Biden Admin tacitly admits that mRNA shots have failed
$5 billion taxpayer dollars invested in "next gen" vaccines.
The national emergency is over, but “Project Next Gen” has just begun.

On the same day the Biden Administration declared an end to the Covid hysteria era, the White House launched what amounts to Operation Warp Speed 2.0, devoting at least $5 billion dollars to develop new coronavirus injections.
It goes without saying that taxpayers are once more getting absolutely fleeced. As readers of The Dossier know all too well, Pfizer and Moderna have raked in hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded profits over the past few years.
And given that these two events occurred on the same day, this situation stinks of a quid pro Joe - a seeming $5 billion+ Big Pharma golden parachute commitment in exchange for the money train coming to an end.
But what’s most important here, if you read between the lines in the government’s rhetoric, is the tacit admission that mRNA “vaccines” have failed.
Not once does the government’s spoon-fed Washington Post scoop on Project Next Gen even mention mRNA.
While some Americans are half a dozen (or more?) mRNA shots deep by now, the White House coronavirus chief declared the need for “next-generation vaccines and treatments.” While some Americans decided to spend the last three years shooting up Covid shots like street junkies, the White House has bad news for these NPCs, as the piece notes that the Biden Administration intends to focus significantly on funding new nasal vaccines.
Moreover, a senior HHS official made mention of how they are “surveying the landscape out there — assessing what vaccine candidates are available, [and] moving through what exciting technologies are there” for funding. That sure doesn’t sound like a ringing endorsement of the mRNA gene serum.
Project Next Gen has bold ambition, the WaPo stenographer proclaims, as it intends to fund R&D to create a pan-coronavirus vaccine. What remains unexplained is how exactly they will create an effective universal vaccine, when they haven’t ever displayed the ability to adequately protect against a single coronavirus strain.
A product that was once widely marketed as the cure to the coronavirus has become so unpopular in the sane world that neither The Washington Post nor the Biden Administration will even discuss it. It’s a tacit admission of a historic, bipartisan failure. Nonetheless, the Big Pharma-Big Government mafia continues marching forward.
It’s not just Pharma monopolist Bill Gates who believes the mRNA is not actually useful in combatting coronaviruses. It appears the White House now shares this sentiment, too.
White House launching yet another $5 billon bioterror money laundering program.
More money laundering. Also as a nurse of 20 years who’s always been very pro vax. I’ll never take another vaccine again.