Who is running the country right now?
We have no idea, but it's certainly not Joe Biden or Kamala Harris.
The powers that be have sent President Joe Biden on vacation to California for the remaining days of the Democratic National Convention (DNC). He is currently tucked away on a five-day vacation at the estate of a billionaire Democrat donor. His schedule over the past two days has been entirely empty.
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Last week, President Biden was on vacation to Camp David. The week before, he was on vacation in Delaware.
Ever since he was effectively forced to surrender the Democratic nomination to Vice President Kamala Harris, Biden has been missing in action. Sure, before that, he was barely functional, but Biden’s schedule has now reached new levels of absurdity. Yet it looks like this is the game plan for his handlers for the next 151 days until Inauguration Day 2025 arrives.
Joe Biden is not just a lame duck. He’s not a duck at all. He is the de jure president, but certainly not the de facto president.
So who exactly is running the country? Nobody outside of the upper echelons of the Washington D.C. political elite seems to know.

The president of the United States is rarely seen or heard from these days. And Kamala Harris will be busy until November on the campaign trail, flying around the country to bolster support for her own presidential run.
There are plenty of rumors that Barack and Michelle Obama hold massive sway over the direction of the Democratic Party. As does the Clinton machine, but to a lesser degree. Yet they’re not the ones calling the shots on a day-to-day basis.
Some reports indicate that select elements within the White House Domestic Policy Council and the National Security Council — along with prominent outside donor and institutional forces — are calling the shots in the Biden Administration. However, the corporate media and the White House refuse to acknowledge the obvious reality that neither the president nor Kamala Harris is making policy decisions on a day to day basis. So that leaves us in the dark entirely. You would think this would be Pulitzer-worthy material for a go-getter journalist, but today’s Pulitzers are granted to those who act as regime sycophants, not independent-minded muckrakers.
Speaking of VP Harris, she has yet to articulate any major policy platforms for her presidential run. She doesn’t seem particularly interested in policy at all. Her only guiding principle is that she must continue to obtain power. Should Harris secure the presidency in November, we may once more find ourselves in a position of wanting to know who is making these big calls and pulling the strings behind the scenes, because Harris will have delegated all of that work to others, while she sits on the throne and watches the country melt beneath her.
The American taxpayer deploys almost a trillion dollars a year into defense spending. At the very least, it would be great to know who or what entities are commanding our troops, but we are just not getting those answers.
In an increasingly hostile and interconnected world, with a multipolar geopolitical environment fast becoming a permanent reality, the American government is without a visible, true command structure. And that benefits almost nobody.
I wonder the same thing nearly every day. It's unbelievable.
The fact that this question has gone completely uninvestigated by our media - and hasn't raised alarm bells among most Americans - is mind-boggling to me! Our federal government right now is a complete sham. Smoke and mirrors. Truly "Wizard of Oz" stuff. Time to pull back the curtains on it all.