Abandon ship! Governors scramble to end lockdowns, mask mandates
16 states are now following the science.
It took an entire year, but lockdowns and mask mandates are officially incredibly unpopular with half of the country, to the point that governors are rapidly making sweeping changes to their year-long COVID-19 policies.
Jumping onto the coattails of pro-individual freedom leaders like governors Ron DeSantis (R-Florida) and Kristi Noem (R-SD), the governors of Mississippi and Texas decided Tuesday to announce an end to business restrictions and statewide mask mandates.
Both Tate Reeves (R-MS) and Greg Abbott (R-TX), who had long taken a nanny state approach to the COVID-19 crisis, acted almost simultaneously to announce the end of statewide restrictions.

The centrally planned solutions to COVID-19 have failed spectacularly, and the American people have taken notice of this reality. Hundreds of millions have now been through a full year of government-imposed tyranny on both a federal and state level. Whether it was a travel ban, an endless series of lockdowns, mask mandates, countless emergency orders, business closures, and the like, not a single top-down order from the federal or state level did anything productive for the wellbeing of Americans.
None of it worked. All of it served as a net negative. The people have noticed.
Now that their constituents have had enough, politicians on the Right are fast departing from the COVID tyranny, and attempting to secure what is left of their political aspirations.
Abbott and Reeves are not the only GOP governors moving fast in ending the restrictions, several other governors have recently acted to roll them back.
On February 12, Montana Governor Greg Gianforte lifted his statewide mask mandate.
On February 8, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds lifted Iowa’s statewide mask mandate along with several other restrictions.

On February 22, North Dakota took it a step further. Its legislative body took the bold step in voting to make mask mandates illegal.
As of March 2, there are now 16 states that no longer have statewide mask orders.
However, across the political divide, there remains no end in sight to the corona madness. Much of the Left continues to embrace and root on endless COVID-19 restrictions, and the hijacking of individual rights in the name of a virus.
Governor Gavin Newsom of California took to Twitter in describing the end of restrictions as “absolutely reckless.”

It took long enough, but it’s now official: Governors who continue to impose lockdowns and mask mandates are fast becoming as popular as Red Sox fans in the Yankee Stadium bleachers, at least in half of the country. The internal polling is out, and the draconian restrictions are being abandoned in droves. History will not be kind to the remaining high-handed holdouts.
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One of the best decisions I have made in 2021 so far has been to subscribe to the dossier. You offer practical insights on a variety of topics.
Thanks, Jordan! I think that most governors who end these cruel measures have a political agenda. Recall on the table? Election cycle coming up? And here is what is sick: I have a friend in Iowa who told me, as you mentioned, that Kim Reynolds ended the mask mandate, but guess what? The majority of businesses and people are STILL demanding customers and employees wear the Satanic ritual humiliation/conversion face muzzle! This is breaking the law, and I am OUTRAGED that more is not being done to challenge this unlawful mess.
Also, all I can say about Newssolini is F**K him. I'm sorry/not sorry for my strong language, but he's an evildoer. He is absolutely black-out drunk on power and he DELIGHTS in punishing his constituents. That is full-blown psychosis. I will not bow to his Satanic illusion of power over me, for I am a sovereign Creator-Being.