For God's sake can we please stop with the "masks don't work crap"! Of course they work. Are they perfect? No. Better than nothing? Yes! If you think coughing or sneezing into you sleeve is a good idea then the mask is a good idea too. Use your logic please.

If you get the disease it is probably from your HANDS touching your face. Damn you people are stupid and believe anything to justify being a baby and not wearing a mask. I'm so tired of this crap. Use common sense people.

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How about you wear the face diaper and let the rest of us decide if we want one or not. It is called freedom of choice. You can rebreathe all the crap on your mask that you have had crumpled up in the cup holder of your car for the last six months all you want. Don't force me to follow your stupidity off the cliff.

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Exactly. Freedom and sovereignty is our natural human condition!

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We were at Lowe’s today and the cashier removed his mask to take a breath. I saw on the inside of the mask a brown circle where his mouth was. That cannot be more healthy than breathing unrestricted air.

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So right, Tango268. We are designed to breathe as much air as necessary to keep our bodies healthy and free of disease. Mask wearing is a tool of the controllers who consider us vermin and wish us dead (or at least silent and compliant).

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The masks are "petri dishes": New artificial conditions, "mask mouth" and "mask face", have appeared; dental and facial problems resulting from the growth of bacteria and fungi are proliferating.

The inner microbial infections are increasing periodontal conditions, which can eventually cause gum and tooth loss, and can in turn promote cardiovascular conditions. The outer microbial infections are increasing unnatural rash, acne, and other problems.

I have witnessed both in persons I have long known. The Powers That Be want us sick and/or dead: utterly helpless and dependent upon Big Pharma and Big Government. All of this is a war against Natural Law: both political and personal.

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Thanks for sharing. I would love to see the med-tech cartel factions talking about this. I haven't seen a dentist in nearly two years because of this tyranny, but it has forced me to seek even more natural alternatives and my teeth are healthy and strong. No muzzle ever for me.

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They were probably a coffee drinker.

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And maybe don't be an ass and force other people to accept death?

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You have to “accept death” as a condition of being alive. That’s the problem with leftists; you actually believe you can alter reality by force of will. Wear your filthy mask of submission. Free Americans are done accepting your Soviet diktats.

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They don't have to accept death, or the science and logic that says a piece of cloth that is 97% virus permeable won't protect the wearer from viral infection. They can fervently believe that the mask will make them immortal and they will never die, of anything, if they want to. That just won't actually be the case. Very little of the rest of their leftist ideology is reality based, so why would this be?

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And when they die, it was my fault🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

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If your worthless cloth wonder is actually protecting you, you should be just fine whether the rest of us engage in delusional magical thinking with you or not. That said, death is an inevitable result of being born so whether you accept it or not doesn't much matter. You might as well refuse to accept that the earth orbits the sun or that the sun will rise in the east tomorrow morning. Regardless of your acceptance level, all of the above are happening.

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Checked out the article. You are probably right about cloth masks. But I don't think most people are wearing cloth masks. There wearing the blue disposable masks made of 3 layers of polypropylene. Surgical masks, or medical masks as they are called in the study, are very effective, also blue and also have 3 layer polypropylene with a inner layer they refer to as melt blown. They are medical grade and almost as effective as N95. I am not sure if all blue masks with 3 layers of polypropylene have the melt blown inner layer but its a shame if they don't because the cost of each is similar on amazon. 30 bucks for $50. Its a shame the adminstration doesn't make it known that these very effective masks are available cheaply and also a shame that walmart etc are selling look alike surgical masks that may not be as effective. Maybe they are more effective than cloth. Anyway that is what most people that I see are wearing; hardly any strictly cloth masks. If everybody wore cheap medical grade surgical masks as the study you mentioned showed we would be better off.

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Surgical masks are even worse. They have huge gaps between the mask and the wearers face that would be lucky to stop a house fly. They are literally only intended to stop surgical personnel from coughing directly into the patient on a surgical table. AFAIK the study is referring to N95 medical masks which are not the same as those flaps of fabric commonly called a surgical mask. That said the vast majority of people I see are wearing those stupid reusable cloth things not surgical masks, which again are obviously not going to be effective at preventing viral infection because they don't even tightly fit the face. Failure to seal against the face is an automatic fail for N95 mask fit test.

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Your comment aged well, I see.

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Stay home forever and stay safe.

No one ever died at home before.

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Are you kidding me? Since when did people suddenly care about everybody else’s health? The world didn’t wear masks for flu, colds, bronchitis, tuberculosis or anything else when out in public. Did those deaths matter? Of course they did. Life is risk. Best thing anybody can do is know Jesus before they die. People ought to start caring about their own health. You want us to wear masks to be responsible for your health? Then send us your medical records please with medical history ans so we can see how you are doing with your diet and exercise. I’ve had enough of this utter nonsense.

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hahahahahahahahahahaha. that made my day. Literally one of the funniest comments on this thread. Thank you.

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"85% of infected COVID-19 patients reported habitual mask wearing. Only 3.9% of those infected said they “never” wear a face covering." Use your logic and common sense to explain why you cannot understand that.

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People touch their faces many times without even thinking about it. Rub their eyes, wipe their nose (or worse) without thinking. It happens. Masks help not hurt.

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I've been touching my face for years, I'm 55 and have never had any serious sicknesses or diseases. You do the math. You wear a mask if you choose to be paranoid, but don't ram your paranoia down our throats. I live my life the way I see fit and if someone else can't handle that, that's just plain tough.

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Nailed it. I'm 58 and I firmly believe those in our age group, +\- 5 yrs, are a lot tougher than the younger set gives us credit for, or are themselves. If you could survive the 9 hour drive in the family wagon from PA To Maine not wearing a sealtbelt, eatin' white bread sammiches, with the windows up and both parents smoking, Covid ain't nuthin'.

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that’s funny

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Precisely because I understand the medical tyranny under which we have all been living since 1910 (due to John Rockefeller, Abraham Flexner, and the birth of Big Pharma), I stopped going to cut-burn-and-drug death merchants more than 25 years ago.

If I were to break an arm, I would immediately seek to have it set by a competent technician (which is all "medical doctors" are; they are drug pushers, nether physicians nor healers in the historical senses). These body mechanics are useful for trauma, but they are inimical to health otherwise.

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You don’t understand inductive reasoning. You are a single data point, self-reporting, and it’s a failure in logic to project to a wider population. Try “Science for Dummies” when you’re killing time in between Trump rallies and cross-burnings.

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You, being the superior intellect that you are, do realize that those cross burnings you refer to are actually a Democrat (KKK) conceived tactic, no? Just ask Joe Biden (when he's not napping in his basement) who lionized his dear friend Sen. Robert Byrd, a KKK chapter leader, at his funeral. Perhaps it's best for you to consider the words of this most relevant proverb: 'Tis better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."

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Really? Remind me again who likes to burn flags and cities.

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Fools who think something that is PROVEN to be 97% virus permeable will protect them from a virus babbling about science is pretty comical.

" An analysis by mask use showed ILI (RR=6.64, 95% CI 1.45 to 28.65) and laboratory-confirmed virus (RR=1.72, 95% CI 1.01 to 2.94) were significantly higher in the cloth masks group compared with the medical masks group. Penetration of cloth masks by particles was almost 97% and medical masks 44%."


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Thank you.

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You try Otto Warburg, Johanna Budwig, et al, for some actual medical science, instead of CDC, FDA, and AMA cut-burn-and-drug Scientism.

The "Masks Work" is just one of many current Big Lies. Try "Exposing Lies" like that one, instead of perpetuating tyrannical propaganda.

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Funny that you’d mention data. Like you were interested what the data of the “wider population” shows. But here you are ignoring it instead and pretending the data supports your beliefs, then the usual ad hominems as per your ilk...

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Yeah right. It's because of idiots like this people need to be paranoid and the virus is spreading so fast.

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Only a moron is paranoid about something with a 1 in 1000 infection fatality rate. You hysterics are ridiculous. Good thing you didn't live when small pox was killing 5,000,000 people a year with a 30% infection fatality rate, you'd have hidden under your beds crying hysterically and never come out.

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For decades, we've worked and have been alongside people with flus and colds. Mostly, we didn't get sick. If we did, we recovered quickly. It's called the "immune system." No one went into hysterics about dying. Have you been wearing a mask for these decades because "people rub their eyes, wipe their nose......"???? Didn't think so. Chicken Little, the sky is falling and you, "Stupid", are brainwashed.

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Forget colds and flu. As late as the mid 20th century small pox was still killing 5 million people a year with a 30% infection fatality rate nothing shutdown or stopped. The difference between then and now? The snowflake factor. Never underestimate the potential for delicate snowflakes to over react.

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Says the guy who probably boycotted professional sports because they believe in equality.

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Or, Steve, there is a bigger agenda at hand.

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Wrong!! I suppose you haven’t heard of the people that had their lungs collapse Due to mask wearing? Bacterial infections? You need to educate yourself

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Search is your friend! Hospital workers wearing cloth mask suffer from significantly increased chance of bacterial infections. You are the one who needs education!


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Yes, cloth masks, what 90% of people are wearing, which aren’t doing a damn bit of good.

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I'd say more like 95%+. N95 masks or what the study calls "medical masks" even are 44% virus permeable. Guess this is why you would be kicked out of a level IV bio lab and laughed at for relying on either of the above.

" An analysis by mask use showed ILI (RR=6.64, 95% CI 1.45 to 28.65) and laboratory-confirmed virus (RR=1.72, 95% CI 1.01 to 2.94) were significantly higher in the cloth masks group compared with the medical masks group. Penetration of cloth masks by particles was almost 97% and medical masks 44%."


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You’re kidding, right?? What you posted had ZERO scientific evidence that supports mask wearing by the general population.

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Wrong. Legit science website and not a basement blog. https://www.umms.org/coronavirus/what-to-know/masks/wearing-mask

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What you call "Legit science website" cites no actual research to support any of it's claims, because with regard to cloth masks, there is none.

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LMAO What you just called a basement blog is the only comprehensive study on the subject.

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"Legit science": propaganda purveyed by the self-protecting priesthood. Peer Review approval is merely reward for perpetuating dogma. What we now have in control of medicine are an entire army of Trofim Lysenkos.

See John Rockefeller, Abraham Flexner, and the birth of Big Pharma, which usurped control of medical schooling and medical practice, in 1910. We have had medical tyranny by a self-appointed elite ever since. Medical "heretics" are punished for their "heresy".

How many awards in the physical sciences (including biology) have you garnered? I have garnered seven. How high is your intelligence quotient? Mine is well above 150.

I stopped going to "medical doctors" more than 25 years ago, when I nearly died under their care; I have since then have relied upon diet, nutrition, and Natural Law, and I have been far healthier than I ever was while following their profit-making directions.

Follow the money. Follow the power.

Follow the control.

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"Hospital workers."

"Increased chance of bacterial infections."

Um, what do you think... hospital workers do, raise horses? Sounds more like... what would happen at a hospital, nothing to do with the mask. The only way to fully protect yourself at a hospital is to not go to the hospital.

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Jesus, you do realize that that is IN ADDITION TO the failure to protect from viral particles.... RIGHT? Not only do they fail to protect from the virus but they put you at increased risk of bacterial infection as well.

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If you read that study, they were comparing 3 groups: medical masks, cloth masks, and no masks. The cloth mask group got more infections than the non-mask group. So the point that this is in a hospital setting does not invalidate their result.

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You can also get pneumonia from the seasonal flu. Just depends on your current state of health. So if you are elderly and /or have health issues then wear a mask. Otherwise. Masks should be a persons choice period.

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You certainly sound like an educated...? You must be a Democrat, they never reveal their sources or references either, that's why they can tell any lie they want and their sheep believe everything!

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They don't need no stinkin sources, the masks make them FEEL good so that means they must be working.

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Actually Trumplicans are anti-science who do their “research” on You Tube, blogs, and memes. Here’s a University of Maryland citation that refutes the mask lies cited by your fellow crazies above. https://www.umms.org/coronavirus/what-to-know/masks/wearing-mask

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That's just opinion. It doesn't cite a single study or any actual data to back it up.

MYTH - The world is more or less spherical and orbits the star commonly called the sun.

FACT - In reality the world is flat and if you travel too far you will fall off the edge.

That nonsense I just claimed was myth and fact literally has as much validity as the simple opinion you linked to.

ACTUAL FACT - Cloth masks are 97% virus permeable and thus logically, relying on them for protection is absurd.

"" An analysis by mask use showed ILI (RR=6.64, 95% CI 1.45 to 28.65) and laboratory-confirmed virus (RR=1.72, 95% CI 1.01 to 2.94) were significantly higher in the cloth masks group compared with the medical masks group. Penetration of cloth masks by particles was almost 97% and medical masks 44%."


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I like how your source has zero data in it. If you think masks work then wear one but don’t think you can force your garbage on others. Oh by the way I hope your mask can prevent a virus that’s 1/10000 the size of a human hair and can only be seen with a scan electron microscope. Considering most surgical masks are only rated to 1/3000 the size of a human hair.

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Medical propaganda is not equatable with objective science; it is largely propaganda, and used to control practitioners and patients. Peer Review and Nobel Awards are about as trustworthy as the Hollywood Oscars.

If one's starting premise is false, then what follows logically (if not literally) will be false. Hippocrates, who believed in holistic health and natural law, would not be allowed a medical license in John Rockefeller's patent-for-profit artificial substitute for true healing that prevails in the USA.

Louis Pasteur did not "beat" Antoine Bechamp. (In fact, Pasteur reputedly recanted - in French, of course - on his death bed: "The Microbe is nothing, the Terrain is everything."). Pasteur was declared the "winner" because nature (e.g., functional foods) cannot be patented for profit, while artificial vaccines can be so.

John Rockefeller took that to the next step in 1910, usurping corporatist control of medical schools and medical licenses, using the bribed politicians and the paid media to promote vaccines as "safe and effective" (sound familiar?), and pushing his drugs created from petrochemical byproducts of Standard Oil production upon the masses, thus becoming the world's first billionaire. Big Pharma was born - and we have been the slaves of unnatural medicine ever since, in the exalted name of "Science". (We have concomitantly become less and less healthy, since our continued sickness makes them ever richer.)

It is because I actually excelled in the sciences, and because I understand the Scientific Method, that I reject the corporatist medical dogma that controls all of our lives via fascist edicts. What is called science is often dogma, and even true (objective) science is limited: The Scientific Method is a tool, nothing more: It is not infinite in its application; it is not a god, much less the God: It is fundamentally atomistic and non-holistic. What we call a doctor is simply a technician (mechanic) who learns systems and tools; such is not a physician (much less a healer) in the original sense of the word.

When was the last time you saw a disembodied circulatory system strolling down the sidewalk? Science is based upon isolating a variable, but no variable can be entirely isolated in a living person. A human being is a dynamic organism, not a static machine.

Since you have a fondness for ad hominem fallacies ("Trumplicans"), I will reciprocate: You are just a useful idiot who parrots the propaganda of our self-appointed masters; you do not understand true science at all.

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Their lungs collapsed because of overly aggressive ventilation. Fauci pushed for it after the Chinese recommended it, and then scores of doctors began to "pause" ventilation and made noise (which most people didn't hear) that overly aggressive ventilation was compromising patients' respiratory systems.


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I've actually touched my face more because of the mask than I ever did before. So for me and others, it puts me at higher risk of catching it. For hundreds of years society has been catching coughs and sneezes by covering mouth with hand and it was considered polite. No one was called a super spreader for it. Think man!

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we did think back then now they follow

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You have no idea how often you touch your face. This has been demonstrated by surveying people and asking them how often they estimate they touch their faces in a given time period with follow up observation by independent observers refuting the survey participants estimates. The only way you or anyone else will accurately know how often you touch your face with or without a mask is if you are observed.

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Then you wear one, if you are so protected. Just don't make me!!

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Why are maskers nearly 22 times more likely than non-maskers to contract the virus?

Using the factors of your hypothesis - touching, rubbing, wiping the face - logic and common sense indicates that masks actually induce people to 'increase' those activities, thereby contradicting the position that masks help.

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Because of the idiot non maskers who are spreading it !!!!

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If you're moronic 97% virus permeable cloth face diapers actually worked it wouldn't matter what the non-maskers were doing. You think personnel going into a hot zone in REAL bio-chemical gear see it fail because indiginous populations are not adequately protected? You people's idiotic rationalizations are getting ridiculous. Your face diapers DO NOT WORK. They are useless. and only stupid people believe otherwise.

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Ppl constantly have hands on face while wearing a mask! They prop it under their nose so all the germs go right in! Don’t tell me mask wearers aren’t touching their faces! Masks don’t prevent touching eyes. Do you know the protocol for how long to wear a mask, how often to change, how to remove it properly and where to put it? Who out there does?

CDC has the randomized studies that prove masks do not work for community spread. I found them- bet you can too!! To make it simple - the tiny virus passes through the much larger mask pores like it’s a chain link fence. Hence, mask to mask transmission, and 85% of mask wearers get sick. We all have at least 95% chance we won’t get it, 95% chance we’ll survive if we do. Can’t we relax, show our big smiles and live our lives? We need to protect the elderly with other sicknesses! This mask war is contrived to pit us against each other and show how many ppl will blindly follow — and it’s working!

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You people keep making this claim with zero evidence for it. The claim that something which is 97% virus permeable is going to have any significant ability to protect from said virus is ridiculous. It's nothing but feel good fantasy.

" An analysis by mask use showed ILI (RR=6.64, 95% CI 1.45 to 28.65) and laboratory-confirmed virus (RR=1.72, 95% CI 1.01 to 2.94) were significantly higher in the cloth masks group compared with the medical masks group. Penetration of cloth masks by particles was almost 97% and medical masks 44%."


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And that’s in a medical setting, not in a grocery store!!! People need to wake up!!!

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Several studies, some by CDC, report that a large number of mask-wearers either don’t wear them correctly or touch their face, adjusting them all day. Besides, where does touching your face spread anything? What the media refuses to report is the obvious that You would have to touch mucous membranes or non-intact skin to inoculate yourself if Covid follows all infectious disease guidelines.

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Nope. Simply touching an area of your face which is subsequently contacted by another object such as a tissue which then contacts a mucus membrane is sufficient as is touching around your mouth then licking the area with your tongue etc.

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you do realize the CDC has also gone back on their original statement stating they now believe covid is not likely spread through surface contact. While not impossible, it is highly unlikely. Therefore you get it from the airborn particulates which the standard masks we wear just simply do not stop those. Masks do help, but not the ones we are told to wear. They have to be medical grade to have any real effect. Do you realize how many times i have seen two people walk up to each other, immediately put on their mask when they got close, but then proceeded to stand within a foot of each other to talk for 30+ minutes? It is the distancing that matters, not the masks. People feel protected and forget that distancing is the major factor in not spreading disease. The studies show its the non distancing causing the spread, and that people are actually wearing their masks, yet still getting sick. The evidence is right before you but you do not want to believe it for some reason. The common sense here, as it has been our entire lives is, you stay away from sick people if you do not want to get sick. By the way, I like your username, it seems to fit/describe you perfectly. ;) By the way, wear your mask, don't, I don't really care as long as you stay 6 feet away from me because that is what really matters. Once you are closer than that, mask or not, all bets are off and you will likely spread the disease to others.

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You do know what habitual means, right? Look it up, it doesn't mean 24/7/365. A "habitual" mask wearer could only wear it while working a 40 hour week, and never when they're out on their own time.

I don't see why anti-maskers grab every random number they can, then skew the results to favor their argument. First, how do you know the patients who reported this weren't lying? Second, does "habitual" mean every moment they're out of doors, or "regularly?" Third, you are aware COVID doesn't just... sneak up on you, right? It comes from other people, who may NOT be wearing masks.

The bullet point is basically saying "people who wear masks can get COVID. Yes, they can, so can people not wearing masks. As a statistic for an entire argument, it's shit. It's the same as saying 100% of people who died died because of death.

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.....the recovery rate for people infected with C19 is 99.75%-----what don't YOU get about that????????

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Give me one logical reason why any RATIONAL person would believe a piece of cloth which is PROVEN 97% virus permeable is going to protect from virus transmission. Right there is no reason and you have not one single study showing they have any significant effect at all. Nothing but various claims completely unsupported by any actual data.

"" An analysis by mask use showed ILI (RR=6.64, 95% CI 1.45 to 28.65) and laboratory-confirmed virus (RR=1.72, 95% CI 1.01 to 2.94) were significantly higher in the cloth masks group compared with the medical masks group. Penetration of cloth masks by particles was almost 97% and medical masks 44%."


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That’s why it’s best to depend on real science - randomized studies that show they do not work. There has never been a mask that protects from a virus. NEVER. That’s why healthcare workers in direct contact with Covid patients wear a special fit N95 plus enclosed in a shield. And many of them still contract Covid 19.

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🦊 The actual Bullet Point of the story is that out of 214 people in that study, EVERY ONE of them were SICK. Only 11 of those SICK people responded that they NEVER wear masks. COVID is not the point. It is a Fake Pandemic. 96.5% of those SICK people wore masks.

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Don't confuse people with facts. They don't enjoy thinking when someone can just tell them what to do.

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Fourth, this article uses a PORTION of a table from the CDC study. You can't take a single data point and make a conclusion, especially when they looked as countless other factors at the same time.

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You stupid retard. “85% of infected wear mask” That’s because 90% of people wear the mask in the first place. ( as shown in control group). Why do brain dead people like you think you know anything about logic and common sense

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Did you see the p-value, dimwit? It's 0.86. That means there is an 86% the masks had absolutely no effect. Yes there is a SMALL chance that it had a SMALL effect, but take your mask and shove it up your ... hole.

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He doesn't know what that even means. They babble endlessly about science and logic and then promptly refuse to accept any of the actual data provided by the former or apply the latter.

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Two things here: 1) Do you even know what a p-value is? and 2) Did you even read the CDC study? Or are you just taking making your points based on this op-ed that uses only a portion of a table from the study?

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Anybody who thinks something 97% virus permeable is going to protect them from viruses is pretty obvious the "stupid retard". And if the worthless wonder cloth masks work and 90% of people are wearing them why are infection rates sky rocketing all over the country? You and logic aren't even on the same planet.

"" An analysis by mask use showed ILI (RR=6.64, 95% CI 1.45 to 28.65) and laboratory-confirmed virus (RR=1.72, 95% CI 1.01 to 2.94) were significantly higher in the cloth masks group compared with the medical masks group. Penetration of cloth masks by particles was almost 97% and medical masks 44%."


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Its self reported after the patients knew they had Covid. Also masks sent great at protecting you. However, if you are asymptomatic, then it protects people around you. So it's when everyone wears make, we are protected. When no one does, no one is protected .

Lastly, the CDC still recommend wearing a mask, being out doors, avoid eating out (since you can wear a mask while eating)

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Where is your own immune system in all the mask verbiage?????

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More magical thinking i.e. fabric which is 97% virus permeable will magically stop viral particles from passing from the inside to the outside. No, it won't.

"" An analysis by mask use showed ILI (RR=6.64, 95% CI 1.45 to 28.65) and laboratory-confirmed virus (RR=1.72, 95% CI 1.01 to 2.94) were significantly higher in the cloth masks group compared with the medical masks group. Penetration of cloth masks by particles was almost 97% and medical masks 44%."


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have you actually read the study? the CDC was studying the behavior of positive tested people to see if there was a disparity. masks were worn by both positive and negative tested people, however CoV positive people were twice as likely to have visited a restaurant in the past 14 days. this means that despite wearing masks and practicing social distancing, being in that restaurant or bar negates those efforts because you physically can’t have a mask on while you eat or drink. if you want a study looking at mask efficacy, look up “Nature Med mask”

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Please just do some fucking actual research and stop basing your ill informed opinions on a single article that supports your view.

Masks are about preventing the wearer from sharing their own germs with people around them. They are NOT effective at preventing the wearer from picking up outside germs.

I wear a mask so that I do not inadvertently get YOU sick, I wear a mask because I GIVE A SHIT about the people around me. That means everyone you see wearing a mask is doing so out of compassion and respect for the people around them, INCLUDING YOU. By not wearing a mask, you are saying the slightest inconvenience to your comfort is worth endangering those are you and is disrespectful, childish, and shows complete disregard and lack of empathy and compassion.

Just wear the damn mask.

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Please just do some fucking actual research and stop basing your ill informed opinions on a single article that supports your view.

Masks are about preventing the wearer from sharing their own germs with people around them. They are NOT effective at preventing the wearer from picking up outside germs.

I wear a mask so that I do not inadvertently get YOU sick, I wear a mask because I GIVE A SHIT about the people around me. That means everyone you see wearing a mask is doing so out of compassion and respect for the people around them, INCLUDING YOU. By not wearing a mask, you are saying the slightest inconvenience to your comfort is worth endangering those are you and is disrespectful, childish, and shows complete disregard and lack of empathy and compassion.

Just wear the damn mask.

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So masks are virtue signaling not actual protection?? Who openly sneezes or coughs on someone?? The seasonal flu also has an asymptotic infection rate of around 40%. If it’s so important to stop asymptotic people why haven’t people worn masks every flu season if they’re so effective???!!!!

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These virtue signallers are all narcissists and sociopaths who wish death on others and pretend they're full of compassion. They laugh at old ladies who pass out because the POS force them to wear masks despite asthma and heart issues. Sick of their lies. Their fake compassion fools no one anymore. They are all lying scum devoid of any empathy or basic human decency.

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Phony empathy and compassion from a THING that doesn't know what either is or give a damn about anyone else dying. Shut up!

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Read the CDC article in full and you'll realize that the author of this article grossly misinterpreted the data and failed to mention the numerous other factors that the CDC looked at in addition to mask-wearing. You cannot take one data point and make a conclusion, while ignoring the rest of the data. Maybe reach out to the CDC and see if they offer a spark notes version of their research studies considering you had so much trouble understanding it.

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Iditols can't be choosers, period. The survey should have asked if you were around idiots not wearing mask rather than asking if you were wearing mask. The cloth mask main objective was never to protect the wearer. It was to not spread to others from people that have it without symptoms. Everyone wears it then you don't get it from others. So for that fact you have to wear it. But there are enough idiots here so for it not to work.

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You don't understand that. The mask is to protect others from YOUR respiratory droplets, not to protect you from other people. So, if you are wearing a mask around an infectious person without one, you're still likely to get exposed. Meaningful data would show if the person who infected you had on a mask, not if you did. This study is useless.

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1. It makes no sense that viral particle penetration is only one way through cloth which is permeable in both directions. Viral particles will still be exhaled through cloth masks and respiratory droplets will still be absorbed through the material from one side to the other leaving the viral particles in them on what according to your logic is supposed to be the 'cold' side of the mask where exhalation force will then project them into the air.

2. People who are infect ed shouldn't be going out in public mask or no mask and those who are symptomatic don't expel virus in respiratory droplets since being asymptomatic means they aren't coughing or sneezing.

3. My primary goal is my own self preservation, not yours, and cloth masks utterly and completely fail in that regard even by your own admission. I am not going to risk increased chance of bacterial and other infection from wearing a petri dish diaper on my face to make you feel safer.

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I have self quarantined three times when I woke up with a cough. Just allergies. But I did not run around masked or otherwise. There are common sense precautions we could be taking. But you can't wear common sense on your face to virtue signal.

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And if you wear a mask you still need to cough or sneeze into your elbow. I wonder how many know that. A mask is not enough to protect others when you sneeze.

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Yes, it blocks the heavy larger respiratory particulates, but they fail to inform you that it does not block the small airborne particulates. Those are the ones that can be inhaled and are dangerous, not the heavy ones that the mask stops as those only go out a few feet and fall anyway. In that sense, a mask doesn't help anymore than using your sleeve when you sneeze and only protects someone somewhat close to you. But the aerosol generated at the same time still gets into the air and spreads. Again, its those airborne particles that are the real threat. Someone sneezes directly on you, if you get infected its likely to be an upper respiratory infection with little to no symptoms. However, the airborne particles get breathed into your lungs and cause lower respiratory infections which are the infections causing severe sickness and death. FYI, I read this from a medical journal on respiratory viruses that predates the bias views on covid19. Coronavirus is not a new thing, this is just a variant which behaves like other respiratory viruses. You are not protecting me or anyone else wearing that mask. Stop acting righteous for it and stop telling me you are saving my life because of it. Wear it, don't wear it, just be sure to stay 6 feet away from me at all times if you want to "save my life"

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Viruses in droplets (larger than 100 μm) typically fall to the ground in seconds within 2 m of the source and can be sprayed like tiny cannonballs onto nearby individuals. Because of their limited travel range, physical distancing reduces exposure to these droplets. Viruses in aerosols (smaller than 100 μm) can remain suspended in air for many seconds to hours, like smoke, and be inhaled. They are highly concentrated near an infected person, so they can infect people most easily in close proximity. But aerosols containing infectious virus can also travel more than 2 m and accumulate in poorly ventilated indoor air, leading to superspreading events.

In other words, because the virions of the coronavirus are roughly 100 nanometers, 1/10,000 the width of a hair and 1/30 the size of surgical mask filtrations (about 3.0 microns or 3,000 nanometers), surgical masks do not help. Cotton masks are really pathetic. The hydraulic diameter of cotton is roughly 200 microns, 1,429 times the size of the larger aerosol.

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Sorry, but I'll take a PhD's actual research and investigation over your rants and raves any day of the week. Masks DON'T work, because the lab this virus came out of, they used level 4 biohazard sealed suits to keep from being exposed to the virus... And you think a flimsy piece of cloth is going to stop a virus? It's like using a chainlink fence to stop a mosquito.


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Hey dumbaxx, my source is a friend who is a general practitioner who actually has treated people with COVID-19. I don't need second hand research. That good enough research and investigation?

Nice dumbaxx quote of the day with the chain link fence thing. You do realize you don't breath, cough, or sneeze out pure virus right? It's attached to other larger molecules that DO get caught by the cloth.

Damn you people are dumb.

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Nope. We aren’t dumb, you have been deceived by fear lies. Ever smell a fart that wasn’t yours in a room full of random people?? Yeah...if underwear and jeans cant stop poop particles, your paper or cloth mask can’t stop a virus

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Why all the name calling, insecurity issues?

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YouCan'TCureStupid: Your "logic" is all predicated on a blind, unquestioning belief in germ theory, which is AN UNPROVEN THEORY propagated by the Rockefellers through western medicine indoctrination and which just so conveniently creates a perfect problem-reaction-solution for great financial benefit to the medical, pharmaceutical, and insurance industries.

I'm not talking about basic sanitation principles here. I'm saying that viruses are not "living" organisms and they do not "infect" other people. Viruses exist inside every human (and animal and plant), there to clean up toxic cells when the body is overwhelmed and cannot normally eliminate the poison. The "sickness" or symptoms experienced are due to the body releasing these toxins through respiratory and other elimination processes. People who are already health compromised are at greater risk of succumbing because there is too much toxin present and not enough health-promoting micro- and macronutrients going into the body, therefore the viruses can't do their job.

Furthermore, studies done in the twentieth century, which of course have been shelved and discredited by the allopathic medical industry, show that hundreds of patients sick with influenza (a so-called "virus") were exposed to healthy people, breathing directly on them for lengthy periods and within distances of only 12"-18", and the healthy people did not become "infected" with influenza. In fact, researchers took samples of the flu patients' phlegm/mucus and literally injected it into the bloodstream of healthy participants, none of whom became sick.

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You've gone off your rails. Viruses do not have to be living to infect people or cause disease. A virus is essentially just a set of chemical instructions to be executed by a host cell. Essentially a chemically based computer program accept that it's instructions are executed by biological cells not a machine.

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Yeah Karen has a friend who’s uncle heard from a neighbor who heard it from another friend who’s cousins ex roommate said that masks almost always work 10% of the time except when they don’t.

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All those names laced with profanity have convinced me of how sciencey you are. Move over Bill Nye.

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haha, you are only half right. Yes, the virus attaches to the heavy, larger water particles that, guess what, fall to the ground. CDC has even retracted their original stance on getting sick from surface area contact.

The part you are missing is that your respiration, sneezing, coughing, etc... also produce airborn particulates. These usually carry far less virus, but it still carries the virus and it only takes one. These airborn ones are also the dangerous ones since they stay in the air longer before falling to the ground and are the ones you are most likely to breathe into your lungs causing the lower respiratory infections which are the life threatening infections you hear about in the news. That is why they say exposure is being within 6 feet for 15 minutes or longer, however, at this point, it no longer matters whether you have the mask on or not for this type of exposure.

So yes, the mask protects you against the large particulates that don't really need much protection from in the first place, but do not protect you from the dangerous particles.

Social distancing is the key. That was actually the whole point of the CDC study that this article was based on. They were trying to show how being in public and not social distancing is effecting the spread. A side effect of the study just shows (assuming everyone is telling the truth) that despite the arguments against wearing the mask, the majority of people actually adhere to mask rules and regulations and they still get sick when they do not social distance.

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There are no (read: zero) properly done studies on mask wearing that show it is effective against transmission of viruses. This is because viruses do not transmit infection to other people. We have been lied to by western allopathic medical "professionals" for whom germ theory keeps them in their cushy jobs. Of course, there are pathogens such as bacteria. Masks are effective in sterile settings like operating rooms, where they prevent droplets from the nose and mouth from entering a patient's open body cavity or wound, thus minimizing bacterial infection. In fact, and this according to Fauci in an earlier articles, extended mask-wearing, such as occurred in the 1918-19 flu, leads to bacterial pneumonia and even bacterial brain infections.

In taking the time to research and read about who runs our world, one would eventually find that there are dark occultists—specifically, Satanists and Luciferians—pulling ALL the strings. In the case of this PLANdemic, masks are being used in a global ritual of first depersonalizing wearers, then shaming them, and finally converting them into beings without compassion, true care, love, or liberty. The intention is to ritualize the enslavement of humanity. And it appears to be working: I've never witnessed so many people in abject fear, blindly complying with "edicts" and "mandates" that are not only arbitrary and cruel, they defy both man-made AND natural law. These people are turning into little tyrants, mini-psychopaths trying to control everyone and everything around them. This is not what our Creator intended for us.

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I need to know something. I'm hoping you'll answer honestly. Do you really believe that everyone that disagrees with you about mask wearing is dumb?

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So in other words anecdotal evidence not actual research. HTF is simply treating COVID-19 going to tell you what will and will not effectively filter the virus that causes it?

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So why do all medical personnel wear anything but a cloth mask?

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Because cloth masks are a joke and in reality even N95 and KN95 masks permit significant amounts of viral particles to pass through which is why none of the above are used on the hot side of level IV bio labs where highly pathogenic micro organisms are routinely handled. Researchers there would laugh at you and walk out if you told them they had to handle marburg or some other filovirus with nothing but a mask to protect them. Those facilities actually have much better first line defenses before a pathogen ever physically contacts PPE than medical workers or civillians have against SARS-CoV-2 exposure too. You can't work with COVID-19 patients in a glove box.

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Preach it!

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"Masks DON'T work, because the lab this virus came out of, they used level 4 biohazard sealed suits to keep from being exposed to the virus... "

Not only are they sealed but they are pressurized so that if a puncture tear or rip does occur air is forced out of the protective suit to prevent contaminants from entering and that is in addition to other protective barrier devices like negative pressure gloveboxes.

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There is no evidence this virus came out of a lab though.

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I'll go with coughing and sneezing into my elbow, thanks. That way I don't have to wear what I've just spewed over my face.

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Why don't you sneeze or cough inside your nasty mask and smear it deep all over your face and re-breath those juicy germs your body just naturally tried to get rid of. Me? I'll cough or sneeze in my dang elbow and call it a day because I love using that noggin of mine God gave me.

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Who told you to sneeze into your mask? That is dumb. Use your elbow or hankerchief then pull your mask up. Problem solved.

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wtf? the whole argument is to wear a mask to protect others from your large water droplet particles. Now you are saying you remove the mask during the couple times you actually widely spread those particles? this whole idea is just ridiculous and you told others to use common sense?

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So Mr. Compassion wants to spread disease by catching lots of snot and saliva with his hankie to smear it everywhere!

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Stop it Face Diaper Nazi....."Of Course they work" is not good enough.....that is your opinion based on propaganda of the Deep state actors. My guess is that you are a DemonicRat and want the masks to remind people how bad they have it....yet it is so stupid that it is not working. So sad for you....GOD said "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge"

You should have been gone long ago because you certainly lack knowledge and common sense. Have a great day!

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Lack or knowledge? I can show you an article that touts masks created by doctors, and scientists for everyone you come up with saying they don't work. Where does that leave us?

Perhaps you should figure out why there are conflicting studies put out to the public everyday before you call me names. You just choose to believe the one you like. Have you compared the studies? Thought not.

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I've read all kinds of articles, opinions, studies, medical journals, etc... Not one of them has convinced me that masks offer the protection people believe they do.

Most articles are opinion pieces, on both sides. Even medical journals specifically citing covid19 are all medical expert's opinions based on statistics. The problem is, all the statistics are so screwed up from the start, I can't trust them either way.

Even the CDC has stated they cannot safely conduct a study for covid19 because there is no vaccination and they deem it too dangerous. If you read any verbiage to wear masks, even from the CDC, I always see after a long list of reasons why we should wear masks, how they seem to help us, etc... there is usually some disclaimer that masks are not a substitute for social distancing, there is no actual evidence to show that they work, etc... Every time I read an article or document to support masks and think this actually might make some sense, I end up reading some sort of disclaimer basically saying there is no factual basis for their opinion.

The statistics they show that wearing masks work, also coincide with statistics of increased social distancing. Videos showing how much your mask stops by demonstrating bacteria growth has no merit since it is bacteria. Viruses are much smaller, not stopped by cloth masks and do not grow outside the body.

On the other hand, I have ready numerous studies, medical journals (even from before covid19 on how respiratory viruses work), medical experts, people in the field, hospital board documents on mask procedures, etc.., the list goes on and on, on how masks offer little to no protection at all.

Bottom line, if you are not social distancing, staying the F#%$ away from other people who could be sick, you are just as likely to pass along or contract the virus whether you have a mask on or not.

Even CNN which is left winged had an expert on as to why it is unsafe to travel and showed a picture of a crowded airport. He proceeded to say that in that situation, even though people were trying to stay 6 feet a part from each other and that they were all wearing masks, that in that situation, masks offered little to no protection because of the airborn particles and everyone packed into an enclosed space.

I am still waiting to finally read an article one day with definitive proof that masks actually work, but nothing out there has every come close to showing that they do. Although, many studies have actually offered definitive proof that they don't really do much at all if anything.

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You don't have any studies that show cloth masks are effective which is why you haven't cited any. The only actual study I have eve seen says they are 97% virus permeable. HTF you think that is going to protect you from a viral infection I have no idea. You must plan on being exposed to a teeny tiny amount of virus or for the virus to have one hell of a high exposure threshhold to establish infection, one or the other or perhaps both.


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Show the studies or “follow the science” that CDC reported in this author’s case.

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As a Certified Safety Professional who has conducted fit-testing for respirators and whose job it is to understand respirators and masks, I can advise you with confidence that you are incorrect. Coughing or sneezing into your sleeve has an arm on the other side and is merely a reduction method by NOT erupting into open air. It is less about the sleeve and more about avoidance of the latter. I'm not going to link the numerous sources here because I'm frankly annoyed at the repeated act and by now if you have not decided to seek out the studies and evidence, then there is no use.

Your opinion spewing comes with no obvious understanding beneath the surface. It's not a common sense thing as you suggest. Understanding the aerosolization and droplet relationship versus the flaws of "masks", even surgical or N95 respirators, let alone cloth or worthless paper is the "science" part that you don't understand. Then there is the data. The real world collection of informations and studies which lead to the same conclusions.

Stop pushing your uneducated follower mentality on others.

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Hey CSP fit tester. I spent over a decade as a welder for DOD and had to be certified to wear any respirator from a dust mask to air line respirators every year. I wore N95's nearly every day and air line respirators in lead and asbestos areas. Whoop dee doo!

Cloth masks are NOT perfect or air tight. They are still better than nothing and help. If you know what you are talking about then you know that ANYTHING short of a positive pressure mask leaves you vulnerable. That doesn't mean you do nothing. Perfect can't be the enemy of good.

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so 99.8% of people survive. The overall death rate is not higher so far from previous years. And, I feel like crap after wearing a mask for extended periods. I can see wearing a mask around immune compromised persons, like nursing homes, but all this hostility towards ppl that don't want the masks is irrational

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Typical brown shirt!!

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The new breed. Only fatter, less literate, and with much worse fashion sense.

I can see why they prefer masks.

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You are an ignoramus and a perfect example of your chosen moniker.

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You don't fit test for a dust mask (nor cloth) and you do not wear N95 for asbestos. And what may I ask is the reason you wore an N95 every day if you were a welder? So genius, you'll want to have a look out for those lungs of yours in the coming years because they'll be coming for you. Cloth is NOT better than nothing, it actually has detrimental effects: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25903751/

Even the medical questionnaire that you completed (as you obviously must have??) asks such benign questions such as whether you feel claustrophobic, which is weighed by a licensed physician to rule out safe use for a respirator. A tight fitting respirator (N95) and medical grade masks do not prevent infection and these, in the employment realm, are the methods of LAST resort. This means they are the least effective protective measures, and you are wearing cloth which is the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of protection and yet those like you treat them like they are the end all be all. They are so low they don't even qualify as the worst protective measure.

The powers that be started pushing cloth masks so that the clowns like you would not go buy up all of the N95's, and that misdirection worked because you took the bait.

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You've outted yourself as a fraud. Have a nice day. Experience beats BS every time.

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I am with Jay. I worked in plant floors of severa industries over 3 decades. A lot of welders and operators like you don't haver darn idea of that they do and their effects. Perhaps it's your case, too..... I had to explain why to tie your shoe-laces to a 30-year of experience line worked once. So be a practiotiones is more often detrimental to knowing what you are doing due to overconfidence and know-it-all attitude. Its better to speak out only when your words are better than silence, or risk making a fool of yourself

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Calling BS on you too. You have no idea (like your friend) what you are talking about. You have no idea what I was doing or where. I could tell you but then I'd have to ..... well you know.

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How many years did you spend as an infectious disease researcher?

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Cloth masks are useless garbage which is why by your own admission you did not use simple cloth masks even when the goal was to keep out particulates FAR larger than a SARS-CoV-2 viral particle.

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If masks work and people are wearing them, how do they get it from touching their face? Coughing into your sleeve doesn't keep your face covered at all times impeding your oxygen flow, increasing your heart rate, and causing you to rebreathe all your germs and viruses.

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You seem to be the one lacking common sense. Didn't you just prove that masks don't work in your defense of them? You literally just said that if you get the disease it's from touching your face. If that is in fact the case then what kind of protection does a mask actually offer? It seems to me that the wearing of masks would INCREASE the spread, because everyone I see wearing one is constantly adjusting it! Also, how often do people wash/sanitize said masks? And you honestly think that breathing in their own exhaled viral/bacterial matter all day is good for them? A warm damp mask seems like a great place for viral and bacterial matter to multiply, and possibly increase the viral/bacterial load in the body of the wearer through constant exposure during repeated respiration. So in theory if you were infected with COVID and you wear a mask all day, you could actually make yourself sicker from breathing it in over and over all day long. Not to mention soaking your mask in viral particles from breathing/coughing/sneezing, touching the mask, and then touching something else, putting a much larger concentration of virus on said object than you would have if you just covered your cough with your elbow.

All of the above is irrelevant though. If you want to wear a mask knock yourself out. However it is not your place, and it sure as hell isn't the government's to tell people they must wear one. There is no evidence to back these mandates, and they are inherently unconstitutional. We aren't dealing with the plague. It's a virus with a 99.98% survival rate. Use some common sense.

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Yes, uncommonsense! Preaching to the choir, but I love to hear your song! There is no (read: ZERO) evidence that face masks prevent the transmission of viral pathogens (and that's for folks who still believe in germ theory, which I do not). However, face masks are quite effective in "silencing" people, and Satanists use them as such in their dark occult rituals to strip the initiate of their personal identity during the process of converting them into a new set of beliefs/world views. Also there are no laws underpinning any of these "mandates," "orders," "edicts," or whatever BS is spouted from the tyrant governors and their minions.

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Jan 17, 2022·edited Jan 17, 2022

I am not stupid: I garnered seven academic awards in the physical sciences, including biology, and was later a Biology Major. I have a certified intelligence quotient well above 150 (and, yes, grown wearied of being accused by arrogant ignoramuses of being stupid, I eventually joined Mensa, Intertel, and T.O.P.S.).

The masks do work - but not as advertised: They prevent Freedom of Assembly (to oppose the fraudulent mail-in voting and voter fraud), they promote division and tyranny, and they degrade the health of all persons who wear them:

People can no longer meet in public and casually discuss all of the enormous transgressions by the Federal and State governments against the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The public lack of a mask is now an invitation to derision and/or segregation: being unpersoned by aggressive sycophants like you.

People can no longer breathe freely in public or at work. Instead of inhaling fresh air, replete with oxygen, and exhaling stale air, replete with carbon dioxide, they are doing the reverse. Instead of breathing fresh air with a minimum of bacteria and/or fungi, they are propagating and re-breathing their own mask-grown cultures. Children are being psychologically damaged: prevented from growing up free, and prevented from seeing the facial cues of peers and adults.

Fresh air, vigorous exercise, abundant sunlight, and human interaction: Those are what everyone needs - and those have all been inhibited or prohibited by these mandates. That is not mere coincidence. This is a deliberate war by globalists against liberty and humanity.

(The rare honest nurse or doctor has admitted that the masks do not work this way: Authentic N95 masks were previously custom-fitted to the individual face, and were only worn as needed, never all the time. The cloth masks are worse than a placebo.)

You have chosen the proper moniker: "You can't cure stupid" - for you are a useful idiot.

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Your opening line says it all. Appeals to authority, I truly love them—the refuge of the weak and mediocre.

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False. I developed SinusTachy w/palptations from wearing a respirator in the 1990s. It is a science fact or I wouldn't still be on medication for it. I'm sick of the lies from government worshiping maskers.

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us stupid people have been listening to the maskers rant for two years and honestly it is tiresome, there is no scientific evidence they work, in fact there is more evidence that they are harmful and I believe they give people a false sense of security and give sick people the idea that it is OK to go out as long as they wear a mask, but if masks worked people would not be getting sick in long term care homes and hospitals where everyone is constantly masked, gloved and gowned and wear a face shield over their mask, and now we are forcing young children who are low spreaders to wear masks all day in school, absolutely asinine. Now 2 years after the " pandemic " or should I say plandemic, masks are again mandated as are vaccines and vax passports ( in BC ) even though over 80% of the population have been vaccinated, we were told that once 75% were vaccinated we would be able to return to normal, so what the hell happened? I see the comment above is from a year ago so we can give some grace, but there is a lot more evidence and research out now, also a lot more BS so take your pick.

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I prefer to call it the COVID-19 Panic. Anyone interested in a shirt that reads "Elect COVID-19—2024—We promise, this time it will kill the stupid people?"

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Damn you people are stupid

Use your logic please.


Those who suffered Spanish Flu, a H1n1 virus, from 1918 to 1920 found them to be

as ineffective as

lockdowns, distancing etc BUT never mind details, they were ALL dragged out AGAIN in 2020

like suddenly the magic would work

Repeating the same expecting a different result is the sign of insanity

BTW the ONLY mask would be a respirator which people don't normally slap on. . .

Local dummies even wear them in their cars, while traveling alone, and I see bike riders

on streets wearing them, NO other traffic but cars accompany them

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mask dont work!

the only thing they actually when worn 20 mins+ is make you MORE susceptible to disease.

just like your reply made us all susceptible to ludicrously absurd outloud thoughts

Lols for us, sad lols for the masker cult

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Oct 12, 2020Liked by Jordan Schachtel

This is fantastic Jordan and timely as well. Someone pointed out to me that if you go to the CDC's website, there's a PDF that is not easy to find or read for most people, but it has this information buried in it. They DO NOT want anyone to know this. They do not want to report it nor do they want to admit that universal mask-wearing has been a disaster. The fact is, they focus on "respiratory particles" being caught by the mask which they say can slow the spread of the virus. Oddly enough, this is only partially true. When you are wearing said mask, they get damp and allow more to get through the rather large porous material. Secondarily, they are not meant to slow any virus spread. Lastly, if you are breathing in bacteria and viruses then they sit on the fibers of a mask and then you talk to people through them, and in many cases you talk louder and get closer so someone can hear you; thus you are expelling out all those viruses and bacteria in a spewing fashion. Great huh?

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Sounds about right

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I honestly would not be surprised if people are getting sick from wearing their masks too long and that's being diagnosed as "COVID" to keep the "case" numbers up.

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True. And I'm also waiting for Covid cases to "mysteriously" increase during the flu season.

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Oct 12, 2020Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Excellent as usual, Jordan! Im a subscriber now, it's great to be able to support true journalism even through my own slender means.

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Hey - youcantcurestupid - Studies have shown the likelihood of transmission due touching things is actually spreading the disease. It is spread via DROPLET! . . . This is the CDC reporting. . . . So when the CDC said wear masks w/ no data you agree but when it says the data is showing otherwise now you don't believe them. . . . .

Did you know the average cloth mask does not protect against particles the size of COVID? That doesn't matter either though - this is from someone who still wears a mask bc I am told to. . .

You are right - You can't cure stupid. . . . .

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My thought is, WHO THE FLIP CARES!! Why is everyone in a panic over virus's that were discovered in humans in 1965? They actually dated "coronaviruses" with a molecular clock as far back as 10,000 years. This virus has a 99.8% survival rate and the mask nuts act like its the end of the world. I work in a hospital in a clinical setting and have for the last 22 years and I only wear a mask when i'm in surgery. I have been in rooms with Covid positive patients with no PPE on "mostly by accident" and have never that I know of caught the virus and none of my family "wife and four kids" has caught anything. The only thing we all have in common is non of us wears a mask. Your body is designed to ingest bacteria and viruses in the environment all the time. Your immune system will attack those viruses creating antibodies which makes your immune system stronger. What the "political science" doesnt want to say is that by wearing a mask all the time you actually weaken your immune system by not allowing in the bacteria and viruses you need to keep your immune system strong. Then, when you do come in contact with a virus like Covid or the flu or anything actually, your immune system is compromised and you have a harder time fighting it off. It's just crazy to me how people just fall in line like sheep being led to slaughter. Dictators throughout history have been correct when saying "If people hear something enough, they will believe it". What's going on in our country right now is proof of that. Local governments have illegally shut down your businesses, taken away your right to make a living and feed your family, shut down our churches tried to force us to comply with mandates that effect our health and everyone just goes with it. They even tell us that even though we feel great, have absolutely no symptoms "Your Still Sick" and people just believe it. This, in my opinion is all about control NOT protecting us or others. The government, local or federal has never cared about what is best for the people. They care about money and power and if you do your research deep enough you will always find the money and power behind their actions.

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How stupid are these people in comment section. Can’t even distinguish between correlation and causation? Control group(not sick) have 10% not frequently wearing mask. It’s 15% not frequently wearing mask in the sick group. The risk is higher if you don’t wear masks. I don’t think any of you retards have graduated from a legit college.

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You enjoy calling people stupid and retards? So, you understand what an ad hominem attack is right? If you have to resort to name calling, it means you lost the argument. Fact is, wearing cloth masks don’t do a damn thing and are only a feel-good measure. We have had a mask mandate in two of our most populous cities for nearly 4 months. Guess what? Cases are INCREASING. The ones that don’t have a mask mandate are DECREASING. Can you explain that?

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🦊 100% of the study participants were SICK. It doesn't matter how many of them had "COVID". They were all SICK enough to seek medical attention. 96.5% of those sick people WORE MASKS.

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Wow, the irony of you citing correlation versus causation, then noting study correlation and calling it causation with no context whatsoever. Maybe those in the sick group were predisposed to sickness for another reason, maybe there's selection bias, perhaps multicollinearity, or possibly (likely), multiple ghost variables are undefined or improperly isolated (certain health, age, and ethnicity factors, for example).

But you do you, random guy. Your amazing powers of perception and writing prowess are a wonder to behold. It's like watching a retard trying to catch snowflakes on his tongue while downwind of a forest fire.

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They have to print those warnings on the box so they don't get sued. That's it. Same reason there's a warning on deodorant not to eat it.

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With people like you clearly even a clear and concise warning is not enough to stop you from using the product other as intended.

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Wouldn't that be more like a warning on deodorant not to rely on it for cleaning clothes? Masks were made to be worn.

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Admittedly, your argument has scaled new heights by being both illogical and (awesomely enough) contrapositive.

I'm here to help, though. It's more like a label on deodorant that says, "Warning—will not prevent horrific odors if you swim in a vat of raw feces or run naked through a forest fire. I mean, one could really go a million ways with it, considering how pointless the comment was in the first place.

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I like your one-dimensional thinking. It's also true that archers are still the most lethal element of any military operation.

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Why are we so worried (to the point of ruining our economy, instilling fear into our children, increasing isolation, drug use, child abuse, etc.) about a virus with a 98% survival rate? Even if you are over 65, the survival rate is over 95%. The average age of death in the US is 78. The average age of the dead from Covid? 78. Whether masks work or not, the virus just isn't dangerous enough to permanently alter, for the worse, our entire way of life.

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The fear was driven by 1) the fact it emerged from China. The stories that initially came from there were frightening (people getting welded into their homes, piles of bodies being burned). 2) Social media stirred up the hysteria and 3) the MSM and their masters, leftist politicians, found it a great way to boost ratings (MSM) and crater the economy (which was HOT before the lockdowns).

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I agree. And now that we know the truth it's time to discard our completely unreasonable 100% aversion to risk, (stoked, as you point out, by leftists, media, and supposedly well informed technocrats) and return to normalcy. Here in Florida we are going down that road thanks to a governor who is not a petty tyrant.

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Oxygen Deprivation Diaper (ODD)

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It's about time someone is doing an actual story and not following the crowd of sheep !! I have argued so many of these points for several months. I'm happy to read this !

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How blue is your face?! Me, too. My credentials as inf dz, epidemiology etc have swayed NO ONE!

It baffles me. ..

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Surgeons wear sterile clothes, gowns, hairnets, booties, gloves, mask, visor, safety glasses, and the equipment and room are sterilized between uses, the air is filtered and enriched with oxygen, the patients are covered except the wound, which is sterilized. Despite all these precautions, infections are not eliminated not even bacterial infections, which are far larger and easier to trap.

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Yep, always wore a mask, hospitalized right after Christmas with pneumonia caused by COVID-19. Better now, but mask did nothing.

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Breaking news. The war between mask wearers and non-mask wearers just broke out. 23,000 killed so far with the gun of choice AK47. Covid deaths are not reported anymore.

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WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE FLU LAST YEAR....AND TUBERCULOSIS THE YEAR PRIOR (1.5MM DEATHS?). THIS IS A TRAVESTY. Recovery from this "virus" is 97%+. Is death by illness comfortable... NO. But, death is imminent and a guarantee of life. Stop running in FEAR.

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You might be amused to know that I shared this on FB, which immediately put a "fact-check" overlay on it, saying there's no evidence that mask-wearing contributes to an increased risk of catching the virus. Which, of course, is not what your article says at all. They're just making stuff up now to make sure people don't encounter any narrative but their own.

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This comments section reads like communist propaganda. The propaganda is working and people are very brainwashed or living in fear.

Americans were taught the wrong germ theory first of all. A virus from my body can’t do anything inside another’s body without the antibodies to tell it what to do because virus cell don’t have a nucleus (brain of a cell). Furthermore covid19 virus doesn’t hang out in your saliva, it’s too weak, neither do your antibodies.

So masks are pointless, and you’d catch covid19 from a surface and touch your face before air transmission. Bottomline, masks hinder your health to more easily get covid19.

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Do you have any degree in health? In epidemiology? COVID is aerosolized. All our countries on the planet have doctors which understand this. Please research aerosols.

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You are right...it is aerosolized. That means that it can attach itself to your mask, you touch your mask, rub your eye and introduce the virus. Perhaps that is why, according to the CDC report, people who do not wear masks get the virus less frequently. How else could that 3.9% number happen?

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They're not getting it "less frequently" if the majority of mask wearers (in the study, for point of fact) go out to restaurants, cafes and bars as well. You can't wear a mask in cafes, restaurants and bars because people are eating and drinking. So the people who report they "always" wear a mask is a fallacy. They are not always. And restaurants, cafes and bars are where COVID is spread.

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