic terrorist boards. It really is basically a Loyalty Litmus Test:

1.) "let's see what absurd proposal we can get the bleaters and repeaters to assimilate today!"

Easy peasy! A quick means to determine the conformers and the nonconformers.

2.) Next, parade the mantra that the now ridiculed "bad" kids are a DANGEROUS threat. Leverage Media, including Social Media.

3.) Next; get the conformers, aka bleaters and repeaters, to bleat and repeat the proffered narrative of DANGER and shaming towards the bad kids.

Add in the power and influence of controlled Media, including Social Media, and,


There you have it.

Plan narrative. Disseminate. Designated agents repeat. Conformists bleat. Identify. Empower. Divide. Instill fear. Divide. Shame. Repeat. Does not = Democracy.

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Thanks for sharing this Jordan. As a retired Master Sergeant this implementation and force feeding of wokeism is so very sad! A once very competent and ready force is being reduced to a group social experiment of the left. Which contradicts everything we have stood for over the last two centuries. No wonder recruitments are down. When “pride” in service takes on a whole new meaning. Very sad!!

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I’m sure the China and Russia militaries are shaking their heads saying “really? It’s going to be THIS easy??”

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Wow, so "Federal LGBTQI+ Employee" is a job title now.

Your sexual preferences and imagination about your gender are now raised to the level of job qualifications.

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Yes -- that's crazy! I like the joke about not showing up for work because you identify as invisible!

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Destroying the US Military without firing a shot.

I could say “Clever, these Chinese 🇨🇳,” but I certainly wouldn’t do that because that would be racist.

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Oh, brother!!!

The system is designed to fail.

Because the media, the public health agencies, politicians, and even frontline doctors all pushed the probable cause of this disaster, they are now structurally unable to acknowledge there’s even a problem.

Remember that old nursery fairytale about the king with no clothes?

We’re living through that fairytale.

The evil wizard sold the king some “invisible clothes” and made a fortune. The king’s counselors and wise men were too scared of getting in trouble to say anything. So everybody had to pretend the invisible clothes didn’t cause cancer.

I was reading it the other night to my toddler, and he had all sorts of “forbidden” but common sense and critically thinking questions such as, “mom, that’s obvious, he has no clothes, why not tell him” and so on.

What happens to some of our society members once they become adults and stop thinking for themselves?

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Have you noticed that the left doesn’t criticize the military anymore. They’ve taken it over.

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I am a US Soldier my pro-nouns are Sergeant or soldier. Officer pro-nouns are Sir or Ma'am.

End of story, end of lesson. Now sign the attendance sheet, move out and get back to work.

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Putin, Xi, Kim, et al are laughing their asses off.

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I posted a cartoon this morning that strikes back at this ominous trans agenda: https://annecantstandit.substack.com/p/cease-and-desist?r=7f8gy&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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brilliant! signed: one proud mother.

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Thank you, mary-lou, proud mother!!!

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you're welcome (subb'd)

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Happy Day! Thank you!

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us 'lovers-of-a-giggle-every-now-and-then' need to stick together :-))

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I actually used to recommend military service to all until I was awakened to the fact they were only being used to prop up the military industrial complex. No wars have been fought to defend the United States, just to sell more bombs and influence. https://scotthorton.org/stress/they-lied-us-into-war-all-of-them/

I should applaud this latest remaking as this may keep more people from dying needlessly around the world than trying to tell the truth about all the lies. I wonder if the diverse members will be happy about killing innocents overseas.

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They're taking the societal destabilization they've wreaked straight into the military, where they've already purged conservatives and continue to deplete the ranks through experimental (non)vaccine mandates. All the gender fluidity nonsense is a focused attack on our culture, meant to destabilize and draw attention away from the horrific crimes they are perpetrating and the technocratic, dystopian, corporatist infrastructure they are implementing, without ever putting their plans before the public for a vote (as if a vote would even count).

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Yep, trying to destroy the nuclear family, emasculate males, and basically weaken the overall fabric of society. All according to plan...

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It's no wonder why recruitment is down. Who wants to be part of this freak show?

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oh yeah, combat-ready! Ready to wage war against the American Taxpayers who are paying for this crap. Bathhouse Barri is in the closet.

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This isn't "Far Left" woke ideology, this is CIA PSYOPS, in 1974.

"New world order strategist: thirty years ago Richard N. Gardner proposed a "piecemeal" approach to world government. The internationalist insiders have followed his blueprint ever since".

"The 'house of world order'," Gardner recommended, "will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great 'booming, buzzing confusion,' to use William James' famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault." This would entail the "decentralized, disorderly and pragmatic process of inventing or adapting institutions of limited jurisdiction and selected membership to deal with specific problems on a case-by-case basis, as the necessity for cooperation is perceived by the relevant nations. Such institutions of limited jurisdiction will have a better chance of doing what must be done to make a 'rule of law' possible among nations." Calling for "strengthened international institutions at the global and regional levels," Gardner repudiated the older formula of "building up a few ambitious central institutions of universal membership and general jurisdiction," such as the United Nations itself.

Gardner's program is based on strategic deception--except that the deception is deployed against the American public, not an enemy military force. By building world order one piece at a time, akin to assembling the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, Gardner and his associates hope to create an illusion of incompetence and disorder--a "booming, buzzing confusion"--to confuse would-be opponents of world government. Even those perceiving the intent behind individual programs can nonetheless be kept from recognizing the overall design, or from recognizing that so many seemingly disparate globalist programs could possibly be connected as part of a coherent strategy.

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