I'm sure if he died, he'd thank the many jabs for a less severe death. Jonestown has nothing on this cult!

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Did I read that correctly? "...cult?..."

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I see what you did there, lol

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If Karma exists, Dr. Fauci will join Dr. Mengele in hell soon.

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....and with all the data coming out -- and readily available if one looks-- about the jabs permanently ruining a child’s innate immunity, the parents submitting their children to this fate deserve to be right there with herrs fauxci and Mengele , et al, et vomitous.

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This might be all about normalizing this bug being around for a long time. He took that one jab in one arm and said on TV the next day it's just a little sore as he patted the other arm.

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Yes... I have such a hard time believing he got the clot-shot. He knows full well that the shot is poison, so why would he take it? Maybe he is faking illness so that he can say he has long covid and must retire to a tropical island somewhere!

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The thing that gets me the most is how can these people look their children and grandchildren in the eye knowing the future they want to usher in.

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I have a tropical island in mind for him right now. Little place on the edge of Cuba...

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Jul 9, 2022
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I’m sorry but this whole Fauci thing makes no sense whatsoever. I will never believe that he took the poison to begin with, whether or not he’s faking the illness he gets the Academy Award for the worst performance of an actor trying to convince anyone who has a brain that what he says makes any sense.

He & Baric & all their conspirators created this monstrosity & the kill shots, why would any thinking person buy into the fact he would be stupid enough to participate in it. He also knew in 2005 that HCQ was effective against this virus. Maybe what they didn’t foresee was all the so called variants, caused by over “vaccinating” if they actually exist. Maybe he was blindsided by one of these & because of his age & hubris it took him down for a month. Possibly HCQ or Ivermectin isn’t as effective against it or he really took Paxlovid. Whatever the truth is, he’s a pathological liar & I don’t think anything he says can be believed at all. The only place he should be allowed to speak is at his trial for Crimes and Humanity.

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he tries to stay relevant as leader of The Cult. the sicker the better, so one has an excuse to push for more (non-sensical, poisonous) shots and/or pills. meaning more revenue for Big Pharma. and pretending to be sick after all those shots and pills gives him the particular status of leader of the pack.

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I don’t believe he took the jab and I don’t believe he took Paxlovid. This is all theater to get people to accept more jabs in the fall (didn’t the US just order another 195m doses?).

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I agree. All theatre. This is just to normalize what is to come for the jabbed. A constant state of illness. Never able to reach immunity.

It’s possible in a few weeks Fraudci will have another “mild” case of covid.

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Not only do we need better experts, we need to do a better job of vetting them. It's reached the point where when I read "Experts say..." I'm pretty sure the opposite is what I'll end up doing.

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Or perhaps society needs to re-think the concept of "expert" altogether. Too many are credentialed because they excelled at following the rules. Take a look at high ranking officers in the military, for example.

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These experts live in their bubbles in DC or wherever and get no real experience treating patients. When is the last time Fauci worked in a clinic??? I don’t know?? I will trust the doctors who are treating patients successfully in real time.

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“Children can get severe disease. There’s no doubt about that.”

And there’s no doubt that vaccines kill and maim. Praying for people to stop drinking the spike protein koolaid.

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And so what if they do? They fight it off and clear it very well. Their immune system is clearly strong enough to deal with it. Instead, the psychopath 'experts' want to mess with that because they think their man-made junk is better.

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do they think at all? the psychopaths aspiring at ruling the world don't seem to care about anything that is scientific, or proven, or otherwise acquired knowledge. Big Bucks is all they understand.

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What evidence do you have that children can get severe disease?

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Fauci is lying - he’s been lying and obfuscating from the very beginning - decades before his “noble lie” on PPE. He is 81. My 88 year old step mom who refused to get vaccinated just recovered from Covid using Vitamin C, D, zinc and pushing fluids and laying low. She couldn’t get the therapeutics based on the state she lives in, but this woman will be 89 in September and is a former smoker of 5 decades!! The hard part is she really believes masks work and that children pose a significant risk to her. It’s all been a heinous lie. Everything. And if you haven’t seen “Dallas Buyer’s Club” you all should. The first people in line to take Fauci out should be the gay community. And Fauci is doubling down on them with this monkey pox thing - instead of telling them to stop having huge sexual network hookups he just wants to continue jabbing them until they have no immune system left. This is the biggest world wide Psyop in the history of mankind.

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Yes this is a big Psyop. But can we really say it’s the “biggest” one.

The really biggest one is likely the Big Bang theory and evolution over creation.

How about the 1918 Pandemic that started in a Kansas military installation. Then spread by pre WW1 and post WW1 vaccination campaigns.

Next comes to mind the smallpox “epidemic”. Look into the truth of that “plague”.

Big Pharma has been deceiving people for ages with their bane of society: VACCINES.

Why do we vaccinate children now? There are no disease epidemics, we just “might catch it” so here, don’t trust your immune system, trust Pharma, they have a cure. Vaccinate all kids with 21 different “vaccines” so they can attend school. All military members must have a barrage of them because they might catch something?

Captive audiences, no wonder Pharma has so much money and clout.

Then remember the Roman Catholic Church changed the Lord’s Sabbath from Saturday to be Sunday because man can do as he wants. Defying the Lord. Done by CONSTANTINE the great.

Don’t forget we were lied to about the world trade centers being brought down by untrained pilot Muslims with box cutters. No controlled demolition here folks.

There are many big Psyops but folks are just now seeing things as Not Conspiracy theories but Real things.

How about all the fake perpetual wars, now it just happens to be Ukraine.

We cannot even question the Noah’s ark event because that may mean there is a God of Everything.

Look into what the current “Prophet” of the WEF and world leaders think about a man named Juval Harrari. He says “History began when man created God. History will end when man becomes God.” He is likely correct, but not in the way he believes.

This is the NWO plan for humanity.

Anyway, we have been deceived through the ages.

This Covid scam is just another atrocious one. And the damage is just revealing itself. So much more death and suffering to come from these lethal shots.

Help us wake up Father. 🙏🏻

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There’s no way Fauci took 4 rounds of this vaccine. He knows it’s poison.

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In the real world, many kids (like mine currently) are battling severe stomach viruses. They still recover quickly by and large but the process is painful. Meanwhile most like mine sailed through Omicron months ago with barely a sniffle. It’s hard to take the nonsense fearmongering Fauci spouts about kids and Covid. Dude just shut the hell up. Parents have real problems to deal with.

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Someone, somehow has to start up an unjabbed blood bank, blood supply!!

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Well done Veronic...few people not on the left (read conservatives) are thinking outside the box. While I doubt the regime (read healthcare/gov systems at all levels) would ever create and sanction this, it should be a concern to all.

What we have failed to understand from the start...that would be over 7 decades or more ago, is that the left plays the long game and has 10 ways to skin a cat. We only think there are one or two ways...so we miss the other 8 ways they use, to destroy our families, societies, health, economy, system of government, freedom and children.

We only arrived here (the chaos and tyranny we see daily), because we missed or ignored what they were doing behind the scenes.

The same is true with contaminated blood. You will eventually get their coveted spike protein and ANYTHING else they have mixed in that sludge, if you ever need a transfusion. You will not be told or even have the right, to question if the blood you receive during an operation is pure...why would you, the EXPERTS have already sanctioned it as safe and good...same goes for the blood your kids would get, if and when they need it.

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The people are evenly divided and most people are distracted and run down. The oppo has the mega-billionaire class, transnational corporations, govts, education systems and Big Tech on their side.

Get right with God.

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I've thought about this idea too! My husband and son can take my blood if needed ( I am a universal donor) but I can only have my blood type- and they ain't it :) Pretty much everyone else we know is jabbed.

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LB, this has been a concern of many thinking individuals, from the first day they rolled these sludge shots out. Stew Peters did a piece on the subject, with some good info, for those of us, who want to plan ahead. Take a look. I will also am going to post the transfusion question on Dr. Malone's sub stack. Since we now know the spike protein does indeed move around the body...via the blood stream, how in the world would it not be in the blood and plasma, that is donated by the jabbed? Additionally, if you google information about transfusion risk, the propogandists have done their work well...most sites state there is no risk of getting covid from a transfusion, because it's an airborne virus. No S**T sherlock, we are worried about all the crap they put in the sludge. Last thought...I can never give blood, because I was stationed in England for over a year. The reason is they had mad cow, which can be given to humans as BSE...all caused by a protein called a prion.


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With any luck, Fauci will enjoy long COVID and have to retire. Fitting since he helped finance and create it. Karma.

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The thing that is catching people like Fauci is that the unvax are not sick and when they get sick, they recover quickly. My entire family including 70+ parents are unv and have been well all year. My friends and workmates who were vaxd have had covid 3 to 4x already in the same time period. They keep asking, why are you not getting sick?! The unv are going to be a liability as the v get sicker more frequently and with more severe symptoms. This is what worries many about the need for the government to eliminate the control group.

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My girlfriend and I (who live together) also refused the shot. I got the rona flu early on...self diagnosed, as I refused to take their bogus tests (yes I knew from the beginning it was propaganda). I had severe flu symptoms for 3 days (at home), to include all the rona symptoms except loss of taste and sell.

Prior to that I had not had a sniffle for 8 years, due to a very clean and raw plant based diet.

Since that occurrence neither of us has been sick with even a cold. We go to stores un masked, interact with other unmasked vermin and are fine.

We also have friends, co-workers and family who took the jabs, masked up and are now chronically sick and have been since they got the first shot.

The eventuality of the un-jabbed will be, that they're are labeled the new Typhoid Marys. They set the ground work for this early in the scamdemic and it will be ramped up, as the narrative is pushed and assimilated by the children, who are being groomed in K-12 not just for sex/pedophilia, but also for being perpetuators of the numerous healthcare lies. They need them to perpetuate them, in order to control the populous.

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well said! we're like that black spot on an old mirror that you can't wipe away and ruins its whole allure.

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Yup totally agree. We had it Feb 2020 along with everyone else in Vancouver Canada

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Words from the "expert"- I will never believe an article ever again where the phrase "experts say"...

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Anthony - and people like you - deserve all that's coming to you.

He 'believes' it's working. Sure thing Tony. Whatever you say. Your are The Science (TM) after all.

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Well, I can finally claim some Canadian superiority in honesty: our gov (health minister Jean Yves Duclos) has admitted that the vaxxes will be continuous with no end in sight. You're only considered vaxxed if you've received the shot no more than 9 months ago.

At least he's honest? Sort of, despite all the other lies.

But alas, our gov is not completely honest. Our MSM outlets have been very very quiet over the farm protests in Holland etc. That's most likely because our dear leader has similar nitrogen reduction plans for Canada that farmers are already complaining about.

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Fauci, this flu has a 99.98% recovery rate if left alone. Get over yourself.

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