EVEN if USA had green energy sources capable of meeting demand by the time of Brain Dead Biden's net zero target, we would lack the interstate transit infrastructure necessary to deliver that green energy to market. Yet Biden is doing nothing to build the national infrastructure for interstate transit of green energy, while he continues his multi-pronged, "all hands on deck" policies of blocking or obstructing fossil fuel extraction, blocking or impeding interstate fossil fuel transit, stifling incentives for long-term fossil fuel investment and development, and raising the cost of fossil fuel consumption, while he continues subsidizing green energy, lavishly spending public revenues to subsidize and accelerate a growing demand for green energy and to fund crony-capitalist green energy manufacturers and importers that cannot possibly suffice to meet even current energy demand, let alone energy demand by the time of Biden's net zero carbon target. My argument does not even address similar market and political forces at work regarding nitrogen fertilizers, food production and food supply, or the ongoing sale of US petroleum and natural gas to China and Europe, which further depletes the US energy supply and prevents increased stockpiling. It would seem apparent to any but Brain Dead Biden that we are headed for a perfect storm, a monumental crisis in which US supplies of energy and food are woefully inadequate to meet demand, which will produce skyrocketing prices and potentially dire shortages of energy and food, with only long-term term fixes available.

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Setting a huge fire and burning bridges while running toward the fire is a really dumb idea.

Sort of like starting a proxy war that could go nuclear and blowing up the only exit ramp.

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The good old World Economic Forum “green” agenda. Purposeful destruction of the nations, peoples, and cultures.

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NOv 8 -We must vote out career incumbents and then hope that between Nov 8 and Jan1 the losers will not take revenge on America and her people

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The great reset is the new Great Leap Forward - will be posting about this soon.

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this reminds me of a neighbor who pleads for his neighbors to supply whatever and all the while

they can see his garage is full of what he claims he needs

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The Dimocrats are 100% in China's pocket.

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Sure hope it comes back and bites them in the butt! 😑

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As long as the pollution is "not here", it must be green. Just ship it using those tankers and everything is great.

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Sad but true.

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