Dec 8, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Full disclosure I got the Pfizer shots four months ago. I have zero intention of getting the booster and will not be getting any shot because of Omicron and here is why. I am 60 years old and healthy, as of right now the symptoms of Omicron appear to be no worse than a bad cold, why would I get a shot for that? Also my brother in law and his wife were vaccinated six months ago, three weeks ago they both got the China virus they had a scratchy throat and lost the sense of taste and smell, after four days the symptoms went away and here is the thing dozens of my friends both vaccinated and unvaccinated had the same experience. So nope, I am done with this insanity.

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Thanks for letting us know. Hopefully many, many others who got jabbed will make the same decision.

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This is not an inquisition; only for a background context:

1. Why did you take it?

2. What research did you do?

"So nope, I am done with this insanity." It is too late for you! Alas.

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1. At that time the data we had was it was safe and over 95% effective also both my parents who are in their mid eighties with multiple chronic health problems, that I and my wife care for were high risk and we both did it to hedge against us giving it to them. They both passed this summer and no it was not from the China virus.

2. Read up on everything available at the time.

Not sure what you are talking about it being to late for me. Just had a full health check and I do mean full, I have a gold plated health plan and my doctor is smart as hell, we are talking the works, full cardiac work up, so many labs I feel like I was on a date with Dracula also urine sample all of it, no problems found the same with my wife.

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Thanks for the response.

1. I would not believe what the MSM, authorities, pundits, vax pimps say about the day of the week!

Re "data" and "studies" - I hope people always keep these in mind : the vax pimps also had their "data" and "studies" before they got their poisons (conditionally) approved. About 50% of peer reviewed data and studies are bogus.

2. It depends on your sources of info. Like having a wrong doctor.

I assume you consulted your doctor before taking the poisons.

I am so glad you are healthy. Gold-plated health plans mean squat, as many have found out.

"Too late" meaning the poisons are in your body; your DNA could be altered.

Did you take the D-Dimer test for micro clots?

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Welcome to the last hill!

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I won't do any boosters without the free donut or cheeseburger. It is after all, for my health.

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what about a selfie shot with a gal in a superhero costume?

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Ooooo, that'll be hard to turn down for a lot of fellas.🤠

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😆🍩🍔Got to have a sense of humor in these trying times!

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I want another dime bag of weed maaann - Voice of Tommy Chong

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This is so nuts they may lose many of the Team Vaccine folks who thought they’d only need one shot and then they would be clear to go back to normal. Or they will just double down on blaming the unvaccinated for everything. There’s a lot buyers remorse these folks are having and I do worry they will want to make the unvaccinated share in the pain of this mass health experiment

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They can donate their bodies to “science” while alive if they want, but we will still have our health. Stand strong.

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I am pushing back for my kids (daughter especially) as they have no idea the long term effects. Lucky I live in Texas

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They have more than enough "bodies"....

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That's a nice control group you've got there...

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The unboosted will soon be considered the enemy. Today, Fauci said it's not if but when the third dose will be needed to be in good graces. Then, the Omicron shot is making its debut in March, fashionably late but then that will be pushed too to participate in society (if there's much social structure left by then).

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Yes! They will boot the unboosted. They have already done that in Israel.

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And Lithuania LOL. 3 or you're out! Plus Israel has announced #4 is on the way and Lituania has announced #4 & #5 are on tap. Canada bought 135 million more for 38 million people.

Say no now or you're a pin cushion until you die (which might not be long).

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Yes. Please let people know - or remind them re dosage>2.

"...until you die (which might not be long)" That is my concern for humanity, especially the vaxed.

I did not say "no". I said "NEVER"!!!

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Love the last line. Mine is: "I'm not hesitant. I'm REFUSNIK"

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Is your "special delivery" also mRNA based?

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Old pro wrestler name!

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I should take "Dutch Savage" LOL

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I use old pro wrestlers as all my online names!

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My word...where did you get that 'loyalty card' graphic from? I'm wiping tears away from laughing....or should I be worried instead?

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At first I thought this vaccination push was just illogical and incompetent government leadership - the longer this has gone on the more i believe this is purely sinister and not remotely related to health and welfare. Which is why they are pushing the employer mandates so hard

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SD: Indeed, the "incompetent government" trope has long been used in mind controlling the masses. I'm happy for you to have seen through another layer of their BS.

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I’ve been on no mandate forever, mainly because we have never successfully been able to vaccinate against coronaviruses and I never thought it would fully work. Plus also there was no way of knowing long-term effects. But mid-summer it was clear this was far beyond health and more sinister and intentional to push these vaccines on kids especially

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I believe an element of the employer mandates is a general crackdown on internal dissent.

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Yes but in a tight labor market in many red states companies can’t let go of 20-30% of employees, especially field ones.

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Neocon WaPo editor who mocked "antivaxxers" dies suddenly of cardiac arrest. If only he was able to get the 6th booster in time.

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I'm sure his relatives will say "It would have been worse if he wasn't vaxxed"

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Yes, he could be still be alive to annoy them.

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Was it Fred Hiatt? Died at the age of 66 of a sudden cardiac arrest on Nov. 24, 2021.

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If you have a link, please flick it over. Thanks.

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If the first one does not get you, the boosters will. This should be obvious by now. These drug companies need more money to buy politicians, who will force you to get vaccinated. They will not stop until we are all vaccinated and or dead.

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The vaccines are the pandemic.

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I agree in totality.

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Yes, Bert. They're using the word "boosters" to mean boosting their bottom line. That's it. It's always about their use of word-spells to keep their agenda moving along in the minds of unsuspecting people. Check out this eye-opening link to "boost" and "booster" on Etymonline!


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They told on themselves without realizing it. That was good.

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March is perfect. Seasonality: winter wave will be cresting, so as new vax rolls out infections will decline. “It works!” The next wave: “need boosters!” The next variant and repeat.

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Has anyone else noticed all these C-19 vaxxine producing Pharma CEOs look quite unhealthy?

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A "deathly" pallor about them to be sure. Yea, that's the ticket

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Maybe because they're soulless drones?

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Was just thinking that as I looked at the CEO

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Alternate product name : "the ADE express"

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One shot is too many, but technically he is not pushing for 3 additional shots I don't believe, as your headline indicates (though I'm sure we will unfortunately get there!). His 3 shots to fight omicron are the two which are already out there plus go and get your booster nonsense.

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Surely they mean 3 shots including the 2 most people have had? If they mean another 3 shots then most of humanity is done. Might as well wave the white flag. Lucky for the species there is a resistance movement.


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