Succession: Soros nepo baby takes over his father's globalist empire
We are rooting for failure.
The Wall Street Journal has just published a report that George Soros has handed over his vast globalist empire to his son, the 37 year old Alexander Soros.
In an interview with the younger Soros that reads like a press release, the WSJ highlights how Soros intends on making the Soros properties even “more political” than they already were.
Who is Alexander Soros? Here’s a quick rundown.
Soros’s strongest passions include hobnobbing with globalist parasites, subsidizing left wing movements, and agitating against the world’s lone Jewish state, an endeavor that surely makes his kapo father proud. Similar to his father, Alex Soros uses his Jewish heritage as a moral shield to advance far-left progressive causes, declaring any and all detractors to his ideology as anti semites and white supremacists.
The new public facing leader of Soros Inc is not exactly an inspiring public figure, to put it mildly. Despite not being able to string a sentences together without the use of three dozen verbal pauses, Alexander Soros supposedly “earned” a PhD from U Cal Berkeley. To get a sense of what we mean, check out this recent Q&A from the sidelines of the World Economic Forum’s latest annual Davos confab:
Alexander Soros appears to have never held a real job.
He spent most of his 20s and 30s as a partying New York socialite who was “working on his PhD.”
Since then, he has established “philanthropies” that use his father’s money to advance leftist causes.
A standard climate hoax hypocrite, Soros makes demands of others to lower their “carbon footprint,” while regularly traveling around the world via private jet and owning homes that he purchased with his father’s money in Berkeley, Manhattan, and throughout Europe.
Overall, I am incredibly bullish about this move.
According to the Harvard Business Review, some 70% of family-owned businesses fail or are sold before the second generation takes the reins. And only 10% of those businesses make it to the third generation. While George Soros’s vast properties are both businesses and “non-profits,” the same rules and odds generally apply to both types of institutions.
Advocates for human freedom should rejoice, and hope that the Alexander Soros wields complete control over Soros Inc, as that would be the fastest route to its demise.
Love him or hate him, the elder Soros undoubtedly possesses a brilliant financial and political activist oriented mind, having successfully established an NGO superpower that has fully integrated its large nefarious influence into the hearts of countless governments. Alex Soros, on the other hand, is merely a beneficiary of nepotism, and nothing more than a midwit, guilt-ridden leftist ideologue.
I don’t know about you, but I look forward to the swift collapse of Soros Inc under Alex’s watch.
Love how they've taken it upon themselves to "solve the problems of the world". 😂 What utter claptrap. They've set about profiting from them. End of. They've also taken it upon themselves to decide what these problems are, whether the world is in agreement or not. This often involves distortion, amplification, manipulation, and wholesale fabrication of said "problems". Now we've entered the even more perilous and nefarious territory of these sociopaths instigating them, too. Planning and executing them to "hurry it along" a bit, so they can come swooping in with their pre-prepared "solutions". Operation "warp speed" - what utter bs. All for an endless buck and profit from medical and techno "innovation" that is NOT in our interests, but designed to damage and control us. These parasites need to be stopped at all costs.
I hope you're right: you probably will be about the son not being very bright, based on what you've written and what I've read over the years about him. Say what we will about his dad, a self admitted Nazi collaborator, he started with nothing and built it to a $32 billion or so empire. Very smart guy, just with all the worst values and ideas, those of an anarcho-communist. My experience with those of inherited wealth is that they are never as talented nor intelligent as the parent(s) and usually don't amount to much because of that fact and that they've never had to "make the team" in anything, relying on the parent's bribing, cajoling and otherwise covering up for the kid's stupidity and laziness. Think Ted Kennedy but instead of an Irish Catholic, a secular Jew.
Danny Huckabee