I can't stand Trump. Would never vote for him again. But foreign non-involvement was the biggest difference and benefit we gained during his presidency. I appreciated that about him and miss it greatly now.
Take a Trump Derangement Syndrome tablet, Gates and Biden sell them. You hate him (Trump) because the media made you hate him. Look where the USA is now, a flippen disaster on steroids and back into wars.
Bad diagnosis, doctor! It's not TDS! I don't consume pretty much any media. I read a few substacks including this one and that's it! I voted for the man twice and was generally pleased with at least the first portion of his presidency, including (as I said) his non-intervention in foreign affairs. But he insists on credit for "Warpspeed," so I (for one) give it to him! He thinks the shots are his gift to humanity, so he can choke on it for all I care. He ran to clean the swamp and only succeeded in created his own brand of swamp (as seen by his ATROCIOUS endorsements, including Dr. Oz.) Trump doesn't care about America or us little guys. He's ALL out for himself. Just because he's my enemy's enemy doesn't make him my friend.
I never claimed to be a doctor, but is is clear you need one. I didn't ask for a justification of what you read, maybe you simply watched too much CNN. Your bitter taste will never go away, it has consumed you.
He spent two years having to defend himself against false accusations and lies constructed by one of the most evil scoundrels like Robert Mueller. The same swine who has a lengthy record of framing innocent people, to protect the guilty with his pit bull Andrew Weissmann. He did do remarkably well under the circumstances and for only essentially having two years and to defend the country against a hoax perpetrated by insiders who swore oaths to defend the country and were stabbing him in the back like Pence and Nikki Haley.
America has already been defeated and now run by unelected clique and their W.E.F./UN WHO controllers. Politics is all about compromise and no accountability to the people. ( I am a former indep. voter)
me too, as others I know. Trump never drained the swamp or had others arrested for treason, why didn't he pardon the men who were allowed into capitol hill bldg Jan 6th? police let them inside. He was still in ofc when he could have pardoned.
it always is of course. i can't quite recall a ballot with a perfect candidate on it. can you? so either shoot yourself in the foot or face or don't vote. same thing. you in effect voted for the marxist.
"You hate him because the media hate him". Eh, the sound of someone who simply cheered Trump "because he's MUH president!" Schimberg's comment was valid, saying he voted for Trump but wouldn't again, but appreciated what he did do. And you call that Trump Derangement Syndrome? Talk about just using pre-packaged phrases.
Sounds like Breitbarters who were fanatic about Rafael "Ted" Cruz, their preacher-imitating savior, and cursed Trump for being not very religious and "a Democrat". Then they switched that fanaticism to Trump because he won the election, and you could see their Twitter handles doing the same change. And then anyone who actually backed Trump and his policies, and criticized him for his many, many surrenders to the establishment, was "a traitor!" and whatever. No reasoning, no facts, it's "support muh president!" or nothing. No, I stopped doing that when the clown said five times on TV in January-February 2021 that he wanted more mass immigration.
"It's what the industry tells me they need, they need a lot more immigrants. And this is not what I said in the election."
I would support DeSantis, who can talk and write like an adult, and who could actually do something to prevent Texas from turning permanently blue. I will not support the flip-flopping Trump, just so he can make it all about himself again for four years, fill the White House with Democrats and nevertrumpers while his supporters were all ignored to please the GOP, and write about himself in third person and with Lots Of Randomly Capitalized words and ALL CAPS and exclamation points!!! on Twitter twenty times a day. If Obama had referred to himself in third person we'd rightly have said it's the sign of a self-obsessed person.
You assume too much. Look into the mirror. Trump was the man needed to wake up the likes of you who couldn't see the wood for the trees. He clearly failed with you fella. He talked more about the Americans than himself, but you chose not to listen. Take a TDS pill, you need it.
Well he was challenged by the Demorats that he could not develop a solution, a vaccine in such a short time, He was slipped a deliberate card by traitors Fauci and Birx who he trusted. They told him that they had developed a vaccine, he believed them and accepted the Demorats challenge. BUT he proved he could and did. That was very unfortunate that he was tricked and he should have been open about it. https://palexander.substack.com/p/trump-was-misled-massively-by-fauci?s=r
That is nothing compared to how he was attacked for 2 years by the Demorats the Russian dossier lie. That too pales into comparison to the election theft which will be exposed.
Mission is to keep losing wars (didn't we get kicked out in Somalia in 3/94?) and profits for corporations making war equipment like the V Nam war. Failure in Iraq and Afghanistan, now more failures. No war won in 77 years.
"the failed state of Somalia" "theocratic gangs" "linked to Al Qaeda"
Ah yes, it's the Islamists that ruined the country! Absolutely not the U.S.
Reality check: The warlords Washington armed terrorized the country. On the roads to Mogadishu they forced people to give them money and raped women. They made life unbearable, thanks to the usual mindless voting sheep in the U.S. So businessmen in Mogadishu paid the Islamic courts, who gathered volunteers to fight back. They freed the capital and much of the country.
But Washington couldn't allow that, as Somalia also allowed some of the resistance fighters in Iraq to stay in the country. No one must oppose Washington's occupations. So they paid Xtian Ethiopia to invade and destroy Somalia. With the destruction of Somalia, South Korean and Japanese fishing fleets moved in to sweep the coastline, emptying it of fish since no one could resist. The fishermen lost their livelihoods and the people were denied food. So the fishermen became pirates, striking back. And everyone acted shocked, as usual forgetting what had happened before.
Al-Shabaab was formed to oppose the occupation, which is still ongoing through proxy rulers. "Linked to al-Qaeda!" They only declared loyalty to al-Qaeda in 2012, and it's symbolic. They are fighting their fight, to free Somalia. And when Washington sends its mercenaries, I wish al-Shabaab well. Make the globalists regret coming.
Speaking of "linked to al-Qaeda", that's the U.S. Which armed al-Q and ISIS in Syria via tiny "democratic resistance groups" on the Syrian border, which sold or handed over the weapons to the Islamists, then dissolved and joined them. The U.S. has also financed and armed the Marxists Kurds, who allowed ISIS to pass through their territory from Iraq to Syria, and who have allowed them passage several times since then. The Kurds who include ISIS fighters, and who ISIS eagerly handed over the oil fields to when the Syrian military was approaching to retake them. ISIS could only take those oil fields because of the U.S. bombing them to make the defenders take cover, after which ISIS oddly enough was ready to move in right after. To say it clearly, Washington was working with ISIS.
And of course, the Washington-funded Saudi Arabia and Qatar were the ones who started ISIS in the first place, as everyone knew, and as the Qatari prime minister revealed when Saudi Arabia prepared to attack them because they dared have diplomatic contact with Iran. al-Qaeda was also directly supported by Israel, which functioned as their air force in southern Syria, bombing Syria's defenders on their behalf. Israel gave al-Qaeda shelter and medial aid on the Israeli side of the border when needed, before letting them re-enter Syria from some other spot on the border. When Israel's proxy terrorists couldn't hold out, Israel arranged for them to be transported by helicopter to Jordan.
This "al-Qaeda" was the worst kind, simply Iraqi Sunnis angry that they lost Iraq to the Shia majority - so they only set out to kill Shias and Christians in Syria, with no intent to fight back against U.S. control in the Middle East. This is what Americans support. So, let's drop the "linked to al-Qaeda!" as the scare announcement of choice. Ever since the U.S. destroyed Syria's economy with Bush and Obama sanctions, that label has fit the U.S. more than any other country.
What's the mission? What is the U.S. supposed to achieve?
this was my immediate first thought:
It’s going to be a mostly peaceful war.
Must be that "noble cause" that "W" bloviated about. He didn't answer Cindy Sheehan but you could ask him.
Black Hawk Down 2.0, brought to you by SecDef Raytheon. At least Somalis will get droned by more diverse operators! https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-wage-war?s=w
Ahh, The War on Terror©. Started, in earnest, after the Twin Towers were bombed under very strange circumstances. Now that the Patriot Act has turned the US into a surveillance state, and helped the Uniparty erase the Bill of Rights, is it really necessary to kill all “terrorists” wherever they are found? Was it ever? But it is a very profitable endeavor for some. It’s also a wonderful example of the Coward Wars that we have been engaging in for a long long time. High tech remotely controlled weapons used against a tribal people, barely out of the Bronze Age.
We are the worlds terrorists.
I can't stand Trump. Would never vote for him again. But foreign non-involvement was the biggest difference and benefit we gained during his presidency. I appreciated that about him and miss it greatly now.
Take a Trump Derangement Syndrome tablet, Gates and Biden sell them. You hate him (Trump) because the media made you hate him. Look where the USA is now, a flippen disaster on steroids and back into wars.
Bad diagnosis, doctor! It's not TDS! I don't consume pretty much any media. I read a few substacks including this one and that's it! I voted for the man twice and was generally pleased with at least the first portion of his presidency, including (as I said) his non-intervention in foreign affairs. But he insists on credit for "Warpspeed," so I (for one) give it to him! He thinks the shots are his gift to humanity, so he can choke on it for all I care. He ran to clean the swamp and only succeeded in created his own brand of swamp (as seen by his ATROCIOUS endorsements, including Dr. Oz.) Trump doesn't care about America or us little guys. He's ALL out for himself. Just because he's my enemy's enemy doesn't make him my friend.
I never claimed to be a doctor, but is is clear you need one. I didn't ask for a justification of what you read, maybe you simply watched too much CNN. Your bitter taste will never go away, it has consumed you.
He spent two years having to defend himself against false accusations and lies constructed by one of the most evil scoundrels like Robert Mueller. The same swine who has a lengthy record of framing innocent people, to protect the guilty with his pit bull Andrew Weissmann. He did do remarkably well under the circumstances and for only essentially having two years and to defend the country against a hoax perpetrated by insiders who swore oaths to defend the country and were stabbing him in the back like Pence and Nikki Haley.
not voting for Trump is a defacto vote for marxism. dont let perfect be the enemy of the good.
America has already been defeated and now run by unelected clique and their W.E.F./UN WHO controllers. Politics is all about compromise and no accountability to the people. ( I am a former indep. voter)
Nope. The lesser of 2 evils paradigm has been the mantra my whole life. I'm done with it.
me too, as others I know. Trump never drained the swamp or had others arrested for treason, why didn't he pardon the men who were allowed into capitol hill bldg Jan 6th? police let them inside. He was still in ofc when he could have pardoned.
it always is of course. i can't quite recall a ballot with a perfect candidate on it. can you? so either shoot yourself in the foot or face or don't vote. same thing. you in effect voted for the marxist.
Well put, enemy's enemy, yet he's a Rothchild pal getting $$ from Rothchild years back for paying debts.
"You hate him because the media hate him". Eh, the sound of someone who simply cheered Trump "because he's MUH president!" Schimberg's comment was valid, saying he voted for Trump but wouldn't again, but appreciated what he did do. And you call that Trump Derangement Syndrome? Talk about just using pre-packaged phrases.
Sounds like Breitbarters who were fanatic about Rafael "Ted" Cruz, their preacher-imitating savior, and cursed Trump for being not very religious and "a Democrat". Then they switched that fanaticism to Trump because he won the election, and you could see their Twitter handles doing the same change. And then anyone who actually backed Trump and his policies, and criticized him for his many, many surrenders to the establishment, was "a traitor!" and whatever. No reasoning, no facts, it's "support muh president!" or nothing. No, I stopped doing that when the clown said five times on TV in January-February 2021 that he wanted more mass immigration.
"It's what the industry tells me they need, they need a lot more immigrants. And this is not what I said in the election."
I would support DeSantis, who can talk and write like an adult, and who could actually do something to prevent Texas from turning permanently blue. I will not support the flip-flopping Trump, just so he can make it all about himself again for four years, fill the White House with Democrats and nevertrumpers while his supporters were all ignored to please the GOP, and write about himself in third person and with Lots Of Randomly Capitalized words and ALL CAPS and exclamation points!!! on Twitter twenty times a day. If Obama had referred to himself in third person we'd rightly have said it's the sign of a self-obsessed person.
You assume too much. Look into the mirror. Trump was the man needed to wake up the likes of you who couldn't see the wood for the trees. He clearly failed with you fella. He talked more about the Americans than himself, but you chose not to listen. Take a TDS pill, you need it.
Trump like Biden, pushed the clot shots even at his MAGA rallies where he bloviated constantly.
Well he was challenged by the Demorats that he could not develop a solution, a vaccine in such a short time, He was slipped a deliberate card by traitors Fauci and Birx who he trusted. They told him that they had developed a vaccine, he believed them and accepted the Demorats challenge. BUT he proved he could and did. That was very unfortunate that he was tricked and he should have been open about it. https://palexander.substack.com/p/trump-was-misled-massively-by-fauci?s=r
That is nothing compared to how he was attacked for 2 years by the Demorats the Russian dossier lie. That too pales into comparison to the election theft which will be exposed.
Unfortunatly, non involvement or meddling doesn't make money for the corporations making war products. No US wars won in 77 years.
What a shitshow. At least it appears that more bombing will not further degrade the landscape.
This guy should clean up the city of Mobile, where he was born, first. Lots of crime there.
Hes just another mediocre, dumbass Affirmative Action hire, who then got promoted sans performance metrics, because he's black. Puke.
This is not all bad. Nothing has ever gone wrong in Somalia before, right?
Stupidity running rampant.. maybe focus on real issues like getting the US economy going.. housing shortages for the poor?? Forget Somalia
Yep, it’s party time for the military industrial complex. WHOO-HOO.
Mission is to keep losing wars (didn't we get kicked out in Somalia in 3/94?) and profits for corporations making war equipment like the V Nam war. Failure in Iraq and Afghanistan, now more failures. No war won in 77 years.
Until your attitude improves, the bombings will continue.
"the failed state of Somalia" "theocratic gangs" "linked to Al Qaeda"
Ah yes, it's the Islamists that ruined the country! Absolutely not the U.S.
Reality check: The warlords Washington armed terrorized the country. On the roads to Mogadishu they forced people to give them money and raped women. They made life unbearable, thanks to the usual mindless voting sheep in the U.S. So businessmen in Mogadishu paid the Islamic courts, who gathered volunteers to fight back. They freed the capital and much of the country.
But Washington couldn't allow that, as Somalia also allowed some of the resistance fighters in Iraq to stay in the country. No one must oppose Washington's occupations. So they paid Xtian Ethiopia to invade and destroy Somalia. With the destruction of Somalia, South Korean and Japanese fishing fleets moved in to sweep the coastline, emptying it of fish since no one could resist. The fishermen lost their livelihoods and the people were denied food. So the fishermen became pirates, striking back. And everyone acted shocked, as usual forgetting what had happened before.
Al-Shabaab was formed to oppose the occupation, which is still ongoing through proxy rulers. "Linked to al-Qaeda!" They only declared loyalty to al-Qaeda in 2012, and it's symbolic. They are fighting their fight, to free Somalia. And when Washington sends its mercenaries, I wish al-Shabaab well. Make the globalists regret coming.
Speaking of "linked to al-Qaeda", that's the U.S. Which armed al-Q and ISIS in Syria via tiny "democratic resistance groups" on the Syrian border, which sold or handed over the weapons to the Islamists, then dissolved and joined them. The U.S. has also financed and armed the Marxists Kurds, who allowed ISIS to pass through their territory from Iraq to Syria, and who have allowed them passage several times since then. The Kurds who include ISIS fighters, and who ISIS eagerly handed over the oil fields to when the Syrian military was approaching to retake them. ISIS could only take those oil fields because of the U.S. bombing them to make the defenders take cover, after which ISIS oddly enough was ready to move in right after. To say it clearly, Washington was working with ISIS.
And of course, the Washington-funded Saudi Arabia and Qatar were the ones who started ISIS in the first place, as everyone knew, and as the Qatari prime minister revealed when Saudi Arabia prepared to attack them because they dared have diplomatic contact with Iran. al-Qaeda was also directly supported by Israel, which functioned as their air force in southern Syria, bombing Syria's defenders on their behalf. Israel gave al-Qaeda shelter and medial aid on the Israeli side of the border when needed, before letting them re-enter Syria from some other spot on the border. When Israel's proxy terrorists couldn't hold out, Israel arranged for them to be transported by helicopter to Jordan.
This "al-Qaeda" was the worst kind, simply Iraqi Sunnis angry that they lost Iraq to the Shia majority - so they only set out to kill Shias and Christians in Syria, with no intent to fight back against U.S. control in the Middle East. This is what Americans support. So, let's drop the "linked to al-Qaeda!" as the scare announcement of choice. Ever since the U.S. destroyed Syria's economy with Bush and Obama sanctions, that label has fit the U.S. more than any other country.
Peace is breaking out all over. The Democrats are the Party of Peace. Book Brandon a flight to Norway to get his prize.
If your son or daughter are thinking of joining the armed forces tell them to wait a few years, biden treats soldiers like furniture.
The f’g bonehead is intentionally going to get the United States attacked.
Politicians (both parties) are compromised and incompetent, puppets of the globalist clique.