Dec 29, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

We can thank US lawmakers for passing laws in 1986 that idiotically provide liability immunity to big pharma for any vaccine that they can get onto the children’s schedule. Given pharma capture of HHS, including the FDA and CDC, they are all in this together. This fully explains the insane push to vaccinate our kids.

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Regulatory capture...K Street writes the laws.

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Fraud vitiates this protection.

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Yes. But since our own Gov was complicit in this fraud, such fraud will never be pinned on big pharma, it’s sadly an unachievable target. Our Fed Judges won’t want any part of such a case, so they will early dismiss, much like the election cases. It’s fairly safe for Fed Judges to reject fraud claims early on.

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Yes but in fairness, frivolous lawsuits helped make big pharma's case for getting that protection. I'm not siding with the pharmaceutical giants, God knows they should not be granted any immunity, but we have to look at it honestly and acknowledge that bad faith actors on both sides got us here. People w/money hungry lawyers looking for any angle to leverage combined with an industry facing ever more expensive R&D and thus seeking some form of long term monetary protection. The government solution never should have been blanket immunity but then again its been a long time since even a sizeable percent of our elected leaders acted in a non-foolish manner. They should have made it hard and costly for frivolous lawsuits to be filed and not given the industry any protection from liability.

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"IN FAIRNESS"??? There is absolutely no justification for Big Pharma to enjoy TOTAL PROTECTION FROM LIABILITY. It's nonsense. Even considering the American way of "everything is a lawsuit" attitude does not entitle the vastly profitable vax makers from having to meet basic SAFETY levels before injecting the public with unproven and often LETHAL jabs - You can't justify that argument! Mick from Hooe (UK). Unjabbed after joining the dots!

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And in my comment I was very clear that they did not deserver being free from any liability for either the covid gene therapy being marketed as a vaccine nor any real vaccine. What's being fair is admitting how they were able to get it and that was partly due to frivolous lawsuits from what used to be called ambulance chasers. because of greedy people we have all kinds of ridiculous labels and regulations because people were too stupid to be human, the idiots who do things like sue a global fast food change because the hot coffee they ordered and promptly spilled burned their hand or the label that says do not injest on cleaning fluid because some dumb dumb thought it was Ok to drink cleaning fluid. Big Pharma's enjoyment of being free from liable didn't come solely from paying off enough politicians to get the Childhood Vaccine act passed but that plus frivolous lawsuits.

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I honestly don’t know at this point. When you dig in, it’s clear that while some core longstanding vaccines are effective enough, none of them, including polio and small pox, have ever been tested on the basic question whether they save lives net, or not. This is the ultimate question. The data is available, but has never been comprehensively reviewed and reported. I don’t also know of any parent that wants to be in the position of suing big pharma to address injuries to a child, no one wants that. Frivolous lawsuits are “the coffee was too hot” and my storage space is not exactly 5x10 but rather 4 10 x 9 10. Fairly few and far between, but they should be disposed of swiftly. Medicines kill more than 100,000 people a year, permanently injuring many more; these people are in many cases entitled to reasonable compensation; and, where big pharma commits fraud in foisting such medicines, including unnecessary vax, on the public, they should be bankrupted by judgments.

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Were there no frivolous lawsuits Big Pharma would have had a very hard time getting buy-in from enough politicians. While some were clearly paid off to support the legislation some also had to be convinced and that as done by citing frivolous lawsuits. I do NOT like defending big pharma but if you think there have been no frivolous lawsuits against the pharmaceutical industry then your lying to yourself to justify your stance. We must be open and honest about problem sand when it comes to this the pharmaceutical industry would not have been able to get support for the vaccine acts in the 80s were it not for some number of frivolous lawsuits.

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> When you dig in, it’s clear that while some core longstanding vaccines are effective enough

It's questionable whether the mercury-based thimerosol preservative in all US vaccines causes more problems than the vaccines fix.

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That law needs to be 'revisited and then overturned as well. Get going courts!! File a lawsuit to start people.

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I argue - Why was it not a short term arrangement (6 months max?). Stop WHO's sinister 'treaty' that removes all Sovereign Freedoms - PERMANENTLY!

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Dec 29, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

I asked Santa for tribunals.

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Fauci, et al, are named as defendants, charged with Nuremberg violations, fraud, and crimes against humanity in a UK trial in The Hague, filed on the 28th iirc. Buy popcorn.

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The International Courts are controlled by the U.N . . . . http://thesteadydrip.blogspot.com/2021/12/the-international-criminal-court.html

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Maddy is not only wheelchair bound, she needs a feeding tube. And last I read/saw, the authorities call it a stomach ache & they've got little to no gov assistance.

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This is absolutely heartbreaking and Maddy is living proof that the government not only doesn't care about it's citizens, it is intentionally hurting them and then attempting to cover it up using the media. I have not seen one news report on Maddy, not on any mainstream news outlet. Of all the things that scare me about the vaccines, this is probably the most terrifying.

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Equally terrifying is that congress (at least those that attended) saw & heard Maddy & numerous others whose lives have been destroyed by these bioweapons in a congressional hearing...yet crickets from them all.

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The DOD military mandate must be halted IMMEDIATELY. It is not legal for the DOD to mandate a vaccine that is not FDA approved, and the federal court has ruled that BioNTech and Comirnaty are NOT interchangeable. Yet this tyrannical administration is continuing to force vaccination or discharge/separation. They are even beginning to adminster boosters. This story needs to be relentlessly plastered in the media.

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Dec 29, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Outstanding run down. Regardless of legality, a Nuremberg Code violation of permissible medical experimentation is always valid based on moral and ethical reasoning. While the lawsuits need legal findings, the Nuremberg Code does not. They can get all the approvals they want and still be guilty. I hope we get there one day.

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Dec 29, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

This is so horrifying - thank you for this information. I was trying to look into this a few weeks ago as I could see a disagreement brewing with the “fact-checkers” - now I see why.

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Something you did not cover is Pfizer has been granted approval to market the current EUA vaccine as Comirnity, even though it's still the EUA product. They are running ads on the radio and in stores using the Comirnity branding.

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OMG I've heard them. Never thought of it like this, though, wow.

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Read this:


This LICENSE was approved based on it being indicated for ACTIVE IMMUNIZATION (which can only be achieved by an actual piece of the virus being injected and/or natural infection - see https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/immunity-types.htm ) to PREVENT Coronavirus Disease - which we know it NEVER HAS nor ever will.


Under this license, you are authorized to manufacture the product, COVID-19 Vaccine,

mRNA, which is indicated for active immunization to prevent coronavirus disease 2019

(COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)

in individuals 16 years of age and older.

AND this:


I'd like to see the document that IDENTIFIES what lots were considered BLA compliant and where the Dear HCP letter is on Biontech's website and WHO has access to it!


10.Other Relevant Regulatory Issues

a. Identification of BLA Lots

Upon CBER’s request inquiring about what BLA-compliant EUA-labeled lots may be

available for use upon licensure of COMIRNATY, the Applicant submitted information

listing which lots they considered to be manufactured according to the BLA. To address

the issue of these lots not bearing the vial label associated with BLA approval, CBER

worked with the Applicant to develop a Dear HCP letter to be included with lots

considered by CBER to be BLA-compliant. This letter explained that some lots labeled

for EUA use were also considered BLA-compliant and refers HCP to a website for

additional information. CBER requested and the Applicant agreed that only EUA-labeled

lots that had also undergone CBER lot release according to the BLA would be

considered BLA-compliant and listed at the website included in the Dear HCP letter.

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The entire PSYOP is built on Deception. Literally everything is a lie from a 'virus' nobody ever isolated, fake PCR test which can't differentiate between a virus and bacteria to a "safe and Effective" bioweapon..it is effective for sure. Wake up people it's not about a virus. We are The Virus they are trying to eliminate. They've told us the truth years in advance. It is the beginning of the satanic End game. They will not stop. In 1992 and 2012 the entire Corona Pandemic scenario was presented to the public during The Olympics opening rituals The Corona End Game. Addendum https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-corona-end-game-addendum  Corona End Game The Truth Behind The Symbols https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-corona-end-game

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I saw a clip of the Olympics opening rituals. They were very out in the open with the virus. You really hit the nail on the head with this PSYOP. Look at what is happening in Australia. The world is becoming a very scary place.

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It's been a scary place for centuries. People just beginning to notice when they rolled it out Globally : 'Since the beginning of the Corona operation, many people began to realize that their governments have been taken over by very powerful and extremely evil forces, making political leaders worldwide move in unison to unleash unprecedented tyranny on their citizens.' - The Hidden History of the Revived Roman Empire https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-hidden-history-of-the-revived

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Thank you for these links. I shared them with my son. The more down these Rabbit holes.... the worse it is. Praying.

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Now you see why so many Medical and Journalism professionals were publically hanged after the Nuremburg trials. History always repeats itself.

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Yet the non-existent product is "FDA approved." This means none of the Emergency Use Authorizations for other jabs are legal because there is (supposedly) an approved vaccine for the same purpose. They don't even follow their own (loose) rules.

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I'm surprised you were not aware of this blatant fraud, but you are correct: No Comirnaty because liability, and using children as a wedge is their free "get out of jail" card. It won't keep them from eventually decorating lampposts though, when enough parents of dead kids mobilize.

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And there is no chance of any approval for use in children before 2023. Parents who are allowing their children to be injected with these dangerous projects are being grossly negligent. No one should be cooperating with this massively ill-advised unnecessary experiment.

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Please put this on Parler as well :) And I just published a complement to this: https://dontletitgo.substack.com/p/should-those-who-promoted-the-shameful

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From the beginning of all this, I’ve asked myself “Is there any limit to human greed?”. Apparently there isn’t.

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Fascinating thanks. I don't see how school districts that mandate the shot, for either students or teachers, can ever escape legal liability for injury.

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Gross. I wonder though why Germany allows it to be called cominarty. My Family received stickers in their vax books for cominarty. It’s not fully approved either way there.

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