This says it all:

“September 11 was a total failure of our immigration and visa processes, which allowed some of these jihadists to operate within our nation, and train for the attacks extensively within our borders, for *well over a year* before they conducted the operation. September 11 was a domestic security failure, not a foreign policy misstep.”

Now GW BUSH, who is a homegrown terrorist in his own right, is stupid enough to come out and declare the US needs to accept large numbers of Afghan refugees. Only if we send them to Crawford Texas!

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The other part of it is the government rewarded itself by creating DHS, ICE, and the TSA to keep us even more safe.

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Aug 18, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

I was living in Germany during the Merkel-enabled immigration wave, and there were pieces in the mainstream press (as PC as it is and was) about the Afghan migrants and how they seemed to be particularly bad actors, responsible for far more than their proportionate share of the rapey behavior. So it's great to know we'll be bringing so many of them back to American shores.

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I'm not sure if Jordan is okay with me mentioning this, but I have an English-language video blog about German politics: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9T9vxcnl3MBrqaOEM29fgg

It is no surprise that it is the same people who don't get the immigration problem that think that Afghanistan can be turned around with gender studies and LGBT rights advocates. They have criminalized the notion that some cultures are more advanced than others. It came with the demonization of everything colonialism, no matter what. All these people who claimed that they encountered, god forbid, "savages" must have lied. I don't know of a single pre-Judaic (or outer-Abrahamic) people that did not engage in human sacrifice, but all cultures are equal and if you say something you are offensive.

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This article is callous and disappointing. Even though what you're saying has the ring of truth.

But it ignores the current situation. I keep seeing articles and discussion about "well we shouldn't have been in there in the first place". Fine, argument taken, but who the hell is holding these politicians accountable for a humanitarian disaster? Biden and his team seriously fucked up. People will die because of our Commander in Dementia and his merry band of yes-people.

Iraq, as a war, was far worse than Afghanistan. I mean - there really was NO reason to go in there at all. But at least we handled the exit better.

In this article, you basically told all those gold star mothers to fuck off. No, you can do better than this. Put some more heart and empathy into recognizing the many dynamics of the situation.

And you know what? As a human being on this planet, I do give a fuck about these people now that we went in. There are things done to people over there that you don't even want to know in your darkest imaginings. We had it under control... for a while. Oh well.

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The way I read this was as a laconic description of the last 20 years the US was involved in Afghanistan. While I agree, initially we were led to believe that going into Afghanistan was justified, and I remember grudgingly accepting the government line.

I always agreed with your assessment related to any involvement in Iraq. As a matter of fact, I remember people claiming the only reason GW got us in Iraq was due to insults from Sadam, about GHW Bush; and at the time I discounted such a thought, I didn’t think that little of GW; then. After watching GW get all worked up about candidate Trump’s insults about brother Jeb, I now think GW could have been petty enough to sacrifice American blood and treasure to uphold his daddy’s honor. And that’s a very sad thing to consider!

I disagree with your claim about Jordan related to Gold Star Mothers. Should they be coddled into thinking their children died for a just cause, when it wasn’t? Back to Laconia, the mothers of ancient Sparta were indoctrinated into sacrificing their children for the many unnecessarily waged wars in their day. This is not what we need:

(I found this on a site called World History In Person)

“And the mother, accompanying her son to the war and handing him a shield, said:

- With a shield or on a shield.

This meant: either come back victorious, or die in battle and they will bring you on a shield, and if you get scared and lose your weapon, then it's better not to return home.”

It’s better to have harsh truth as opposed to smooth lie!

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It is easy to be generous with her people's money. Especially when there is no accountability for wasting it.

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don't support this argument overall. specifically - yeah all those poor savages, individually, are of little consequence or impact on USA - but for the opium, pakistan, future meddling from chi-coms & others, then of course how many will USA & Canada accept as refugees & what is the fall out from that? then there's a generation of people born under USA occupation, now thrust back to the dark ages - what about them & what they may develop into? what about the impact on American foreign power? why would anyone country on the face of the earth believe in America now? these leftist idiots portrayed DJT as the person destroying America's reputation, & a fraudulent election imposing a dementia patient was their cure... there's a great many what abouts? too many for me to say Americans don't need to worry about Afghanistan. as a Canadian - I'm really worried for America & Canada too

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Yes we have no need to worry about Afghanistan over there but for those of us living in "mystery Babylon" in the midst of a very wicked harlot:


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