Those selected war hawks are fighting a war to keep the dollars reserve currency status. It is over, as the lies always catch up. They are vultures who picked this country clean and now its time to pay the piper. I dont know if you saw the psychotic Pelosi trying to talk strategy with drunken slurs and the waving of the hands.
Precisely Jordan. If you live next to a cemetery, you can't cry for everyone. The world is a harsh place and this 8 year old war is the least of our problems. We need to look inwards at our own collapsing society.
Thank you for this article... I live in Ohio and have been wondering about JD Vance. I hope he makes a statement about being anti-mandate!!! So far, I don't think anyone in Ohio has - Republican or Democrat. If they did, it was censored!
Unfortunately, I don't think we can vote our way out of this. And I don't know of any real alternative that will be lasting and effective. But I do feel this is going to get bloody - more than it is already. The psychopaths in politics who think they know better don't give a fuck about 'the people'. All they care about is power.
No, we can't vote our way out of this. The only real alternative that would be lasting and effective is prosecution and then execution for treason. But that'll never happen, largely because we no longer have the men with balls to do the job.
The judiciary has been captured. It will take some form of revolutionary action to undo this. The trans movement is another attempt at destroying those balls to create a society of willingly mutilated people without the testosterone to fight back. As well as a psychological priming for trans-human as they try and merge us with their machines. Listening to Harari talk trans human eugenics at Davos is like being at a Nazi rally in the 30s.
RINO’s & DINO’s ; two sides of the same Globalist Coin. Dinos destroy us domestically, RINO’s use us to remake the world. We the People, we pretend we have control while we play their games and fight amongst ourselves.
Amen Brother, well put. When Rick Scott came out after the 2020 election spouting “ back to basics” message of tax cuts, etc.I said out loud that he doesn’t get it. Thats a DC rat for you. We need to elect a total new wave, a few Chip Roys, a few Massie’s, and the guys you cite. Then, term limits! DC needs an overhaul fast.
In late news the NYT endorsement of the Hunter Biden briefcase serves as a poignant reminder of "Russian disinformation" replaying over and over like a broken record. EVERY agency of the federal government in the USA is stained with the blood of hideous deception. Russian disinformation?!!! Please!!! How stupid do we have to be to fall for that again?
Sadly, people go to Washington for the illicit money these days. Maybe not 100% of the representatives, but probably damn near 85%. Trump didn't need the money, so he was in some key ways the ideal citizen/statesman-In other, less important, ways not so much. Let's all try to elect people who have Judeo/Christian values and respect the founding documents as they were written. Also remember that the folks we are voting for are best addressed as public SERVANTS and Representatives not leaders (they like that term for themselves). Very few of them will ever be real leaders.
Unfortunately, to do this, we all have to register as Republicans and make sure we pick the right people in our primaries. Do not leave it until November, or you will have nothing but RINO1 & DINO1 to choose between.
I’ll be voting for Republicans and in the primaries far sane anti-war republicans, but I’m a registered independent because I am independent. No clue which party I’ll support in 15 years. Decentralized anti-war pro school choice are what I’m looking for. Only a few options on the R side and zero on the D currently for my state 😩
The uniparty in the USA is much like the PRI in Mexico. The democrats are openly advocating total control of politics for their own wing of the uniparty, while the republicans are refusing to oppose them.
Look at the history of the PRI in Mexico and you'll see exactly what single party control of a political system becomes. One part of the corruption is already in place here: that people are allowed to vote, but the votes aren't actually counted and the winner is predetermined. Anyone who didn't see that in the most recent presidential election isn't looking.
RINOs are willing to kill Americans to cash their Lockheed Martin checks. Just as bad as BlueAnon Democrats.
And there are WAY too many. Primaries matter!!!
Graham,Romney, and the like need to be shown the door as soon as possible.
Those selected war hawks are fighting a war to keep the dollars reserve currency status. It is over, as the lies always catch up. They are vultures who picked this country clean and now its time to pay the piper. I dont know if you saw the psychotic Pelosi trying to talk strategy with drunken slurs and the waving of the hands.
It's like watching a Greek tragedy mixed in with some dark Shakespeare. They all kill each other in the end.
The only difference being that the audience cheers in the end.
Precisely Jordan. If you live next to a cemetery, you can't cry for everyone. The world is a harsh place and this 8 year old war is the least of our problems. We need to look inwards at our own collapsing society.
Thank you for this article... I live in Ohio and have been wondering about JD Vance. I hope he makes a statement about being anti-mandate!!! So far, I don't think anyone in Ohio has - Republican or Democrat. If they did, it was censored!
He is often on Tucker. I am pretty sure he is the real deal.
Unfortunately, I don't think we can vote our way out of this. And I don't know of any real alternative that will be lasting and effective. But I do feel this is going to get bloody - more than it is already. The psychopaths in politics who think they know better don't give a fuck about 'the people'. All they care about is power.
No, we can't vote our way out of this. The only real alternative that would be lasting and effective is prosecution and then execution for treason. But that'll never happen, largely because we no longer have the men with balls to do the job.
The judiciary has been captured. It will take some form of revolutionary action to undo this. The trans movement is another attempt at destroying those balls to create a society of willingly mutilated people without the testosterone to fight back. As well as a psychological priming for trans-human as they try and merge us with their machines. Listening to Harari talk trans human eugenics at Davos is like being at a Nazi rally in the 30s.
A new alternative would be a 3rd party, a Constitutional Democratic Republican Party.
The Dominion voting machines have taken care of that.
RINO’s & DINO’s ; two sides of the same Globalist Coin. Dinos destroy us domestically, RINO’s use us to remake the world. We the People, we pretend we have control while we play their games and fight amongst ourselves.
Amen Brother, well put. When Rick Scott came out after the 2020 election spouting “ back to basics” message of tax cuts, etc.I said out loud that he doesn’t get it. Thats a DC rat for you. We need to elect a total new wave, a few Chip Roys, a few Massie’s, and the guys you cite. Then, term limits! DC needs an overhaul fast.
In late news the NYT endorsement of the Hunter Biden briefcase serves as a poignant reminder of "Russian disinformation" replaying over and over like a broken record. EVERY agency of the federal government in the USA is stained with the blood of hideous deception. Russian disinformation?!!! Please!!! How stupid do we have to be to fall for that again?
Nailed it. We need a RINO hunt.
Dominion will have something to say about that! Being an Aussie, I am astonished at how corrupt the USA electoral system is. It is second-world stuff.
Yeah, we're pretty astonished, too!
Sadly, people go to Washington for the illicit money these days. Maybe not 100% of the representatives, but probably damn near 85%. Trump didn't need the money, so he was in some key ways the ideal citizen/statesman-In other, less important, ways not so much. Let's all try to elect people who have Judeo/Christian values and respect the founding documents as they were written. Also remember that the folks we are voting for are best addressed as public SERVANTS and Representatives not leaders (they like that term for themselves). Very few of them will ever be real leaders.
Unfortunately, to do this, we all have to register as Republicans and make sure we pick the right people in our primaries. Do not leave it until November, or you will have nothing but RINO1 & DINO1 to choose between.
I’ll be voting for Republicans and in the primaries far sane anti-war republicans, but I’m a registered independent because I am independent. No clue which party I’ll support in 15 years. Decentralized anti-war pro school choice are what I’m looking for. Only a few options on the R side and zero on the D currently for my state 😩
I think there will be no political parties in 15 years.
I think that there will be only one political party, instead of the current fiction of two parties.
DC will be devising a workaround this election... if it even happens.
When are Americans going to wake up? It’s so frustrating!!
The uniparty in the USA is much like the PRI in Mexico. The democrats are openly advocating total control of politics for their own wing of the uniparty, while the republicans are refusing to oppose them.
Look at the history of the PRI in Mexico and you'll see exactly what single party control of a political system becomes. One part of the corruption is already in place here: that people are allowed to vote, but the votes aren't actually counted and the winner is predetermined. Anyone who didn't see that in the most recent presidential election isn't looking.