Very interesting (and somewhat terrifying, even though I'm in Texas) to hear this. Great interview Jordan.

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Western Australia represents roughly 33% of Australia's landmass, with a population of only 2.5 million. Yesterday, the WA government introduced a new law that requires Australians wishing to travel to WA to produce a Covid-19 passport, i.e. proof that they have received both vaccinations. Anyone wishing to travel to WA must install the G2G mobile app (https://www.g2gnow.com.au/) and allow the police to pinpoint their whereabouts in real time. Politicians in the other states of Australia are keen to follow suit.

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When you enemy is heavily armed and you have relinquished your gun rights, this is what happens. All tyrants in history have confiscated guns in advance of a complete take over and in many cases genocide is the aftermath.

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Western Australia represents roughly 33% of Australia's landmass, with a population of only 2.5 million. Yesterday, the WA government introduced a new law that requires Australians wishing to travel to WA to produce a Covid-19 passport, i.e. proof that they have received both vaccinations. Anyone wishing to travel to WA must install the G2G mobile app (https://www.g2gnow.com.au/) and allow the police to pinpoint their whereabouts in real time. Politicians in the other states of Australia are keen to follow suit.

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This is even worse than I thought.

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It's just been announced in the Sydney Morning Herald that from Sunday morning there will be police roadblocks, riot police and 500 additional defence personnel in parts of Sydney to enforce new rules, e.g cannot travel more than 5 km from home, can only leave home for essential shopping etc. AUD 5,000 fines to be imposed. And now the whole of NSW is in lockdown (home detention).

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