Chinese olympians are "miraculously" avoiding COVID-19, despite hundreds of cases in Beijing bubble
Miracle or mirage?
Dozens of olympians are currently being quarantined in Beijing after testing positive for the coronavirus. And as of Tuesday, at least 159 athletes and team officials, in addition to hundreds of olympics personnel, have tested positive for COVID-19 since the games began. Amazingly, none of these positive cases are being reported from the Chinese delegation.
Since they decided to leave COVID Mania behind in early 2020, China has engaged in aggressive, shameless rigging of their COVID data, claiming that they have stamped out the pandemic through pseudoscientific “public health” measures.
The Chinese Communist Party continues to defend its publicly reported COVID data, which has not at all withstood the scrutiny of data emerging out of the Beijing olympic bubble.

Of the 176 athletes and hundreds more team officials that China sent to the games, it appears that, miraculously, China has had zero publicly reported COVID cases, and they’ve been able to avoid the infamously awful hotel quarantines imposed on international athletes.
According to an information booklet given to athletes, it seems that the government of China is ultimately responsible for COVID-19 matters during the olympics, but other countries have some kind of oversight over their own athletes’ COVID testing outcomes.
American figure skater Vincent Zhou — whose parents left China for the United States — is one of the most recent athletes from the U.S. to test positive, which forcibly ended his 2022 Olympic run.
The publicly reported list of positive tests among athletes, via Forbes, includes other Americans, Russians, Nowegians, Austrian, German, and Ukrainian athletes. A Chinese athlete has yet to make the list.
Is the Chinese government attempting to set up a competitive edge for its medal aspirations? Given the conditions of their “quarantine hotels,” that might very well be the case.
Discussing the conditions of these “quarantine hotels,” athletes have described "inedible meals," adding that authorities grant them zero access to training equipment.
"My stomach hurts, I'm very pale, and I have huge black circles around my eyes. I want all this to end. I cry every day. I'm very tired," a Russian olympian said in an Instagram video.

Facing criticism of the isolation protocols, organizers continue to maintain that everything in Beijing is proceeding according to normal standards.
“We will allow as many people out of isolation as we can, but only as many as we can do safely,” Brian McCloskey, chairman of the expert medical panel for the Beijing Games, said Tuesday.
It appears that the Chinese government, which manifested the most successful psychological operation in human history through its “zombie land” Wuhan coronavirus campaign, is once more up to no good.
What did they expect.... Lol. I get that it's a once in a lifetime opportunity for these athletes, but if there was ever an Olympics to boycott...
Little doubt that most of the positives are rigged. Grifters keep grifting until they get stopped. As far as the athletes, they should have known what they were getting into. Don't hold your breath waiting for ANY country to protest this.