Jan 7, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

I'm forced to conclude that the justices get their information from their clerks who, in turn, get their information from Facebook and Twitter. And I'm further forced to conclude that our country appears to be screwed.

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Jan 8, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Excellent theory. I graduated from law school 19 years ago and even then, the graduates who got clerkships were heavily on the left. Can only imagine now the culture of the clerks and I think you are correct the judges get most of their info and legal opinions from them. Not good.

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Twitter and Facebook are more accurate than what has come out of the mouths of these judges.

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Jan 7, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Someone pointed out on Berenson that Sotomayor probably looked at a graph that had a y axis labeled as "cases per 100K" and read it as 100K cases.

A great example of why the SCOTUS should evaluate cases from legal first principles and not try to be, God help us, a "data-driven" institution.

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It does give new meaning to the phrase "Justice is blind"

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Doubt Soto has ever looked at a "graph".

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Yeah, I kept waiting on someone, the lawyer for the states, one of the "conservative' justices, ANYONE, to point out that two of the attorney's for the Solicitor General were lawyering "remotely" cuz...fully vaxxed and boosted...wait for it...THEY HAD COVID!!!

It would have been an epic own. Instead we got Kavanaugh who couldn't get out of his own way.

It is becoming quite apparent that our ruling elites went to the right prep schools and colleges and got good grades. Then they learned the law really well.

But they would starve and freeze in the real world. They don't seem to know shit about the real world. This goes for the conservatives except for maybe Barrett, probably Alito and definitely Thomas. The others are idiot savants who know law and little else.

Yet they rule us. They rule US!!! We are truly and well doomed.

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United Non Compliance and cultural change is the only way out of this.

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Jan 8, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

I remember when the “latina” was nominated. The Corporate propaganda machine for O and his “daring” selection pretty much got a free pass during the vetting process. So here we are now, this “brilliant” “latina” who checked the box on identity politics, is showing the majority of us that knew, that dumbing down the people in politics and their roles in the mighty swamp, mean nothing to anyone inside that beltway. I am positive that Frat Kavenaugh is having a beer right now at the tennis club with the “latina”. Mask free, Hey, I like Beer.

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Judges and justices on "Supreme" courts are no smarter than the average judge or average Joe, for that matter. Yes, they may have supposedly written some "brilliant" opinion at some point (or had their clerks do the work and then polished it up). Their real skill is in being politically connected. Justices are nominated to the bench by the party in power to further an agenda. Thus, hoping they will come riding to the rescue is a fool's game.

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The last two years have destroyed all trust in long time institutions. Well, except for those who've succumb to mass formation brain disease. If you haven't lost trust in SCOUS yet this excuse of a court case should get you there now. These supposed learnt people are really stupid in disguise.

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It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.

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Jan 7, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Cant blame the lawyers for this - they know law. This is on the CDC and the FDA.

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If I were arguing the case I would focus on 3 issues, 1. Covid only represents a threat to a small portion of the population and natural immunity is effective, 2. There are available treatments and 3. The vaccines are not effective in preventing spread. These 3 findings should obviate the need for a mandate.

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Better to argue the Constitutionality. Otherwise, we could win this battle, only to have "someone" (looking at you, Gates/Fauci/Baric) weaponize smallpox to be more transmissible & Fauci & Co. would "lose" the stockpile of traditional smallpox vaccines.

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scarey thought, but cant be discounted. another aspect is injury.

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Not surprising. The US is done, so is the rest of the world. Both liberal and conservative politicians and judges are serving the same masters. This is a WAR against the US and global population.

This Evil agenda is about destruction of the Human race and bringing about a "new order of the Ages".It has been building for for centuries, and The Medical Industrial/Inquisition Complex is an important part of it. When nations reject God, they get three things: Rulers who hate them: Psalms. 106:35-42, Laws that enslave them: Ezekiel 20:24-25, Rights taken from them: Isaiah. 5:20, 23, 24 'Since the beginning of the Corona operation, many people began to realize that their governments have been taken over by very powerful and extremely evil forces, making political leaders worldwide move in unison to unleash unprecedented tyranny on their citizens.' - The Hidden History of the Revived Roman Empire: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-hidden-history-of-the-revived Using predictive programming they've told us the truth years in advance. Humanity is the Virus they are fighting: The Olympics Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-corona-end-game-addendum

The Occult is The Spiritual Foundation of The United Nations. The Stage Is Set For The Coming One World Government Under One World Leader:


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It is with great regret that I think that you are absolutely correct .

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The picture says everything: if they wear the mask, they are the enemy. It's a uniform.

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I live-blogged it on FB for a bit, but I had to quit from high blood pressure. That was dismaying, to say the least.

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I’m now convinced. Our safety is not “Their” priority!

Their priority is inj_jec_ting everyone in America. Period.

There is no stopping condition. There never was one.

Nobody in Congress will set a stopping condition either. Once everyone is injec_te$ed

, then they do it again with a boo_oo_ster. And another one.

Each one makes you sicker and sicker.

By giving you a sh_&ot that compromises your immune system and makes you more susceptible to getting Omi__crom&, they can keep the “emergency” alive so that the EUA can be renewed so that they can keep ‘infusing’ you again and again.

Get out there and defend your God-given rights to bodily autonomy. If not, welcome to The Collectivism Regime for generations to come.

This is how Communism was born. I lived for 17 years. It is awful!

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Need to watch a movie now. Something between 1950 and 1989. Question: do I want to cry, dance, or laugh? Best to all here.

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wish the justices would stay focused on the Constitution. opining on medicine just puts their ignorance on display.

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Every leader in this society are serious morons.

That's what you get with a for profit corporate run system

Remember folks, psychopaths rise to the top

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SCOTUS will uphold the mandate, stating abdication of responsibility due to lack of knowledge of the science. The US is going to have to go full Kazakhstan to resolve this. Even in victory we ultimately lose. Because this was never about vaccines.


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