Season Two of COVID Mania Begins
“Public health experts” are doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.
The COVID-19 hysteria cycle has come full circle.
Respiratory sickness season is around the corner, and with the rise in related illnesses has come a rise in detected COVID cases. Case counts are growing across the United States, especially in areas of the country that are seeing colder weather, and many states have already reacted to this increase by imposing tyrannical restrictions on their citizens. New York, New Jersey, California, Illinois, Colorado, and several other states have already enacted a new round of draconian restrictions on business and society.
The usual suspects on television, in public health departments, and political outfits are weaponizing this so-called surge to once again demand overwhelming restrictions across America to “save hospital capacity” and “keep the system afloat.” If it sounds familiar, that’s because we’ve seen this movie before, and where it ends up. Remember “flatten the curve?” That idea is once again back in the public health discussion. Simply put, we are entering season two of the hit drama series known as COVID-19.
Short of any new or functional ideas, the panic brigade is dusting off their original pandemic hysteria and panic playbook as if we hadn’t already tried these measures. We have come all the way around to back to the original goal of the 15 days to slow/stop the spread campaign, which was overtly purposed with protecting the healthcare system. For an idea of what’s going on throughout social media and television, see this panicked tweet from Dr. Scott Gottlieb, the COVID-19 hustler:

Remember, back in March we did not have the knowledge about COVID-19 that we possess today, and back then, there were somewhat legitimate fears of system overload. However, we now know that even the “15 days to slow the spread” lockdowns were not at all necessary to save capacity, because the virus is not nearly as harmful as advertised, and the vast majority of people who acquire COVID-19 either don’t know they have it or have incredibly mild symptoms. The most recent data on COVID-19 suggests that the recovery rate for the disease is closing in on 99.9%.

As for all of the restrictions that have been re-proposed, it’s worth remembering:
Masks don’t work. Nowhere in the world have masks worked. In cities with almost unanimous mask compliance, cases are still rising. Masks only contribute additional harm to the COVID-19 problem.

Lockdowns don’t work to stop a virus. Lockdowns have been tried in over 100 countries. They devastate societal cohesion and only contribute additional harm.
A nightly curfew doesn’t work. Curfews have been tried in dozens of countries. They do nothing productive.
These are failed ideas, and effectively serve as poison pills. There is no stopping this virus, and it’s time to live our lives as normal and accept that reality.
As the famous saying goes, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” We need to put an end to the insanity before it takes hold permanently.
Make sure to enjoy your Thanksgiving and do what you can to educate your social circles about the harm caused by these barbaric non pharmaceutical interventions to “stop the spread.” Spend time with your friends and family. Turn off the television. If you give these people an inch, they’ll take a mile. Reject the hysteria. Demand your local and state politicians do the same. Enough is enough. We need to end COVID mania while it’s only in season two, or we’ll be stuck in this failed COVID hysteria cycle indefinitely.
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The very 'idea' that upwards to 73 million of my fellow Americans could possibly vote for a 77 year old pedophile, traitor, career politician who's done absolutely NOTHING for his country in 47 years and who's afraid to come out of his mommy's basement is totally repulsive to my intellect. And this creepy old man has stated that he would "mandate" masks for all Americans, at all times, everywhere. If you voted for him and are reading this, please please please tell me wtf you were thinking. Asking for a friend.
I call it the "democrat virus". I think everyone should.