The worst part is witnessing in real time the uniparty line. The hysterical noises from the GOP about "chamberlain" and "appeasement" contribute to the conflict as much as the Xiden apparatchiks. It's all one meld of MIC whores whose sponsors at Raytheon and General Dynamics have paid them to care more about Ukraine's border than their own.

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

I agree completely. However, this issue is exposing more crappy American politicans to remove from office.

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America is the world bully. Over 800 garrisons in over 100 countries.

Putin is vilified by the West because he is the only world leader to speak against America's foreign policy of death, destruction and suffering.


The rest of the West are lap dog vassals. Thus, complicit with the suffering we put upon much of the world.

General Clark: seven countries in five years.


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So very true... good observation. Russia does not plan to be part of the New World Order and the global elites and grandees know that.

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Mostly a good article. The following quote bears some attention however:” Moscow presents itself as orthodox Christians to their fans on the right,”. First problem is that the word Moscow is singular and and ”orthodox Christians” ( the word Orthodox should be capitalized) is plural. More important issue here is that the COUNTRY of Russia HAS experienced a legitimate rebirth of Orthodox Christianity since the fall of the USSR. This is very significant in how we can expect that nation to conduct itself in the future. Putin is now allegedly a believer. This is debatable, but over time the country of Russia should act like a much better world citizen than, let’s say China, or perhaps even the apparently soon to be CINO (Christian in name only) United States.

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Legal, no.

Moral? You don't know the meaning of the word. Congratulations, you're no better than the cretins against whom you rail.

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Two words- hypersonic missiles

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If America runs away again so soon after its abnegation of Afghanistan it will be a further blow to the free world. Defend Ukraine, defend freedom

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I have finally quit twitter for good. Do you use any other platforms? Blessed to have found the dossier

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Incredible how the uni-party is willing to sacrifice some of our finest young men and women for the Hunter Biden/Paul Pelosi cabal. Perhaps much more. The web of lies being spun is a labyrinth of BS.

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Oooh. If the US defends Ukraine I bet Russia will retaliate by “releasing” it’s smallpox on the US (the biowarfare that Gates predicted 🙄)

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