I am Pure Blooded and will stay that way... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnzC0fTI8cA

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that was AWESOME, thanks for the link!

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And I’m assuming the sixth shot will be the exact same formulation as the very first shot? Why? Why are they pushing this? It can’t just be about money

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Money plus depopulation plus creating a whole generation of sick people dependent on big pharma.

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Pfizer is already selling lots more of their blood thinning drug Eliquis (very expensive, of course) - sales in 2021 Q2 and 3 up 20% plus over 2020; that's a huge jump for a long-established product.

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My guess is a lot of the initial shots really were placebos and now they're trying to ensure everyone gets at least one real (depopulation) shot.

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Based on some studies done on side effects/death VS. Location, you're probably correct.

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Do you have a link to those studies? Sounds interesting.

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Why did they keep burning witches at the stake, long after everyone knew it had spun out of control. Human psychology is complex and full of folly.

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And history is full of misinformation.

At this point, we can only really trust general outlines of what happened, and none of the details.

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Mar 31, 2022·edited Mar 31, 2022

They sell while there are buyers. In my county 90% took the original 2-3 doses (additional #3 for immunocompromized) and 70% of those eligible took the first booster (there are no stats for the second booster yet). It's reasonable to project that there still will be demand for more boosters, even if the lines will be shorter and shorter overtime.

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I think they are trying to determine the population wide LD50

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Or get as many as possible past that point before it becomes impossible to hide the dropping bodies.

Israel data shows by 4 jabs 50% have a hard time with normal daily activities. They don't report what % they killed.

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The dead will and won't have a hard time doing their daily activities.

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True. But to my knowledge the dead weren't surveyed! 🤔

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I thought Pfizer was working on new safe and effective shots ..

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They claimed as much when OMICRON(TM) was released. Just like they claimed for Delta. Then nothing. Narrative shifts to just adding more Classic MRNA junk Shots instead. Which is 'highly effective', naturally.

Seems to be a pattern. Claim to have an agile system, to buttress the initial '48 hour' computer code to Shot cycle. Then quietly walk back. To do anything else would be to admit the truth.

Because they can't admit they designed/developed SARS-CoV-2 in tandem with the MRNA gene therapy. Over years, long before Wuhan. As a binary, or at least paired, bioweapon system.

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Now I know why some people said the USA gives about 50 or 70 shots 💵 now Covid shots might turn into 70 or 100 shots 💵💵💵💵💵💵💵💵

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It can be just about the money.

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That is just so disgusting to me

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well, it is a lot of money :)

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Mar 30, 2022·edited Mar 30, 2022

Biden's jab was saline. Had to be. They wouldn't risk him having an adverse reaction on TV - they want to sell YOU the "real" jab.

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For the 100th time, the politicians can get vaccine cards for themselves and their family. I Know this for a FACT. Some do get a fake shot publicly for show.

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"I don't want to shock anyone, but Pfizer and Moderna need more profits to funnel back into lobbying for mandates."

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Ireland is one of the most vaccinated countries in the European Union, yet hospitalizations are rising.'

And YET!!!

How about BECAUSE!!!

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I'm beyond being shocked anymore.

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It seems this will be a semi-annual event. AKA the pharmaceutical enrichment act.

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From the MSNBC article: "It’s possible to replace one sequence of mRNA in the vaccine for another in a matter of weeks."

Sure, and it only took 15 days to slow the spread.

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After my first 2 shots and now after my 4th booster, I want to report that I'm having no issues or any side ef...f....xxx...qqq....k.b....zzzzzz..............

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Gosh, if the vaccines are NOT formulated for a current strain of virus, then WHAT is the vaccine FOR? May be a question to ask anybody wanting to line up for more shots.

Then introduce the rising stats of post-vaccine deaths and hospitalizations seen in other countries and starting to rise in ours.

Then have them ask their friends the same questions.

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I suggest the FDA authorize all future shots. The decision is straightforward. Why even bother?

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Guaranteed that Biden never has gotten legitimate "vaccine". He's not even the president, the Kenyan abomination is. Put in the WH to help destroy America and facilitate the kill of white Americans. He's bona fide slime, doesn't seem to upset those folks that voted for this nightmare.

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That's preposterous! No one can be safe from covid with 6 shots. Now 7 on the other hand... That's the number! Think about it.: 7 chipmunks on my uncle's ranch, 7 dwarves, 7 minute abs. Yup 7 is the key number.

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7 times to shuffle a card deck to get true randomness, 7 times over an area when vacuuming to get it truly clean, You are on to something!

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Maybe I can get sponsorship from the media, gov or Pfizer. I can even claim to be non-biased and completely objective as I haven't had a single shot.

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I was recently contacted by a nearby university hospital to be a subject for a Pfizer study for a “new” “vaccine” for the Omicron strain. I did not bother to reply/volunteer…

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If we're 'at war' with covid, then why not requisition the doses? The man looked like he was going to shat himself just doddering around to sit in a chair. Such a joke.

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