Your best piece yet.

For added angst, you might have pointed out that Greco-Roman government–always better at politicking than governing–is reaching its nadir just as Confucian government–always better at governing than politicking–is reaching its zenith.

The PRC will celebrate its first centennial next month, and it begins with a manned Chinese space station in orbit, and one (very advanced) probe on the dark side of the moon and another on Mars.

And that's just the beginning.

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Jun 20, 2021Liked by Jordan Schachtel

“ over monetized, and further corrupted”

Jordan that’s the entire Federal government and elites.

The one vital angle of Foreign Policy you don’t mention is every war and every Intelligence and Security increase, always justified by our wars and our many enemies therein is used to increase control and domination over Americans.

Usually while weakening the elected government. No President has profited from war since FDR. Instead they are weakened in the elected executive , whilst the unelected grew ever stronger.

Indeed the branches of government that remained loyal to the Constitution until the end - the end was January 20th- those branches and DOD especially grew far weaker in Power and certainly reputation as the result of every war since WW2. Nor did Congress escape unscathed, they are a shell of themselves in Power, actual power including the purse.

You have named some who grew rich, true. But our real government of course are Ivy Leaguers, our real government is domestically Finance and the State Department abroad.

America has no embassies, those are Imperial Administrative buildings.

Odd, but true.

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That was good. Get your own house in order first. Nobody seems to grasp that simple truth. People want to mind other peoples’ business.

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