Two-Faced: Fox News, Newsmax go above and beyond Biden ‘vaccine rules’ with punitive policies for ‘unvaccinated’ employees
Daily COVID tests, mask mandates.
Despite claiming to champion the cause of freedom from experimental medical treatments, conservative media outlets Fox News and Newsmax have created an incredibly punitive and coercive work environment for “unvaccinated” employees, while repeatedly stating otherwise in public forums.
The two corporations have not only been abiding by the infamous Biden “vaccine mandate” OSHA rule, Newsmax and Fox are going well above and beyond the minimum edicts presented to them by the federal government. Even as the “vaccine rule” remains legally contested (a U.S. appeals court temporarily blocked the measure this weekend), both organizations have implemented a series of COVID policies that treat “unvaccinated” workers as second class citizens.
On air and in print, the two networks have sent out high-profile employees to champion the claim that there is no COVID injection mandate, presenting themselves as defiant in the face of government overreach.
However, internal documents reviewed by The Dossier show that both corporations are running a relentless coercion campaign to pressure employees into taking COVID shots, while setting up discriminatory structures for those who choose not to show proof of having complied. Failure to comply will result in discriminatory sanctions, such as having to wear a mask in the office ( “vaccinated” employees do not need to do so), and even subjecting “unvaccinated” employees to a COVID test before being granted clearance into the building.
Fox News
At Fox worksites, employees who have not taken the COVID shots or who “have not disclosed their vaccination status” via the company’s entry pass mobile application are subject to several discriminatory measures.
Unlike their “vaccinated” co-workers, the non-compliant must take a daily COVID test for clearance to enter the workplace.
On October 15, Fox established their “daily testing program,” which forces non-compliant employees to undergo a mid-nasal swab every time they show up to work. They must then wait outside the premises until the test comes back negative. For employees on a time-sensitive schedule, this daily testing requirement means they have to come to work much earlier than their “vaccinated” colleagues, who, while being just as likely to spread the virus that causes COVID-19, do not have the daily testing requirement.
Fox’s Human Resources department has been sending a bombardment of emails to the “unvaccinated” employees, reminding them that the punitive measures will no longer be necessary if they comply.
Please keep in mind that if you become fully vaccinated … you will no longer be required to participate in daily COVID testing,” an email from Human Resources reads.
Over the weekend, a memo was circulated to top talent at Newsmax with a link to an article featured on the company homepage, titled, “Newsmax Opposes Vaccine Mandate, Here’s Why.” Several Newsmax affiliated employees championed the article on their social media pages, declaring that the company does not at all have a “vaccine mandate” or discriminate against people who decided not to take COVID shots.

However, when digging deeper into the article, Newsmax actually admits that they are fully accommodating the Biden OSHA “rule” through a weekly COVID testing regimen. And the story was published Sunday despite the edict recently being ruled illegitimate the day prior by the U.S. Court of Appeals 5th Circuit.
On Friday, Newsmax sent out an email to all staff telling them that the company is implementing the OSHA rules starting December 5th.
“To ensure that we are in compliance, we require that all vaccinated employees submit a copy of “heir vaccination card” by December 3. The email reads.
And the most strict measure being utilized against the “unvaccinated” did not make it into the online Newsmax story.
The email continues,
“Beginning December 5, employees who are not vaccinated will be required to wear a mask while working in the office.”
Again, nowhere in the company editorial is this mentioned. There are no studies that show masks have any benefit whatsoever when it comes to stopping the spread of COVID-19. And as mentioned earlier, “vaccinated” individuals are just as likely to spread COVID as “unvaccinated” people, making the planned Newsmax mask policy a form of punishment and petty coercion.
“Beginning on January 4, 2022, all employees should be fully vaccinated,” the email states, reminding staff that failure to do so will result in weekly COVID testing.
What are their competitors doing?
Blaze Media and The Daily Wire have struck a more defiant tone. Both have expressed their public opposition to the Biden rule, with top executives from the organizations publicly stating that they have no intention on imposing a similar mandate on their employees. The latter outfit is currently organizing a legal campaign to defeat the measure in court. Pending legal challenges, the Biden Administration has set its OSHA rule to commence on January 4, 2022.
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Fox is Republican, not conservative; a big difference. We quit them 7 years ago when we tossed the satellite dish. As for the other one, the time or two I tried to watch it, it seemed to be little more than two people with big mouths, shouting. I couldn’t tell if they were conservative or not.
I was getting major pressure from my management about this issue. They refused evidence of my natural immunity- then they refused a mask exemption from my physician - I have asthma and can't tolerate wearing a mask 10 hours a day. I was told not to prescribe safe effective outpatient meds for cv- only to push the jab. After 24 years in practice -I let my medical license expire in 2020. Never going back- can't be part of the lies anymore.