After 100 years of tyranny, this is a step in the right direction. Biggest protests since Tiananmen 1989. You cannot comply your way out of tyranny. The silence of "free world" governments and human rights NGOs is deafening: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-control-your-souls-desire

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Here in Insane Francisco, I'd say that 90% of the people still masking are Asian, with the high rates in the predominantly recent immigrant Chinese neighborhoods (the 2nd & 3rd generation areas not so bad). China has exported their compliance model, and it allows the Covid fear to simmer, even in the U.S.

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The CCP police station there is probably watching them closely. They're here as "first wave" invasion corps. Ya can't let them get too used to freedom. --- I'm being facetious.

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I have noticed the same. The masked are mostly Asians. A Chinese student on Facebook or Twitter addressed Americans and told them honestly to accept the fact that the Chinese, even those in the US are different, more obedient, less aware of the value of democracy and freedom. It's in their culture and possible in genes.

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I live in a red Midwestern state and the only people I've seen wearing masks in the past year are young, healthy Asians.

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Same general area. Old folks, usually white. I don't drive through campus so I RARELY see Asians, except at (PLEASE excuse this, it is NOT meant as a stereotype!) the Chinese restaurant they own or work in. (It's a fairly small city.)

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I'm hoping this isn't true but pretty sure it is. They haven't been free in living memory, if ever. Just about anything would be an improvement over having your front door welded shut and being left to starve to death or die in a fire because you can't get out. I am enjoying knowing Tim Cook is being inconvenienced as he knows slave labor makes his devices.

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Yuma, agreed!

I doubt this is a repudiation of XI and the iron fist, they've lived under since Mao. I think these people see the dog whistles on social media and the fake news, about the 'new" round of health scares...and are scared to death of being welded in their buildings and starved again or the risk of of being burned to death.

I would think if Xi wanted to immediately disperse the crowds, without firing a shot, he need only make an announcement, that there will be no welded doors or unreasonable lockdowns and the government would make sure the people had a 2 lb bag of rice per day.

Poof, people would go home. Only the most militant would stay and continue...and then be drug off to re-education camps.

Of course XI won't, because he'd see that as weakness, in the face of the enemy.

They aren't protesting China and it's system, they just don't want to be made into sardines again.

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I wish we were both wrong, but we aren't. The longer I think about this, the more it sounds true. I think Tiananmen Square broke most of what was left of their spirit. What I wonder is why anyone would want to be in charge of the whole country? Or the whole planet? Although Xi has plenty of minions, it still has to be a lot of work to be so evil. B@stard.

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It only seems like hard work, because you are looking at it, from the perspective of a non-evil bastard...and good for you.

I don't think tyrannical, psychopaths mentally or emotionally labor over their actions, that they see as paramount, to anything else. Look at Joe brandon, Justin tru-castro or even the the Fauch.

There is no sleep lost at night, there. They know what's best and those who oppose or get in the way, are simply enemies and must be crushed.

I hope these people are filling a room with dry food stuffs, for the next round of lockdowns

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Like the food stockpiling we're doing now thanks to Klaus? I'm glad we're not like that. Thank you for the compliment. Brandon & Co. feel no guilt because they have no consciences. He's still bragging about his "81 million" votes. Sure. Right. No way he beat President Trump! Turdeau-Castro and Gain-of-Fauxi "Science" = sociopaths too.

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

I agree with this interpreation 100%. This is the same problem Europe and now 50% of the USA have. Too many people are willing to trade freedom and liberty for their perceived safety provided by the Government. I hope I am wrong because these protesters could make real change, but Governments have brainwashed too many people at this point.

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Sadly I think this is all too true. The desire for freedom has to be truly awakened in China for it to become anything different, and unfortunately, that is not yet the case. Well written article, thank you!

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Well said. I agree with your diagnosis. Here the Orientals, along with fats and ladies, are among the most mask compliant and eager. To hell with their conformist, despotic tendencies as a whole.

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Nov 28, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Your analysis is sobering yet sound. I'll continue to support any protest against tyranny, no matter how small and incremental the pushback. It could end up being the spark that ignites a worldwide movement. Decentralization is inevitable as tyranny is self-correcting over the long term.

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If I'm the Chinese government I allow these protests to go on for a bit so I can trace back to find the local and foreign instigators. This is a terrific opportunity for them to roll-up foreign-sponsored networks. Plus they can blame the ongoing and growing Covid wave on the illegal protests rather than their failed lockdown / testing policies.

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deletedNov 28, 2022·edited Nov 28, 2022
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Are you being satirical? Is the US MSM truly free and impartial?

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This is an iteration of the universal paradox that freedom requires a context based on the rule of law. It requires stabilizing institutions that can be trusted, which is why the West has become devastated by a culture war, where trusting anything is open to question.

No, freedom is not just long hair, lots of weed, and hippie garb.

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Not just any “rule of law” however. The Law. God’s laws, and the myriad natural laws one derives through practical reasoning and common sense, and implicit in our good traditions.

We are in no true sense fully free, as we are bounded so much by our physical circumstances, biologies and needs, and our own perfidy to do wrong. It is in practicing the virtues, the beatitutudes, where one can find the highest form of human freedom.

Our liberal institutions were founded too much on the rock of Rome and Cicero, and not Christ and His Church. Liberalism was a conceit to be free of all ‘harm’ or restriction, including those imposed by human nature itself. And magically all wars would stop and we would have peace. Obviously, that hasn’t quite worked out.

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"natural laws one derives through practical reasoning and common sense" — Yes!

In the Abrahamic religions, these laws are attributed to God, the one and only.

Jefferson pointedly attributed them to "nature's God."

In our Global Village, we can continue to argue about who are our gods, or who IS, or whether gods exist at all; but everything has its own nature above and beyond theology.

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Tyranny is all they have ever known.

However, too much is still too much.

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china is still a third world poor country.

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"If CCP security officials want to find someone, the mask won’t do citizens much good. It may take a little more effort for the police to identify protesters, but in the end, they will certainly be unmasked by authorities."

But when you multiply that time it takes by a million, you have to wonder if the CCP actually has the time to get that done before being overwhelmed with new protestors.

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China, Iran, the United States, it's all the same. People are stupid and submissive. They continue to vote for their demise (aka the status quo). The state owns the justice department, police and military. You're all pissing in the wind. George Carlin said be happy with what you've got. It's a big club, and you aren't in it.

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I wondered this exact thing when I saw all the videos of masked protesters the past couple days. Not sure if they are actually waking up to the whole thing.

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In the Far East, masks are not merely or even related to bowing down to Fauci and woke thuggery. For decades they have been a symbol of resistance to a tyranny which promotes spiritual pollution along with the very real chemical pollution of the breathed air.

A hidden face is not loss of face.

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Everyone knows about cia-controlled media and how they lie about everything..... except one thing.... everything they say about China is true.

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A ton of info and footage here. Last 2 minutes are important.


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