All borrowed / stolen from your grandchildren's grandchildren. Just keep printing fake money to support a fake narrative driven by fake people. Disgusting.
Not my intention to minimize the people caught in the middle of all this. It is the stated reasons versus the real reasons at the political level I speak of. The average Ukrainian means nothing to these idiots making high level decisions and will pay the price. Unfortunately, it will spread much further before we see peace again.
The United States kills people at will and people who complain about their actions, are the problem. Well sign me up, put me on a list, sick and tired of this fake money laundering event going on. So the US gov’t isn’t fighting a proxy war, getting people killed and it’s US who question their motives that are the problem. Jesus Christ.
Well you must be some kind of Russian stooge, they say. No, I’m pro-human, war is bloody and it’s the US, using my tax dollars without a debate (muh constitutional republic, you see) wanting to practice my rights as a citizen and I am DENIED and called names by both sides.
WHERE’S THE DEBATE? Where the eff is it? HAVE YOU SEEN ONE? This is how a constitutional republic is supposed to function. All while the left and right, scream MUH..DEMOCRACY.
Well said. When was the last time a U.S. war was put to a vote? How can all the Covid related policies that killed small business, schools and stimmy checks be done without a public debate and vote? We are no longer in a Constitutional Republic but are run by various grifting dictators in D.C. and State House governors. Sick and tired of the BS coming from our "leaders" that fail at every turn to follow rule of law. This winter maybe we can keep warm huddled around the embers of a dying empire.
The American people will pay to be sure but expansion of DC's spending at the margin is now via conjuring of massive quantities of US dollars out of thin air (no printing required, just accounting entries at the Fed). The cost will be accelerating, and ultimately potentially disastrous, price inflation.
Just a bunch of nonsense as usual. Bloomberg ruined its credibility some time ago. Ukraine has been a profoundly corrupt fiscal black hole for a long time.
Well that settles it, since the pentagon (has billions missing, spent 100’s of $ on toilet seats) said so. 🙄
The same Bloomberg who before the election said, “if grandma gets cancer, you should just tell grandma, to bad, you don’t get chemo.” While the left wailed daily about Trump killing grandma. The level of dishonesty with these people is mind blowing.
The left just blindly follows along, ‘well the gov’t said so, that settles the problem.’ How far the mighty have fallen. Just glad both my parents (who were democrats,) didn’t live to see this sh*t show.
I’ve witnessed what happened here. You’ll take the media matters way. Btw, he didn’t take anything out of context. It’s fully understood who behinds are being covered for here.
You don’t send weapons, to the 3rd most corrupt nation on the planet and really expect the media to hold Joe accountable? Guess who gets holding the bag? Well, it’s not congress, the IG, Joe or a damn soul in Ukraine. So can you guess who it is that gets to hold the empty bags? All while you’re being scolded (call me some more names please,) for having the audacity to criticize their own stupidity. And to add insult to injury they voted themselves a raise in a, not-a-democracy-Ukraine and we covered their pensions.
Meanwhile, I’ve lost $6,000 in a 401k over the last 34 days and $5000, in my home. While everything else I purchase skyrockets. That’ll show them Russians. In order to save a, fake democracy, you must destroy a constitutional republic. That constitutional process is to allow me to address my members of congress. How long was the last debate on billions? Oh that’s right, there was no debate, I never was allowed to address my members of congress. But MUH...DEMOCRACY. Oh ffs, already...stop it.
Is there even ONE current Republican congressman or senator, or ANY candidate running for office doing or saying anything to stop this or hold them accountable? The U.S. is being sacked by traitors guilty of high treason. The "Biden Administration" is actively dismantling the United States, on purpose and with intent to destroy us and surrender to the WEF, China, the UN and global new world order government - and they aren't even hiding this. It's all in plain sight and they are boasting about it. It's beyond reprehensible.
They are the walking dead--brainwashed and lost in their screens, plugged into matrix of lies. Does anyone even know the Ukraine "military" and government are openly fascist, tyrannical, and largely Nazis?
I totally agree with you. What I was trying to say that, Biden and his administration (and the deep state) are intentionally detroying America. But Republicans are almost entirely complicit and even aiding and abetting, because none of them are standing up. Except Ron DeSantis, Rand Paul and Ron Johnson. Maybe one or two others (Josh Hawley?). It's so demoralizing.
So it goes something like this: corrupt Ukraine oligarchs give millions to the drug-addled, worthless son of the then-Vice President of the United States who then becomes President and sends *Billions* of borrowed U.S. taxpayer dollars back to Ukraine as "aid" where it falls into the hands the oligarchs.
You must admit it's one hell of a good investment strategy.
I sure it’s working out “exactly as planned” by these globalists..including this administration. Weaken our military and domestic security (BLM defund the police) to make us unprepared for what’s going to happen in the near future.
the official US narrative is that economic sanctions against Russia are weakening Russia. but they appear to be weakening Central and Western Europe instead.
the official US narrative is that sending arms to Ukraine is weakening Russian forces. but they appear to be weakening US and European forces instead.
the general theme of our response to this crisis appears to be: let's shoot ourselves in the foot.
I wonder if the Germans, who are seriously damaging their dominant position as an industrial economy, will break from US/NATO commands and start buying gas from Russia again. I remember when Trump complained to the Germans that the US was defending them against Russia while they were one of its best natural gas customers. The Germans pretty much laughed at that and ignored it, didn't they? Will they also decide to ignore the current Biden-imposed sanctions one day?
Of course, if the sanctions really do hold and continue as planned and Europe sinks into cold and darkness, I am sure you are correct! The US will send even more subsidies -- this time to all of European NATO. The US and Canada could export quite a large quantity of cheap natural gas to Europe if only the infrastructure existed to support such an operation. But that has not been built.
And, who knows, maybe this winter we'll see a bunch of illegal immigrants from the UK, France and Germany cross the Southern US border to enjoy the Arizona sunshine.
You cant make this up - on the heels of the Afghanistan disaster we simply move to the next boondoggle - it would appear the goal is two-fold: the financial ruin of America and countless weapons in the hands or our likely adversaries.
This lack of accountability is an indictment of our entire legislative process, as well as the mainstream media. Persistent inflation and a recession at home, and these slack-jawed drooling morons either engage in profligate spending or cheer it on uncritically.
If the arms are making it to the black market, then it is likely our own soldiers and law enforcement will be confronted with them, so this is “Fast and Furious” after being subjected to lethal levels of gamma radiation, immediately followed by snorting a hefty garbage bag full of PCP.
Thanks, Jordan, for keeping this top of mind, and hopefully the gibbering ass clowns “leading” our country receive a consequence for their breathtaking lack of judgment. Elections should and do have consequences, and hopefully we can all make our voices heard this November and the one two years hence.
Sorry for the lack of clarity. I was referring to the individual voter “speaking” with their vote when election time comes around.
I agree elected officials, irrespective of political stripe, should be better stewards of our country’s finances, and should speak out against profligate spending, particularly with no accountability for the spend.
Wow. It's almost like the US Government is doing this on purpose ... With Biden's Ukraine experience as VP grifter in charge, he knows exactly where these weapons end up. On the open market. It would not surprise me one bit if Russia and China are actively stockpiling our own weapons to be used for whatever nefarious reasons you can imagine. Same for the $80B we abandoned in Afghanistan. All free range selections for small corrupt nations to use in their never ending battle to terrorize someone else. The DC swamp is so putrid and foul I can smell it all the way out here in flyover country. We need a giant black swan to fly in and clean house. Until then, pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.
The Ukrainian people are being used by both DC and Kiev employing power and corruption funded by hard working American people, who are also being used.
It’s incredible the amount of corruption in Ukraine, even among those not in government positions. I’ve heard reports of Ukrainians stealing the American weapons and then selling them to the Ukrainian army.
Back in the day... I flew 11 pallets of brand-new medical supplies drawn from DoD WRM (War Readiness Materiel) to South America where USAID was to give it away. That was called a drawdown. Of course, the next FYDP included an urgent need for replenishment.
The plan wouldn't be necessitating re-arming the US military to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, would it? Drones, robots, sci-fi armaments, railguns, maybe even dust off some old Werner von Braun-style idea?
Compared to the US military-industrial complex, even Pfizer's takings from their Covid-"vaccine" is chump change.
The US taxpayer is an endless fountain of wealth for the government.
All borrowed / stolen from your grandchildren's grandchildren. Just keep printing fake money to support a fake narrative driven by fake people. Disgusting.
Not my intention to minimize the people caught in the middle of all this. It is the stated reasons versus the real reasons at the political level I speak of. The average Ukrainian means nothing to these idiots making high level decisions and will pay the price. Unfortunately, it will spread much further before we see peace again.
The United States kills people at will and people who complain about their actions, are the problem. Well sign me up, put me on a list, sick and tired of this fake money laundering event going on. So the US gov’t isn’t fighting a proxy war, getting people killed and it’s US who question their motives that are the problem. Jesus Christ.
Well you must be some kind of Russian stooge, they say. No, I’m pro-human, war is bloody and it’s the US, using my tax dollars without a debate (muh constitutional republic, you see) wanting to practice my rights as a citizen and I am DENIED and called names by both sides.
WHERE’S THE DEBATE? Where the eff is it? HAVE YOU SEEN ONE? This is how a constitutional republic is supposed to function. All while the left and right, scream MUH..DEMOCRACY.
Well said. When was the last time a U.S. war was put to a vote? How can all the Covid related policies that killed small business, schools and stimmy checks be done without a public debate and vote? We are no longer in a Constitutional Republic but are run by various grifting dictators in D.C. and State House governors. Sick and tired of the BS coming from our "leaders" that fail at every turn to follow rule of law. This winter maybe we can keep warm huddled around the embers of a dying empire.
The American people will pay to be sure but expansion of DC's spending at the margin is now via conjuring of massive quantities of US dollars out of thin air (no printing required, just accounting entries at the Fed). The cost will be accelerating, and ultimately potentially disastrous, price inflation.
Just a bunch of nonsense as usual. Bloomberg ruined its credibility some time ago. Ukraine has been a profoundly corrupt fiscal black hole for a long time.
Well that settles it, since the pentagon (has billions missing, spent 100’s of $ on toilet seats) said so. 🙄
The same Bloomberg who before the election said, “if grandma gets cancer, you should just tell grandma, to bad, you don’t get chemo.” While the left wailed daily about Trump killing grandma. The level of dishonesty with these people is mind blowing.
The left just blindly follows along, ‘well the gov’t said so, that settles the problem.’ How far the mighty have fallen. Just glad both my parents (who were democrats,) didn’t live to see this sh*t show.
I’ve witnessed what happened here. You’ll take the media matters way. Btw, he didn’t take anything out of context. It’s fully understood who behinds are being covered for here.
You don’t send weapons, to the 3rd most corrupt nation on the planet and really expect the media to hold Joe accountable? Guess who gets holding the bag? Well, it’s not congress, the IG, Joe or a damn soul in Ukraine. So can you guess who it is that gets to hold the empty bags? All while you’re being scolded (call me some more names please,) for having the audacity to criticize their own stupidity. And to add insult to injury they voted themselves a raise in a, not-a-democracy-Ukraine and we covered their pensions.
Meanwhile, I’ve lost $6,000 in a 401k over the last 34 days and $5000, in my home. While everything else I purchase skyrockets. That’ll show them Russians. In order to save a, fake democracy, you must destroy a constitutional republic. That constitutional process is to allow me to address my members of congress. How long was the last debate on billions? Oh that’s right, there was no debate, I never was allowed to address my members of congress. But MUH...DEMOCRACY. Oh ffs, already...stop it.
Is there even ONE current Republican congressman or senator, or ANY candidate running for office doing or saying anything to stop this or hold them accountable? The U.S. is being sacked by traitors guilty of high treason. The "Biden Administration" is actively dismantling the United States, on purpose and with intent to destroy us and surrender to the WEF, China, the UN and global new world order government - and they aren't even hiding this. It's all in plain sight and they are boasting about it. It's beyond reprehensible.
Beyond reprehensible is the fact that half of our fellow Americans fully support the effort.
They are the walking dead--brainwashed and lost in their screens, plugged into matrix of lies. Does anyone even know the Ukraine "military" and government are openly fascist, tyrannical, and largely Nazis?
Republicans aren't in charge. Ask your democrat friends why they want to bankrupt your children.
I totally agree with you. What I was trying to say that, Biden and his administration (and the deep state) are intentionally detroying America. But Republicans are almost entirely complicit and even aiding and abetting, because none of them are standing up. Except Ron DeSantis, Rand Paul and Ron Johnson. Maybe one or two others (Josh Hawley?). It's so demoralizing.
War Dogs and Lord of War are based on real life, Ukraine is the sequel to those great films.
So it goes something like this: corrupt Ukraine oligarchs give millions to the drug-addled, worthless son of the then-Vice President of the United States who then becomes President and sends *Billions* of borrowed U.S. taxpayer dollars back to Ukraine as "aid" where it falls into the hands the oligarchs.
You must admit it's one hell of a good investment strategy.
I sure it’s working out “exactly as planned” by these globalists..including this administration. Weaken our military and domestic security (BLM defund the police) to make us unprepared for what’s going to happen in the near future.
the official US narrative is that economic sanctions against Russia are weakening Russia. but they appear to be weakening Central and Western Europe instead.
the official US narrative is that sending arms to Ukraine is weakening Russian forces. but they appear to be weakening US and European forces instead.
the general theme of our response to this crisis appears to be: let's shoot ourselves in the foot.
I wonder if the Germans, who are seriously damaging their dominant position as an industrial economy, will break from US/NATO commands and start buying gas from Russia again. I remember when Trump complained to the Germans that the US was defending them against Russia while they were one of its best natural gas customers. The Germans pretty much laughed at that and ignored it, didn't they? Will they also decide to ignore the current Biden-imposed sanctions one day?
Of course, if the sanctions really do hold and continue as planned and Europe sinks into cold and darkness, I am sure you are correct! The US will send even more subsidies -- this time to all of European NATO. The US and Canada could export quite a large quantity of cheap natural gas to Europe if only the infrastructure existed to support such an operation. But that has not been built.
And, who knows, maybe this winter we'll see a bunch of illegal immigrants from the UK, France and Germany cross the Southern US border to enjoy the Arizona sunshine.
You cant make this up - on the heels of the Afghanistan disaster we simply move to the next boondoggle - it would appear the goal is two-fold: the financial ruin of America and countless weapons in the hands or our likely adversaries.
This lack of accountability is an indictment of our entire legislative process, as well as the mainstream media. Persistent inflation and a recession at home, and these slack-jawed drooling morons either engage in profligate spending or cheer it on uncritically.
If the arms are making it to the black market, then it is likely our own soldiers and law enforcement will be confronted with them, so this is “Fast and Furious” after being subjected to lethal levels of gamma radiation, immediately followed by snorting a hefty garbage bag full of PCP.
Thanks, Jordan, for keeping this top of mind, and hopefully the gibbering ass clowns “leading” our country receive a consequence for their breathtaking lack of judgment. Elections should and do have consequences, and hopefully we can all make our voices heard this November and the one two years hence.
This sounds as if you're expecting the other side to speak out once they're elected - what's stopping them now?
Sorry for the lack of clarity. I was referring to the individual voter “speaking” with their vote when election time comes around.
I agree elected officials, irrespective of political stripe, should be better stewards of our country’s finances, and should speak out against profligate spending, particularly with no accountability for the spend.
Has anyone seen Lloyd Austin answer questions about the depletion of American military supplies?
Wow. It's almost like the US Government is doing this on purpose ... With Biden's Ukraine experience as VP grifter in charge, he knows exactly where these weapons end up. On the open market. It would not surprise me one bit if Russia and China are actively stockpiling our own weapons to be used for whatever nefarious reasons you can imagine. Same for the $80B we abandoned in Afghanistan. All free range selections for small corrupt nations to use in their never ending battle to terrorize someone else. The DC swamp is so putrid and foul I can smell it all the way out here in flyover country. We need a giant black swan to fly in and clean house. Until then, pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.
From the US point of view, this is a feature, not a bug
The Ukrainian people are being used by both DC and Kiev employing power and corruption funded by hard working American people, who are also being used.
It’s incredible the amount of corruption in Ukraine, even among those not in government positions. I’ve heard reports of Ukrainians stealing the American weapons and then selling them to the Ukrainian army.
Starting the think the corruption in the US trumps them all.
At this point it wouldn't surprise me if they were being sold to the Russian army.
Mostly likely they have.
The weapons have fallen in the hands of the Russians on the battlefield.
That's kinda funny when you think about it. They're really resourceful after all these years of being taken advantage of by their government.
Back in the day... I flew 11 pallets of brand-new medical supplies drawn from DoD WRM (War Readiness Materiel) to South America where USAID was to give it away. That was called a drawdown. Of course, the next FYDP included an urgent need for replenishment.
Same same.
Some how I am glad this is happening so it validates what I have spent 2 generations saying.
Disarming the military. You can't tell me this isn't all part of the plan and have me believe you.
The plan wouldn't be necessitating re-arming the US military to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, would it? Drones, robots, sci-fi armaments, railguns, maybe even dust off some old Werner von Braun-style idea?
Compared to the US military-industrial complex, even Pfizer's takings from their Covid-"vaccine" is chump change.