‘COVID Zero’ New Zealand has completed its transformation into a full-blown Police State
Supportive Kiwis have gone mad.
New Zealand, the last of the dedicated “COVID Zero” nations on earth, has completed its transformation into a full-blown tyrannical regime, and shockingly, it has come with the consent of the vast majority of Kiwis.

Once hailed as the media and “public health experts’” favorite COVID-19 managerial “success story,” the puff pieces have been increasingly hard to find, as Wellington has spawned a dystopian concoction of insane, despotic government edicts, claimed as an absolutely necessary part of their everlasting fight against a disease with a 99.8% recovery rate.

Just observe what has happened in the Five Eyes partner nation during this week alone:
1) Virtually the entire country is once again under an indefinite lockdown, after a few COVID-19 cases were reported throughout the nation. A single case necessitates a “snap lockdown,” in which all rights of millions of citizens are immediately restricted and indefinitely subject to the containment of a seasonal respiratory disease. The current lockdown has been extended over Auckland until at least mid September, with many predicting a much lengthier sentence. According to past precedent, Kiwis will not receive their freedom back until — this is the truly insane part of Zero COVID — there is zero community spread of COVID-19.
And the second another case pops up on the radar, the entire country goes back to square one of the Zero COVID protocol.

2) A man is being shamed by his countrymen for having the audacity to “escape” from a government-sanctioned COVID internment camp. The camps have been described in a more positive, but false light by the press and government officials as “quarantine hotels,” but it is most certainly an internment facility, as leaving is not allowed, and it carries a fine and lengthy prison sentence.
The Hill reported: “The person was charged with failing to comply with New Zealand’s coronavirus health order. Under a new law passed last year, he could face a fine or up to six months in jail if convicted.”
3) The country’s police and military services are installing security checkpoints throughout New Zealand in an effort to make sure citizens are not traveling during the lockdown. Freely traveling during the lockdown now carries a massive fine and/or prison sentence as punishment.

New Zealand is now the only country in the world left that is dedicated to COVID Zero, the pursuit of the total elimination of a virus from their nation, which has been under a government-sanctioned self-siege since the beginning of 2020. All of the other nations that attempted to pursue the pseudoscience behind COVID Zero have failed in catastrophic fashion. New Zealand has transformed from a highly-touted COVID “success story” to a full-fledged house of horrors, and sadly, there is no end in sight to the ongoing madness.
The people brought this on themselves. Although I find it extremely hard to believe that 85% of kiwis are in favor: The data-manufacturing "pollsters" will take their lies straight to "presstitutes" who will read anything off a teleprompter to keep their cushy jobs. The bit of potential compassion I have for them is if they are genuine victims of MK-ULTRA or other government sponsored mind-control.
There is, as you say, no end in sight and I fear that things will only become more authoritarian as the masses demand greater and greater restrictions on freedoms 'to stop the virus'. Even now, if you disregard the rules you risk being reported to the police by a neighbour and pilloried in the media. The economic consequences too will be devastating. That is coming.
Unfortunately, when opposition parties in our parliament fault or challenge the government's strategy, it has only been to point out that the strategy is not hard line enough (especially when it comes to the quarantine hotels).
And the media are now simply government mouthpieces having received large subsidies since early 2020. No dissenting opinions are permitted. As our prime minister has stated "We will continue to be your single source of truth" and she tells us to disregard any contrary information.
The good news, if there is some, is that there is a growing awareness by a minority of individuals in New Zealand that something is not right and this movement is picking up steam.