And thus one more brave, Constitutional defending exemplary soldier and officer leaves our military. This is part of a purge that started in the Obama administration. It is leaving fat, stupid cowards like Austin in command. They need dangerous fools in the military that obey orders and have no allegiance to the law (constitution) to carry out what they have planned against the American people.

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Another fat and stupid coward is Gen. Milley.

No f'ing way does that fat pig pass Army weight standards.

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Lt. Col. (don't call me Mr.) Vindman comes to mind as well.

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Fatty Vindman.

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Vindman is another coward that needs taking out to the forest, never to return again.

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Milley is a fat dumb coward, as well as Austin. These fuckers are not leaders in any sense of the word. They are girly men cowards who won't stand up to Bolsheviks like Biden/Obama.

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I knew from Judy Mizvotz not to take this crap, but then the one and only flu shot I ever had nearly killed me because I am immunosuppressed for Crohn's disease, it was on her long list of people never to go near it. I have controlled the disease with one drug, lot's of exercise and only clean whole foods for 30 years after doctors told me I would die before I reached 40, I am 70 in January.

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Congrats, we need more competant thinkers like you in this country

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Well done.

I used to consider doctors as collectively being the experts I should listen to.

Their instant capitulation to and wholehearted embrace of covid hysteria, quickly disabused me of that belief.

It is frightening how many otherwise educated people, fell for this bullshit.

Not the illness, but the global responses that were the exact opposite of what should have been done.

Schools really need to start teaching critical thinking to their students.

Preferably before they go to college or university and meet the dangerous, woke, enemies, that exist there and in most positions of authority.

Luckily, the majority of these woke idiots in education and medicine are likely to be fully up to date with their jabs.

If only the politicians followed suit.

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022

It is sadly encouraging to see we are not alone in this Faustian bargain: My husband, also a decorated and respected Army officer with 16 years of committed service to our nation resigned his commission less than four months ago over the vaccine mandate. He had both serious medical, ethical, moral and religious objections, which were all denied, mocked, ridiculed and punished. While deployed and unvaxxed last year, he was essentially put in prison, separated from everyone else as punishment, and forced to mask 24/7, including during sleep bc he had to share quarters with other vaxxed soldiers- never mind the entire brigade came down with covid anyhow. It was a 12 month endurance test of unnecessary psychological abuse. Even though he was a high-ranking Chaplain, he was denied a religious exemption. (If a literal “religious man” hired to be “religious” is not given religious accommodation, clearly no one is able to.).

We are saddened it has come to this for us after serving with such commitment, love for our Nation, and after so many painful sacrifices and multiple excruciatingly long deployments (combined, both my husband and I served for over 22 years - I’m an army veteran too), but it is the only option we can live with. There was no alternative. This is a very grave matter with very big and real implications far beyond what we can even imagine.

It is also a stark example for our young children about what it means to live with conviction of spirit and principles and just doing what is plainly right to see- for if this continues to escalate and morph into other loses of bodily sovereignty, they may never know the freedom we grew up knowing. How could we not fight for them? As painful as it is now having lost our income and retirement, I know they will understand this more as adults looking back on this time.

We would appreciate prayers to find another job and a way to start all over again during middle age- it’s a scary time for all of us, but I believe the best is yet to come, even if it only means to be able to live without regret. God bless.

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022

As retired military, it is heartbreaking to read your comment.

What has happened to our country?

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What has happened to our country is: the people have turned their collective backs on God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! The God that nourished and protected America during it growing years. People today mock God and kill their children in the name of Molech, same as what went on 1,000's of years ago. Nothing new. You turn your back on God, and God will turn his back on you. That's all there is to it.

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My deepest admiration and respect to you and your husband. Prayers for both of you...

I did the same. I knew a "mandate" for injection was a sure thing -- and sure enough it was. Year and a half from full retirement. Said good-bye to my career, our income, health insurance, and the life we had. Simply would not/could not comply -- with snot pouches, "distancing," and certainly not injection with gene-altering crap.

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While the traitors have been in charge before, it has never been this prolonged. This whole thing is Satanic. Never before has organized medicine knowingly advocated a harmful vaccine--not to mention officially approving and recommending mutilation surgery for minors.

Oh yes. There will be Hell to pay.

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Much respect and gratitude for this man’s courage, integrity and service. May his example shine a light on the path for others.

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022

SecDef Austin and fatty Gen. Milley are just following orders...they can't possibly be on the side of the US.

Weaken the US military.

Purge the US military.

Make sure the US military is unable to fight a war.

It is the CCP's dream.

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That IS our new government. (The CCP.)

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The pensions should be prorated. You get entire pension at 20 years but nothing for any number of years less than that is ridiculous.

The sacrifice being made is all the more a testament of the courage and integrity of Lt Col Bradley Miller and others like him. Respect and salute ^

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A true hero - courageous and outspoken againsy medical fraud and evil totalitarianism. Bravo sir, and thank you for your many sacrifices for Truth!

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Bradley, I’m with you all the way. I’m a merchant seaman just a few years short of retiring, and I too was required to take the jab in order to work. I refused, knowing that there was 0 benefits and all risk with this experimental jab. I, like you, will not file for an exemption, because I firmly believe that asking for an exemption only legitimizes their supposed authority. They have no right to coerce anyone into an experimental medical procedure and I hope they’ll be held to account so that this doesn’t happen again. All the best.

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A true officer and gentleman. I salute you and your integrity Sir.

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"I was a hard refusal." I like this guy. No excuses. Just said no. Much respect.

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Bravo. Hoo-ah! Much respect. True courage of convictions. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Thank God for all the brave whistleblowers coming forward & exposing the harm the Covid shots are causing worldwide.

Praying for all our Military service who took the Covid shots & were harmed & to family members who lost service members who died from the shots.

Also praying for the safety of all the service members that were pressured into taking the shots.

May God bless everyone who is standing up to the unconstitutional mandates that take away our medical freedom.


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The word "hero" is much abused/over-used, but it applies here!!!

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So much respect for this warrior! He certainly did the right thing since you can't enjoy a pension if you're dead from those murder-shots. So many dying now. If you haven't yet, please go see the new

documentary "DIED SUDDENLY" just released on rumble. You will be scared and shocked at what those shots are doing. And you'll want to share it with others after you see it. The people need to know.

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Thank you for bringing attention to Miller's case. I hope he will be an example to others.

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