While I was never a fan of Trump necessarily, I did appreciate the fact that a war didn’t happen under his watch. I find it endlessly fascinating that Biden has screwed things up so royally.

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By design. Mendacity cloaked by a senile incompetent disposable fool.

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I get the willingness to believe that it’s by design but they can’t be both incompetent and incredible master planners. It’s either one or the other. You can’t have it both ways. They’re too obviously ridiculous to be this devious.

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I believe Biden was chosen and then wedged into office so they could get things done as quickly as possible without worrying about polls because he is completely disposable. We are living through Barry’s third term from the basement. Don’t underestimate the thirst for power and control as well as the deviousness of these pond scum dwellers.

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And don’t overestimate their capabilities either. They aren’t as clever as you’re making them out to be. It’s easier to think it’s part of some master plan than to consider they might just be incompetent.

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Ds want the war. It makes their donors happy (weapons & "green energy" lobby), distracts from the COVID fiasco, and gives the President a rally-around-the-flag boost. Propaganda -- their favorite tool -- is also considered acceptable during war time.

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Keep telling yourself it's just the D's. Neocon tradition also requires useful idiots.

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There was no new war under the previous R. Rs are moving away from neocons and attacking them as RINOs.

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You’re giving them way too much credit. Never assume malevolence where incompetence will do. It’s also true that support for the war is not nearly as strong to get a rally around the flag effect. The Afghanistan and Iraq wars involved actual soldiers from America which created the rally around the flag. What’s happening in Ukraine doesn’t have that effect thus there’s nothing in it for them politically. Yes, it has some benefit to arms manufacturers who give financially to their campaigns but as we’ve seen in the past few elections, money spent doesn’t always translate into the most votes.

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"It’s also true that support for the war is not nearly as strong to get a rally around the flag effect." - Yes, that's the incompetence part. More propaganda is needed, so expect more stories of Russian atrocities and escalation.

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Again, people will not be as concerned about that because it's not happening to Americans. Perhaps if it does, they will be more concerned and be willing to support it but until then we're likely to see people generally not focus on it.

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Fascinating like a slow motion train wreck ...

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Oh we’ve been in a slow motion train wreck for at least two years already.

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How about 100 years? Imperialism using democracy and patriotism as cover for legalized theft against the masses.

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Not really. The world has been steadily getting better over the past 100 years and not just through theft. In fact, theft has been decreasing over the past 100 years both on an individual level and at the state level. Democracy and patriotism isn’t inherently a bad thing either.

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Operation Warp Speed was worse, in a sense. Or how about his big, beautiful MOAB? Or perhaps his assassination of Solemoni? Not "Starting a war" is just a slogan.

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No, it wasn’t. In fact, many of those actions probably averted war. I don’t like operation warp speed because it’s obviously part of what’s made people so willing to do things like lockdowns and mask mandates and so many other things for so long. Because they viewed it as a magic bullet that was going to solve all their problems which it clearly hasn’t. As we’re learning now with Ukraine, saying words doesn’t have any impact on someone who is committed to invasion of another country. However, if you attack a high ranking official, they’re going to think twice.

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Don't be so quick to compliment Trump, he continued to arm Ukraine while he was POTUS. He had crap advisors after Paul Manafort was dumped.

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Noted. He still kept us war free for 4 years.

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I wasn’t complimenting him. I was simply stating facts about things that happened under his presidency and comparing them to facts that happened under Biden so far. I’m also not opposed to people or countries having weapons. While I’m not personally interested in owning any or violence in general, I don’t have a problem with other people having them or a country having them to defend against another obviously hostile country. Sadly, the world isn’t a very happy place to be.

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We had a great economy under Trump.

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I wouldn't say that. First of all I'm not American so it didn't necessarily benefit me what gains there were. The problem is that after almost a decade of a bad economy, he was able to improve it somewhat. That's good but it's like praising someone for being mildly competent at their job. It's not a good idea to praise someone or think positively of someone for being moderately good at their job.

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The economy boomed compared to Obama and now Biden/ Obama. A rising tide lifts all ships. He kept us out of wars. He curbed illegal immigration. Our enemies seemed to fear him enough to keep them at bay. He did run up the debt and start up that horrible vaccine money machine for big pharma,.... just to name a few. They are all a mixed bag, and these are just my opinions, which are subject to change.

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I understand that but what I mean is, when Trump came into office, we hadn’t really recovered from the 2008 financial crisis and we had a lot less money and a much worse economy compared to pre-2008. So we were already starting from a low level. I don’t praise the people who manage to get it up to 50% of pre-2008 levels.

I’m only interested in getting to the pre-2008 level of the economy in terms of jobs and things like that. So while it’s a good thing that the economy improved, I don’t think it’s something to praise anyone for. I couldn’t care less who is in office and what effect they may or may not be having on the economy if they’re still going from a historically low number.

An example is taking credit for “job growth” during the pandemic when the reason we had a “decrease” is because people were paid to stay home. People going back to jobs they already have is not job growth. Similarly, if someone has been looking for work since 2008 and is still unemployed, I don’t credit Trump with getting other people jobs. Until that person who has been out of work since 2008 can have a job, I couldn’t care less.

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Yep. And the pigs will feast at this giant bucket of slop as long as they are allowed to get away with it. We borrow (steal) from the future to do everything humanly possible to avoid hard work and discomfort on the social side and double down on the empire building side with more borrowed (printed / stolen) funding. It will end one way or another but I guarantee the future holds a long period of pain and suffering directly caused by American stupidity, greed and evil actions. Get ready for the "Long Emergency" (thanks JH Kunstler). Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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Honestly, the worst part about this Jordan is that it absolutely looks like the Biden regime had to military hardware pre-ordered as if they planned this all in advance. I truly believe the Russia Russia Russia push by the Biden. WH was the signal to ramp up for the MIC. It's really sad to say that, but the logistics happened way to fast for this to be a spontaneously implemented plan from the regime.

Hope I'm wrong, but that hasn't been the case for at least a couple years now

I'll be a paid subscriber for your work by the end of the week Jordan. You work is on another level all together. I'm just getting my start on SubStack.

Take care of yourself. The more you expose them, the bigger the circles on your back get.

Mark Bocij

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How many wars started under democrat president/ democrat control ? Progressives are no saint’s they use war for spending and control their citizens... and they said orange man bad was going to start WWIII !?!?!?

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If this report is correct (the silence on it has been deafening) then the US has become an active combatant in the war: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10733677/Moskva-sinking-Did-supply-Kyiv-location-Black-Sea-flag-ship.html

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major grift is right...look no further than our own congress...zelinksky ain't lily white by a long shot...how are we such idiots?... the people jarrett, obama, other fools, controlling biden don't like the USA....sad, republican leadership is who again...?..absolutely worthless...entering another election cycle..wait for the before/after integrity fake out...have to say Trump - a true HERO, almost our lone HERO...although I'd have to say DeSantis is rock solid thanks Jordan

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A truly horrifying situation, in so many respects. There will be zero benefit to the hardworking Americans who are paying to fund it-- in fact, middle America will end up paying dearly. In the end, Ukraine and the Ukrainian people will be destroyed by this proxy war with Russia. So very horrible and sad!

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The 4 years under Trump was a drought for them. Let the “good” times roll.

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The war profiteers are laughing - all the way to the bank! At the expense, of course, of U.S. taxpayers. As General Smedley Butler wrote - almost 100 years ago - WAR IS A RACKET.

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“In respect for America’s 21st century foreign policy tradition, the White House is operating with complete disregard for the U.S. Constitution. Congress did not declare war on Russia, yet the Biden Administration has announced a blank check policy to actively participate in a war occurring in the Russia-Ukraine border region.”

True but…does anyone believe Congress would vote against any of this?

As the late great Joe Sobran used to say, “Don’t worry ladies and gentlemen, the powers that be will never allow a little thing like the Constitution prevent them doing whatever they choose.”

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Loved Joe! A great man and patriot.

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Yes he was. Sorely missed today…

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I very much want the Ukrainians to succeed but not at any cost, either militarily or pecunarily. Americans are suffering with rampant inflation due to profligate government spending without any discernable accountability, and we are now contributing 500%+ more to Ukraine's defense than the next European/Slavic country, all of which are experiencing less than half of the U.S.'s inflationary pressures. Those theoretically most affected by this conflict are not, in aggregate, sacrificing even half as much as the U.S. in promoting a successful outcome for the Ukraine.

Given that the Biden Administration, which is a disgrace and abomination in every conceivable regard, has no accountability of the money or weapons we've given the Ukraine, and taking into consideration some of this largess is going directly to NATO partners without Congressional say-so, this qualifies as fraud and the American people should demand accountability from their elected officials. There is a balance of power for a reason, and it is long past time to introduce some accountability for this feckless administration.

Thank you, Jordan, for putting a tidy bow on an untidy subject, and hopefully the mid-term and 2024 elections offer us an ability to reintroduce some measure of sanity and accountability into our corrupt and completely ineffectual Federal Government.

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Bravo, well said.

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How many billions of dollars do we have lying around without a budget and with no controls on how it’s spent? If we’re going to war, doesn’t Congress have to authorize it? Over my lifetime, it’s always the Democrats who talk peace and wage war.

The conflict between Putin and Zelensky is not our fight. Use that money and weapons to stop the invasion happening on our Southern border. Yes, I am an isolationist. We have sacrificed blood and treasure to satisfy old neocons in power. Kick them out and get our house in order for once.

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They have no idea where the weapons end up? They should check out intel slava for a clue.

What doesn't get demolished the instant it enters Ukraine will be getting stuck in transit for easy destruction as Russia has busied itself in the last couple weeks taking out strategic bridges & railroad tracks all over western Uke.

What makes it through to remaining troops gets blown up with troops, or surrendered with troops that manage to shoot their Nazi superiors before their Nazi superiors shoot them. And then used against the remains of the Ukr army.

And videos exist, too, of disgruntled troops selling their arms for roubles and USD. So what doesn't get blown up on Ukraine will reappear somewhere else in Europe's terrorist hands.

What I'm looking forward to is China, & other manufacturing countries that we outsourced critical components to, having lockdowns that impede our resupply. For want of a nail, and all that.

Bloomberg, at least, is under the impression that we're burning through our stocks quickly. So resupply may not be so easy as they think. A significant chunk of the world is sick to death of US.

As to the impact so far of what they are selling to Ukr, per Nightvision at the Saker, none of big stuff is integrated to enable a cohesive, strategic response, no replacement parts or way to repair, insufficient fuel, limited ammo.

Iow, not a viable threat. Just a big bonfire to get rid of the old & force us to replace, while the US depopulates Ukraine to serve its own interests

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So disgusting.

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Will Russia attack US satellites? They did tell their pilots recently to be prepared to fly without GPS.

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Someone took out a comms tower in Transnistria the other day.

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The CNN article makes the claim that we don't know where this war material is going once it's in Ukraine, but without revealing its sources. Is it credible? Might they lie about this? How can we find out where these arms are really going? If the US distributes supplies the same way it did in Afghanistan and Iraq, a lot of dangerous military hardware will go missing.

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Check out Intel Slava Z for videos. Much is destroyed as soon as it's inside Ukraine. Much is captured as Ukr army runs or surrenders. Much is being sold in the field to anybody with roubles or $$.

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